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MARYLAND HORSES AT WORK1. Fine Weather at Southern Training Grounds Favors Them. Salmon Stable Forward — Carman Band Is in Good Condition — I I Laurel Stables and Inmates. i | ] I T.ACRKL, Md., February 8. — Talll is no hetter !• ! ! string of horses lutiliil hero than l!i:it of Mr. Walter r j j .1 Salmon cif New York. They are in the- former ri j bams ..f Coinm.-iiule-r .1. K. I.. Ross and trainer Waylaad has ■ flat cottage "ear llis rhargea. Itubien is having a careful i m for Ike Kentucky Derby. He is the liest looking son of Peter Quince ami. if looks cunt, will have a strong " chance for the race-. He was highly triad last year, j , Slip Lightly lias wintered vr. i dingly well and dc-vehepe-d wonderfully. She- will accompany liubie-n " and Careful to Kontin-ky. with tin- Kentucky Oaks s in view. The two-veai olds are an unusual looking band to1 " ho found in one Stable; no less than ton of lliein " appear to have stake e|iiality elBd J similar number of better disposition and character will he hard to " find. The bans* have been on he track every day v during the winter and have stalled to work. ] | Here is the Salmon stable list: W. J. SALMON. OWNER. Eugene Wayland. Trainer. I s, a Wolf. b. e. _. by I Itiinus ijue-en of the e Water, by Wntorbny. Jocose, eh. c, -. by Cell Ml 1 1 111 Bl II., by, Sumlridgo. Trevelyaa, eh. e. 2. by Tre-vis,-,. Starry Night, j by Star Shoot. Ivanhoe. eh. e. 2. bv Sir Wilfred — Nandinette. , ; by Fitz Herbert. . I Baperiatlve, b. e. 2. by Sii|ierman Rupicnla. by ■% ; Advance Cuaid. . Lvelia Languish, cm. f. 2, by Iltinius — Dreamy • ,. ; Fves. by Ornament. May Hlossom. eh. f. 2, by Flrinnis — May Hemp- ; ! stead, by Patron. Fair Lady, i h. f. 2. by I "in le- Fair Cathirine. j I" Yankee. Toddle. oh. f. 2, bv Celt F- x Trot, by Star Shoot Simplicity, b. f. 2. by Celt Cfara Atkin. by Sain , Chestnut filly. J. by His Majesty Adri.nia by j Hamburg. 1 Chestnut filly. 2. by Peter Qalace Wilful Maid 1 ! II.. by Sundriilgi-. Stop Lightly, ill. f. A. by Iltimus Tripping;, by Delhi. .ireful, br. f. A. by Wrack Mindful by Slar a Shoot Supervvoman. eh. f. .i. by Superman Marjoram. ] by Hastings J Hayrack, br. f, A. in- Wrack sumptuous, by j FHtherless. Hsfcey Baker, Mk. g, 4. by CeH Aagasta vie- ..i j toria. bv Sain. Rubieii. oh. C, A. by Peter Qaiacc — Pelle of Ashland, by Ornament. Itodanzky. b. g. .!. by Celt -Nora Langhorni-. by I Fatherless. Rajah, b. g, ■■■ by Durbar -Fartkeaia, by Ajax. i ! CARMAN STABLE IN GOOD CONDITION. R. F. Carman is snugly housed with his koraca s a! the track. The horses, nine in number, are ri taking their exercise daily ami in excellent health. u- 1 Mr. Caiman has at his Carmandale Mock Farm ii ! Montgomery County. Md.. twenty thoroughbred «! I mate-, thirteen yearltags :"11 !*»• foals of m ! bath eolts. Ai Moves toll is by The Turk anlj ii laietya by Meridian Mr. Carman sold recently the ie j : two mares Sea Saw II and Horizon, both in foal al | ! to Meriilian. to R. It. MelMii. and they were sent »t I ! to Mr. McLeaaa farm. Ashburn. a.. about thirty ty miles from Washington. D. P. Old c;. M. Miller has been retired after eleven years t atrcaaoaa lailag in ail aarta of the Catted ci , Stalls -ind Canada. The old warrior lias been ii ha-ed to the widow of the late Charles Ifoore, • former master of the Chevy Chase Hounds, who ■° maintains a atOCh farm at Chevy Chase Md. Here is the Carman Stable list: R. F. CARMAN. OWNER. R. F. Carman, Jr., Trainer. Hay or brown eolt, 2. by Meridian Daruma. by r... I Solitaire II. Bay eolt. 2, by Meridian Horizon, by Hastings .s Pay eolt. 1". by The Turk— Azyiade. by Cactus. Ba filly, - by Meridian P.right Star, by Star ..,. Shoot. Drown filly. 2. bj Meridian Bee Saw II.. by Fitz t Herbeii Bhajamre, b. c, t, by Meridian Danaaaa, bj Soli- I ■ tail.- II Ac tress hr. f. :•!. by Meridian Paradise Jueen. by Waterboy. Folly, I f, ••■ bv Meridian lirynavia. by Kryn Ma w r Baaaty Bleep, b. m, 5, by sir Archibald QoMcn Slumbers, bj IS«M. JENKINS. GRIFFITH AND OTHERS. Spalding L. Jenkins, owner: Hairy Bitea, trainer: ■ Jocfeey, Norman Kennedy, who will aO the ridiii._ "- through tin- liehl: Bay filly. -. bj Assagai Polaris II. by Poly-mehis. - Che.s mil! nily, -. bj Fayette Prim-ess Nettie, bj h His llighll.SS Drown fillj. - bj Zeus Barearaoat, by Prime- of Monaco. Ohentnut colt. J b] Ireriaco- Hollie Elliott, bj bj Voter. Polly Ann Ck f :i bj Superman Princess Net i tie. Ir His Highness Due de Moray, br. e, :t by King lanes Horteaae WC II.. by Traatheck, Briar Bay, b g, -t. by Baa Horse n Coake, by by Ccuitrm r. . LontinueU on second page. . i ■ MARYLAND HORSES AT WORK I Continued from first pa:;. J. E. GI11FFITH. OWNER. Harry Rites. Trainer. Frank Pant, eh. c. 2. by Dick Finnoll- l.ardella by Lackford. Double Cross, ch. c. 2. by Baperman— Olerla, by Ornus. Mary. b. f. 2. by Bateep HawknfBgfct, by Hawk-wick. J-C. oh. c. 3 by Zeus — IJyila. !. Mexi, in CoimI Hope. oh. c. .!. by Joe Carey Make t.ood. by Luck and Charity. Vireinia I... eh. f. 4. by McOci-— Sanfara. by Ingakiaby. Oath, b. g, "i. by Tracery— PhUHstla, by st. Blaise. Kathryn Harlan, br. f. 4. by McCei — DomM Mann. ma. by Yankee Griffwood, i r. e. i by Bala — Eleaia, by Paamlta. R. B. STRASSBERGER. OWNER. J. T. Kermath. Trainer: H. Phillips. Jockey. Franklinville. ch. -. 2. by lielors Hop, Shekels, by Gwyaedd, eh. -. 2. by Bachelors Hope — Nancy Grater, by Nasturtium. Norih w.-ilc-. b. c, 2. by Bachelors Pane. Qre-eian Bead, by Bran. Praigara, ck. f. 2 by Garry Herrmana— Cauda -craig, by Orme. Elmer Jotuaaoa, br. c. 4. by Garry Herrmann -P.rown Bean, by Blitaen. Prieanna. b. f. 8, bj Light P.ricade— Anna Hasi-inc-. by Hastings. Perkiomeii. ch. g, 3. by Habit-man -Nancy Grater, by Na-turi iiim. Mr. Btrassberger has bred all the homn be will ra. .- this year at his Normandy Farm. Gwyaedd Valley. Pa. Pachelor- Hop.-, a soa of Tredenui-. was pur- eha-el by the lat- Charles Patterson at the same lime he acquired Omar Rhyyyam and at a greater price, as in- was on., of the choice yearlings bought for the account of Messrs. Johnson and Billings at H .- Fall sabs in Fucland of 1815. W. S. MURRAY. OWNER. N. K. Beal, Trainer. Sandy ch. C, 4. by Superman Flanks Daughter, by Frank GIB. Gallagher, br. C, 4. by Hessian Alltelle. by Plumules. Court Fool. b. c. 4. by Fitz Herbert Courtis.ine. by Meddl.-r J. H. SHREVE. OWNER. Dolly .. b. f. 3. by Kinc Janus— Lady Appleby. by Meddler. Edith Bkrere, eh. f. 3. by Baamrman— -Beaem si, by C.ddcre-i. T lies. ch. f. 2. by Celt -Puritan Girl, by Yankee N. K. BEAL. OWNER AND TRAINER. Jac.|ues. b. ,-. 3. by Kinc James-Franks Daughter, by Frank GIB. Steeplechase Jockey Fred Harry has the two jumpers at work. They are: BeBringer, ch. g, 7. by flurgoauuter— Yespera, by Uimyar. .lack of Spades, blk. g, 0. by Celt -Toots, bv Top Gallant. They are the property of F C. Griffith. J. F. ADAMS. JR.. OWNER. Frank Garrett. Trainer. This is a public stable. Pay filly. 2. by lran-vaal Lazuli, by Kntghl of the Thistle. l.azulite ch. f. 3. by Tran-vaal -Lazuli, bv Knight of the Thistle. Tubby A., b. c, 3. by Transvaal -Pcccy I... by Pan Tromp. A. L. AUSTIN. OWNER. Frank Garrett. Trainer. P.elario. b. a, ... bv Sain P.elle of Ashland, by i irnameat. GoMlne. b. f. 1. by GeMea Maxim Mary podiiu. by Star Bheat. Jean Carey, b. f. 3. by Image Wright— ©eft Baltmaa. by Alhrway. The horses in tin- Garrett stable have winteie.l well. They are on the track every day and are ready for galloping. Pelario never looked better than at present