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AMERICANS IN GRAND PRIX r k Macomber and Widener Stables Well Represented in Great French Race. . A. K. Maioinl-ers entries hi the 1991 running of tin- Grand Prix de Paris. Hi,, great French race, which in monetary returns is the richest race run a anywhere, number twenty six. and are as fellows: The Albatroas. ch. c, by Carle Posy bred in America; Tin- Bohemian, br. c. by Jim Gaffney " Kittenish bred in America: Pommeret. gr. c. by Isard 11. Noval; Kaaaib, eh. c. by Fauclicnr Safety Fin: lassv. ch. e, by Rabelais Imprtidetite II.: Net. ch. c by Rabelais Xette; kfoacopole. b. e. by Macd. nahl II Marie ].oui-e III.: Cybar. b. C. by Durbar Cypriae; Flossier de Hove. b. c. by T Feotien Principality: Ma Fancy, b. f. by Prestige -Ma Lady Lu; Mi-s Gmstigne, i«. f. by Rnbemia Mi— Geunos: Mortemer. br. e, by Borgos fcfag- ilalina: PetsUt, b. c. by Sea Sick Petelaace; Stir biton. br. c. bj Sea Sick Suresiht; Dorklug, b. C, b.v Sea Sick Durigen; Pergola, b. C, by Main-tenon Perperaa: Maripoasn. blk. e, by Maintenon -Mari-ka: Phusla, eh. e, by Mainteiioti Papa loan. Cortland, ck. C. by Maintenon • art Drees; Protny, b. or blk. e. by As dAtOUt Finn: Lo Ploinoiit. b. e. by Bceuen Paaiphae II.; Doreid. b. f. b.v Galloping Simon Fine Feather-: Hurry Up II.. eh. f. by F -nix Fp Rising; Patmaiere, b. f. by Bruleur -Paati yeook : Pornia, eh. f. by Preatlge— Foresight, and Talou. b. c. b.v Friant II. Friijiiette. acqnired bj purchase from Prince Marat. wh trans felled the nomination to Mr. Macomber. J. F. Widener- parries ill tin- same race are: Black Larry, Mk. c, by Nimbus -The Pylde; Bligny, h. ■. by Ecouen -Oreade; CoatabeBa, i«. .-. by Ecouen Nature: Mu-cidtn. b. or br. c. by Sar-danapale * Oriana; Tinkling Hell-, b. f. by Rlre anx Laraaea I/Adorable, ami La Candeur, br. f, by Sanlanapalc Love Bliak.