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■ ■ ! _ ■ ■ _ ■ ." ■ 51 . , | . : • : ; • • •" M • • I I i : I = -i .1 . ." ." r ■ ." J ■ ." s ■ ■ ,s . ;l as j I - I I ." - .- 4 ■ a t | D by i „ n ., a C 5 I 7 5 | K r J l ■ •. I .-, • • •"» -v: _ -s V „• . HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA, TUESDAY. JANUARY 2s. 1881.— OricsUI Park. Flfty-nTst day Cuba V1nerie.u1 Jockey and Auto Cluh. Winter M.-. tin, o| 100 days or more. Weather clear; temperature 90 . stewards, j. H.i.hiiieister. C. H. i. an-. 1,1. and F I. Bruca Starter, James F. Milton Racing Bec- retnry. M. Nathans. m. Racing starts at 2:80 p. m. Chicago time 1:.",7 p. mTT indicates apprentice allowance. arrt FI»ST RACE-3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920-1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and ijaity I U upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. index Horses " AWtPPSt - % Ms Str Fin Jocke.vs_ Owners- ~ ~Ti~Tl V P S~ t:,-t SUPERIOR w IMC 8~1 I :. :. j "1 . F MerimeeW Dogan ~. — ::""". c-s-T 83483 GARBAUK wit ! 11" 4 :; c gak m 2* W Kebmy W E Scott " " ", ■• 52483 FRANK BURKE u tPJS S 7 :.- , :. ■ :: .1 DomickC Ji Smith :". :» "■ ] |-J .»-L ll TKioMPHA.NT »» 5 111 j 3 ! | IJ :; at j Cam dyK Rector N § g • .--, 52518 AMBASSADOR III 5 107 H •• s- 7L t :. R McDottOoa Amigoa SU 1 l-S 52493 SHORT CHANGE a 1113 I 1 : :■. Rsk 31 gj j pita .i Selforl . : :,~ ■■ i" 52511 MUSKET w 5 113 IN 10 10 M PJ C Kami s WL Oliver. I M pj .■ ."»II TERBLE SUSAN WB 4 18C 1 4 in 2- |j si J Francis s T Baxter s 8 8 3 k-S 52*84* JOHN .1. RILEY w t mi 7 I 7* e»k g«k s R LcastefJ Koerner 12 v y 5 81384 DEB D a 4 14S 1 I S«J U 71- 10 J Dawson W 1. Lewia SO BO :.o :n is Time. 23. 48 S. 1:14«3. Track fast, .sj mutuek paid, Superior, 88.70 straight, s.".i t pia.e. gs.tW show: Garbage s7 imi alace 14 lit ahaw • • Frank Burke. .20 show. Liuivalent booking odds- superior. 23.1 to KMt siraicht. 155 to inn pine- K ta 188 show narhaai L.-iii to iihi place, 185 to 108 show; Frank Burke, 80 to 180 show. Winner -p. B, hy Sup. rman - n.. |», Troatheck trained bv W. Duuan: hn-.l l.v Mr Hear* 1 Kn.ird 1 . .... W"l, V/.-oT,;". -::!" M po niil""-- Start gaad and alaar. Won dririag: aeeaad and third the same, si 1 BKIOR began slowly, but was bronghl to the outside on the stretch turn and finishing fast got up to win ,11 the final strides. GARBAGE ran a eond race and outstayed FRANK BURKE for ., ..mi place. -The latter tired after rein* ,,, ,,„. fr,,llt .,, t|„. .ixt,.e„th post. TKRR1HI.K siSAN was fractious a; the barrier and quit, a* usual. TBIOMPHAXT and AMP.ASSAHOR III. linKhe.j fast and close 1,1. Scratched — 52510 Honest George, Hf.t: 52510 Little Bass, Itiii. Overweights .Terrible Susan, l pounds: Dee It.. 1. 52.Tl74 SEC0ND KACE-SI Mile Jan. 8. 18«ilO«.~Pnra7f706: *-yearidS ui traaty | I upward. Claiming. Net value to winne.;-Jand550: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPStv, Fin" Joi-keys jj ■ , Sir Itwners O H C P S S-53584*»BLONDEL Wt 5107 7 7 fefe ji P k F Wilson H HenlTl S-7, :.-, t-5 1-". 1-10 -!!-:C M!V-;TA "AV SUl 3 J J »«»lik2 iE Barnes a M Ridge 10 1. 10 4 ..... 1 a-* A ICKI.TTI; we. :, 101; - - rijgj 5j :;. R LcatcrO Price J : v 4-5 J-", ■i.ii:: •TWENTY SEVEN w 7 187 S I 4- 3 Sak gh j Smith K Bongbaman a S 6 » 8-5 53413 MJSKRICORDE ..n 5 110 ! 6 ;,i. ;,■ .;. B»k W Ketoay CJ Harrah 35 25 25 lo 5 R0377 OBD3RLY wu «■ li:.: I :; p 11. 4i fi K Carter J W 12 12 12 a **« u KNiiNAH a .10. 1« in lft »i 7:1 .j Francis A Keith "0 31 81 S 4 -:- Ji 2 WA,. ,., „ w 7, 188 10 1 8 v si Rsk A licLhllnR PUIaaa 15 IS 15 fi 3 8«1S Miss SWKKP w«lll - 8 ■; I«i7* V K McDottd K All. n I I | a 81181 BAtK BOCK a 5.1M 1 I :• 1 9 M W A Tryon .. Tempeat 53 51 68 S lo Time, 23, 48, 1:14%. Track fast. mutueis jmhL Blondel, 83.80 straight, 82.78 place, .40 show; Crystal Day, 87.80 place . S3 • so show: Aigrette, s.pu show. J:,,,,!l:,1","r ".Vr"-, "1,K, 1 l",".■1• |r "• 1,MI »to ««ht, S3 to loit place. •_•» to K» show: Orgaftal IMv 280 on,, to 1110 place, 80 Khi to snow; Aigrette, 43 to 100 show. Winner B. h. 1 v sir Ilium -Boeaaa, by Alreaeot t trained l.v A. It. Worlev bred bv Mr Oeorce T Long. • . - ■We"t„,,Vv",*/..,:lt - U "** :! I"""ts- start Rood and slow. Won handilv: second and third driving. BLONDEL was ■ bit sore when going to the post and was waited with until well into the homestretch, then came last and won pdng away. CRYSTAL DAY ran well, but tired in the last sixteenth after taking the had. AIGRETTE cloaed a sap and finished fast. TWENTY SFVKN was on the out- sole of the Jeadeis ,,n the tar turn and when entering the itretch and ran a good race ORDEB1 V unit if short after setting a fast early pace. Scratched .",-,-,11 lllii: .-,.-,13 Ed Karrison. 104. Overweight- MisericoTde, :i pounds; orderly. L1. SSSTfa THIRD »A9E-5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1817-1 :05VS— 6102. Purse 0O S-TOar- "**" • ** olds- Maidens Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt »4 Mi % Str Fm Jockeys Owners J_ ll~ti F S .yin-iTHK ENQUIRER wb 187 M - ~VWT li J Francii Williams Bros :-:, vTs-r, :-:, --r -;";!. "!" L,,:ANXl; wu Iiil 1 :: ;-■ 7.1.4 !• K LcaaterJ Kennelty 21 3 : 1 1-2 B3480JMOLIXERO w 110 s .; gak 4. V :: W Kelaay I Molera i " S 2 1 [63383 HELEN LUCAS w 81 : I si »;■ «a f Wlteon I. Crist I; C •" M ai317»TALENT w 107 5 I 1" 1" 2 | 5« i: KenadyM GoldMatt 4 4 52 7-:, 7-10 aatt! Iu-mXA,IAX W J2 7 I A* "" ■"• " R M I,"t.l V Byrne :o M M 10 5 *•**• - AN ".M8 - 1 8*8] 7 7- A Pi. kens hi A Broaddua : 7 7 23 8-fi IH4 .||H.N.N OCONL WB112 I 7 7- H gi f j Dorn IchC K Moore lt 25 10 fi" 3 .-,■;;«;; SCOTTY was M6 4 18 r %* I • ;-■ .1 Piu .1 ji Lavely 15 is 15 .; 88488 MABEL REYNOLDS w IBS I I pi 10 lo 10 F Merhneel Landy " 5a 50 % -ii •« Time. 23%, 48V5. 1:0145. l:08 i. Track fast. !|._ mutnels paid. The BtMfUtrer. S4.S»t straight. . :!.:!• place. Sj.70 show: Julieanne S4 00 place 83.30 show: Molinero, *4.l!ii show. F.|iiial. 111 I. ...kin:: odds The Ln.iuirer. 14 to KKl straight, IC to luO place 33 to 100 show Julieanne, lint to 188 place, tMi to MM show: Molinero. lln to Km show. Winner -B. c. bv Lane Md.uke Fleeing Yeaaa, b] Knntaha trained hy P. .1 Williams- bred Messrs. .1. O. Jj c. 11. Keenei. Went to at 3:23. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; rrisail and third driving. THE ENQUIRBB was away well and after racing TALEXT into defeat tired la the stretch and swerved across to the Inside rail. JULIEANNE had a raagh race until after ronndins the far turn and Bnisbed fast and raining. MOLlNLRti raced forwordly throughout. HELEN LUC4.8 rinsed gap. TALENT set a fast pace to the Ktretru and tired badly. seiateheil r 23i7 Kentmere, !t7; 52387 Plewhich, OS. ttvel weiullts Molinero. 2 poun.K. .Ca2.ea7ttn F0URTH RACE- MilerrWo3iZ02T *-y»CP 8 VP and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 75: second. 50: third. 5. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vt % Str Flo Jockeys Owiiers_ II C P 8 838 14 RANCHER w 8 113 I 4 t* !-k IJ j Francis J Walters 1 i 1 l-TTTT 53353 THE BLUE DUKEwa 5 MB 7 1 8* 24 1 2» W Kelaay El Morro Stable 15 15 15 5 I 83338FRIGHT wa 3 81 3 7 6 f 41 V V Wilson Oneck Stable »-5 8-5 8-5 1-* 1-4 53307 CROMWELL wn $ 112 4 4 i . 3 :. c E Barnes E Alvarez :: :: 3 1 " £3 »8307 KIT WB4108 : a lJ 1» » :,.... a Pickens Armonia Stable :;o ::0 :i0 10 E 52453 lBRO MACLEAN wn a 187 fi I fi1 .V fi .:- j pitz m Seifert M l" M 4 * .-.•i.-l.-.O PENELOPE u si: 4 111 :. 2 7 7 7 7 V Meriinee J Oengier 0 28 20 I Time, 23. aT%, 1:133. Track fast. .«!• iniituels paid. S4..0 straight, .70 place, 82.48 show; The Klue Duke. M.88 place 87.5* show: Plight, so.-.n Hbuw. Liuivalent booking odds— Ram her. 110 to KMt straight, 83 to 188 place. 80 to 188 show The Klue Duke, LtHt to KMt pl.ue. 275 to lint -how: Pright, L."i to Iihi show. Winner B. h. bv 1 ialv. -ton— Sweet Lavender, liohltineh by trained by II. Van Kv bred bv Mr James H. Haggia, Went to post .,t 8:51, .t pool 4 minutes, start so.,,1 and sh.w. Won drivinu :• aeeaad and third the same RANCHER, after beiaa saved for Bve-eighthn of a mil-, responded «; I when ...ll.-.l on and IV;" .V.1";"- ,1:!- THE BLUE lilKi: .an well, but tired after racing to the front at the eighth posi lLIi.lll began slowlj and was outpaced in the early running, but finished with a rush CROMWEI 1 tired hi the la-t eighth. Overweights The Slue Puke. 2 pounds. 2.77 FITH R,ACE-5 1-2 Furlongs. U:,.,. 24. 1917-1 :05»s— 5-102. Purse 00. 4.-year-«-F ■*■«- 3 3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. index Horses AWtPPSt .„ y~ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 lg- 53418 MILITARY GIRL u 4M8 :. r. Si -3j i J Francis W U Camnbell S « 4 — gXTX 52338 SISTER SUSIE w S 109 :: I l p.. 1 2" A Pickens W R Padgetl I I 1 1-• 1 ., .itwSinRNK 1 ■ in. t 3 2= :- 2 ::■ N .1 Krn. si os.-dal.. Stable 3 13 ; .;--.--. 58850 FIRST CONSUL w 1182 1 .". 41 I lJ 4" ; ManganEl Morro Stable 23 "r, 15 fi :: 53473*OSOOOD w S 10:; 2 .: :, :,; ;. .v |; Kenrdj William Bros 3 3 3 1 1 •• 58817**SALVO a .. mi 7 1 7 6pat g ... p Wlteon M Readrie ". S ■• 1" 53S88*CHIMERA w 8 M2 s s s s s 7- K LcaaterP A Herold M 28 31 I I K3BS*HAP. GO LI K Y w 11 fi pn .. 7 ;■■ - -,-■_: s r m,-i . ,,u w HigginbothamlO 10 10 1 Time, 33%, Vl%, 1:00;,. 1:06-,. Track fast. 32 mutueis paid. Military ;irl. .si:i.7tt straight, si. no plan-. si.fMt show sister Susie K»an -«---.7« — si„,w: Byrne, 83.88 sh,,... i: i"ii Mt 1 hint ...I. is Military Girt, .".v.". to lnit straight, loit to kmi place, lag to 188 ahaar: Hater Susie, in t,, inn plan-. 83 to loo ho..: Byrne, 86 to Urn show i,NVil""; * • l Mi"lil"« ■ I- Gloria, by Wooisthorpe trained by A. L. Watts: bred bv Messrs Williams Bros.. ■• • • iW*"tJ?*?2?5«*J ,:I,:- At lmst :! min,lt,k-- s*art gaad and slow. Won handilv; second and third dririag. MILITARY GIRL followed the leaders rfoaely and. finishing with a rush in the middl. of tie track. w,„, g«4m away. BI8TEB Sisii; set ■ ui it pace and tired badly in the last sixteenth KYRNL raced in rioae8t pursuil to the stretch and gaisbed ggsaely. first CONSUL finished with a rush on the outside and covered mot. eroand than the others. Scratched — 52612:Hnsh. 100; 5S553 Polar Cub, 107. Orarwejghts — Osgood. 2 panada; Military Girl, 1. i2iTt7S SIFH RACE-Il Mile and 50 Yard.;. March 6," ms-lI-S-in. " PuT 70oT "" ~ t-yArf - * - 4-year-olds and upward. CUIariag. Not value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. """x Hor»es AWtPPSt jj % Str Kin Jockeys OwnenT~ O Hj O P • 83481 MISS PROCTER WB 5 108 Z 3 :- 1- 1 1 1 l k A Pickens L Fltgeeruld -""1 534*4 WAR TAX wi; 5 110 1 1 l* 3»| 3 lJ » .1 lt,.m.k F Delbar, i„ «J 5 S 2 .vj.yifiTlM. .1 HOGAN a IMC I 1 I I PWIImi G Warwick !J 2. !J I 1-! :.06»rMV AI . a i M I I .V 6 I »* # R LcasterS Plnkerton I 9 V . 6-6 ."f3.VSU.VKH SANDALS W 7 UO I ! I] !i 55- 0- K Barn, s A Leanma 7-5 7-5 7-7 • 1-3 .".2494 KINCOZ1 «v 6 ins 8 I 8* «- « ;• »,„ j Dadwon J T Holtman 12 1? 12 5 21 .".0801 CLARE BOOTHE w ". 106 7 7 S S 8 8 7_,J Fra._cia E D Springer 20 20 IS I J Sf.84 CADILLAC w 7 111 S 8 7» 7* V 6nt 8 A Trvon C Davis M M 80 10 S Time. 233.-.. 48, 1:14%, 1:4045. 1:44V Track fast. mutuei- paM, Mis- Procter, s." in straight, 13.00 pin. 83.10 show; War Tax. |8.00 place. .58 Mtov; Timothy .1. Hogan, .* show. Eealvaleet basking odd-— Mi -. Procter. i7n la inn straight, M la 1M place. •" ■" to 100 -how: Vat Ta*, M0 ta inn place, 127, ta loO show: Timothy J. Hegaa, -to Ui inn shew. Winner -Ill. m. in Stalwart — Niko by Ouaarj t train. .1 by E. 1.. Fltagerald; l .i • 1 by Mr. l» W S. ntt |. Wont n post :it 4:41. At | "-t 2 minute-. Start frnnil Bad alow Won ii-i vi ntr : ascend and third tin aat. Miss PROCTER took the lead nn the backstretch. but was hard ridden throughout tkc last -ix i- mli and wu thing at the raid. WAR TAX ran a came race, bat jnsl lasted Long enough t.. outstay TIMOTHY .1. HOGAN. The latter finished ft-t an the outside. SILVER sandals wan aaistaj on the kadar* at tke Bnish. MY ADA ran well. scratched 62685 Rhadamea. 103; 62484 rister Qaeea, 100. Overweights- My Ada. 2 pounds; Clare Boothe, ."..