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FAIR GROUNDS FORM CHART NEW ORLEANS, LA.. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1921.--Fair Ground*. Thirtj third and last day. Business . Meaa Racing Inenrlatlnn Winter Meeting of 28 days. Weather cloudy; tempearture 75 . Blaaaida. B. C. Smith, M. Macfariaa and A. C, Mehle. lodgea, •. B. CamnheU and J. McLeaoan. 1 Starter. A. is. Dade. Racing Secretary, Joseph McLennan, _ Racing starts ;it 2:30 p. m. Chicago lime 2:.10 p. m.. W indicates whip. 8 anon, B blinkers. Figures in parenthes.s foUowiag the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and ,1 weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. _ PTQOOO FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 15. 1921— 34%— 2— 117. Dixie Junior Purse. Purse OOO ,000. 2-ycar-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second, 00: third. 00. lades Horses AWtPPSl 1 Sk .su-iin Jockeys Owners 0 11 i r- s 52788 JOHNNY DUNDEE a loan 1 81 1" M Buxton J Dundei I 11-57-101-4 58888 EVELYN WHITE a M6 I 4i 2" M Car r .1 Dundee XI I ll-07-Ml-l 52788 AD VENTURE a 120 M J U 3s B iool R G Denny 8-5 12-511-54-6 1 .VJTK3 MARYLAND BELLE w Ml 2 7 1 • McCoy Maryland Stable I IS 15 J :; 52411 GRACE B. w Ml 3 1 V ciuhttis A Clopton ilO 15 12 .". z S2742 HERMODEN M6 1 ■"• I H McGraa I L Blackford 15 M ■ 7 3 B2788 CORNSTALK a 110 7 * I T- .1 RpdgezJ H Loudmeim 7 8 0 2 1 ST. MAURICE w 110 6 2 I Barr tl Pelican Stable T M 6 2 1 "27 12 FAREWELL TAPS w 101 6 11 Ill T Jarria RJ Crown 1". 20 20 s 4 DARE a M6 •" I iO1103 K Moore H A Clopton +10 1.". 12 ."• :■ WILLIAM A a M6 : 10 11 It K WdatckC A Applegate 38 16 89 M E Coupled in betting; no separate place or shon betting. Time. 12c. 88%, 35. Track fast. Winner- B. g, bj Bnonmel- GylO, bj Or Lcggo trained by W. Block; bred by Mr. I. 8. Barbae. Went to pool at -_::so. At p..-t l miiiut • - Start good and slow. Won driving; intend and third lie • same. JollNNY DUNDEE raced forwardly from the start and, standing a bard drive gamely, woa ia n the laal stride. KVKLYN WHITE caaae with a whilrwind ru-h in the last sisteeutli. ADVENT! Kl. 1. set a fast pace, had BO mishap- and tired near the end. GRACE K. uall 111 tlie fatal eighth. HERMODEN tind badly. MARYLAND BELLE Bnished fast. Scratched -52880 I.ully Butteaa. 104; 52812 Baby Brelya, 108. OTorweighta--Cerastalk, l poaad; st. Maurice. 4. = PTOOOQ SECONP RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— l:UVi — 6—116. Owners Consolation Purse. .. 3mOOO Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 1, 50: third. 50: lourth, 00. _ Index Horses AWtPPSl :, ■- a Sir Km Jockeys Owners O H C P S ."2518 GENERAL w li 113 1 1 3a I 2] IJ1 L Lyke .1 1 Wllaon 1 6 4i 8-5 I-.". ,".2122 PHILANDERER WB 3 S5j 1 | 1 Zj S -. I I ItiletUJ C Calm .". 621 ! I ! , ■ , 1 : [ . I . I ■ I , - I 1 1 - I - " . , ■ U I - e d . 1 _ ,1 _ • ia n 1. = .. 1, _ 58415 MORON] w 1111 I J I :: I* • .1 RodgexJ Aritiur :. 6 6 2] 6-3 52 722* FIRST PULLET 3 M3 1_ :. T 7 61 I .1 McCej C R Duly 10 IS IS J U C2722 LADY MILDRED W « MO 6 T 6* ." 4" : - !•; Pool W K Straus. 10 LO M I 1 50408*SPOK*NE QUEEN wa 8 1041 * 1 1 . l1 81 81 E Poll. ml M .1 Stooney 1". 88 24 8 4 52744*BRINK w 4 102 13 13 1:- 10! •* T1 J J MneyC Peterson 8J I I 4-1 !■■ 52722 DOUBLE VAN wa 4 111 ■ I » 8J 8" N D Connelly t- II Abbott 10 15 l". 6 S ." »K21 ALF VBZINA wa 0 113 6 1 .."■;" 7 8* !. Morria W Klock I 1" 12 5 K ri.a: kinanct. fPSTER w 4 111 u i» 8" 8s m M3 i Garner 1: W»rfleld 30 40 0 1? t; ."206K RBTREAT w 5 10s 4 1 - Il 11 ■ 1 1 - II Gregory J Hendrick 36 40 30 12 6 52821 *BLUE STAR « IMS 111 Iiai2» i2» 12s B Moon r Karrv M0 M0 M0 40 SO 52820 BALLYGIHEN w :; 92JM 13 13 13 13 13 F UMVapnA Loaader 100 100 1 J0 -W M Time, 233s. 47=,. 1:1315. Track fast. Winner I- g. by Oil Wells— Anna Koretta Daly, by lien Brash trained by M. Olive: bred by Mr. Frederick l . Knight 1. Went to post at 2:.i7. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slaw for all but BRINK. Won handily: second and third driving. GENERAL, well ridden and away forwardly, raced into a decisive, lead in the last sixteenth. PHILANDERER came with a nisli after rounding into the stretch, but swerved out in the last eighth and much ground. MORONI tired in the last sixteenth after having raced prom inently from the start. SPOKANE QUEEN set a fat pace and tired badly. BRINK was away poorly and had little chance. P1R8T PULLET 1. n a g I roc. Scratched 527l2rLoweH, 113: .".2743 Plain Kill. Ill; 52587 St. Just. Ill; .".2743 Sir John Vergne. 113. Overweight: — Philanderer, lj pounds; Spokane Queen, 1... : Itrink. I; Baflygihea, ;_.. - . -— — — ——_————-—— erOOQ/d THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Feb. 9. 1918— Lll/s— C— 116. Mardi Gras Handicap. Parse tlaaOOX ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtriSI , c %StrPla Jockeys Owners O II C P S .-. J7H5 MYTHOLOGY w 3 108 s 4 ::i :: : l» II ThurberW Durnan 6 10 10 4 2 52784DAYDUE wa % MS E I 6* 6*1 5"! 2* S IfeGraw R Flrneno io lt. :-0 10 0 53082 5TAB. DHONN*URwa 5 114 t I 8 8 »■ 8s .1 RodgesG Drumhiller .".7 02 1 5288S CAPT. HERSHLERw I 113 S T B1 si T1 4" N Barrett W It Tolmie s 12 1- i :: 52882 GEORGE STARR wn I 113 1 1 2 4* 8 •- H LannTd Flortsant Stable 5 6 4. 2 1 52725 COLUMBIA TENN w .". ill 2 2 5» ti 8s 1 T Jarvia J II Baker GTS 2 C-0 52784 LINDEN w 5 M01 8 6 7 71 4" Fell. D Conlly.T McPherson 10 20 16 i 152882 MINUTE MAN wn 1112 T 3 1 1- 1" Fell. L Morris M Dattncr 13-53 11-il -l 52850 RAPID DA V wn 5 111 4 5 4. and 2* Fell. M Gamer W O Stoner 4 T 0 2. 0-5 Time. 23S. 47/5. 1:I215. Track fast. Winner — B. c, by Zeus — Miss Oertol. by Handsel trained by W. A. BarttacheU; bred by Messrs. White li Garnett. Went to post at 3:21. At |iost .". minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MYTHOLOGY raced forwardly from the start and. tini-hing gamely, won in the final strides. DAVDIK rloaed a gap and linished with a rush. TABLEAU BHONNEUR also closed a big gap and linished fast. LINDEN, suffering from early interference, was going fast when be fell. MINUTE MAN and RAPID DAY fell the prostrate hotse. LINDEN had to be destroyed. Scratched -52841Apole Jack II. . 107: 52001 Lancelot, 188; 52880Tenlte, JO; 527S4 St. Quentiu. HIT: .".2400 ISt. Allan. Ill: ..27sl Vice-t liairman. 10S. Overweights— Mythology. :t pounds; Linden. 1.. PrOOQET FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:37«5— S— 106. Preliminary Purse. Purss UaOOtl ,000. 3-year-okU. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtPlSt "t c. :h Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C P S 52785BUNGA BUCK w !H1 T .". 3* 2] 2 I" 1» S IfeGraw M Dattncr 6 8 8 Zj 6-5 82842 IFANTOCHE wa US E I I 8 6 ::J- L Lyk. A B Gordon -2 L.. 11-57-101-:: R2785»BOTHERATION wn 108] I I I 8* 3* 2 V W HoinchOwnbey . - Kiny 8-:, 2 8-2 3-5 1-4 52785 MASTER JACK wn 10s : 1 1;1 61 8 V 4; H HamTnJ K Nash 7 8 7 2 1 52882 WILLOW TREE w y: 2 t :.- .v- 6 61 ". J McCoy M 11 Fletcher |8 12 12 0 2 62448 THABON w MS 8 8 6 s1 V 8 6 11 ThuibeiG J Lor.g 10 28 20 8 I 52786 RUNZAF w 111 1 1 2*1 4 4. 4 T N Barrett .! W* Forman 13 SO 20 7 3 52785 BTOTO w MO 6 T V 7 8" !» 8» F Cltil-ttiM H Fletcher ts 12 12 .". I ,r2764 SOCIAL STAR KB S3 6 1 l« ll 1*1 5 6 T Jarvis Ogden Stable M 13 15 0 2] fCoupled in betting: no separate place or show betting. Time, 24, 47*5. 1:13, 1:3923. Track fast. Winner — tU. e. by Yulcain-- Mary OfT, by Orimar trained by .1. II. Davenport: bred by Mr. Edward F. Staaaas. Went to post at 3:48. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BUNGA KICK raced close up from the start and. taking the lead in the stretch, outstayed FANTOCHB in the laal strides. FANTOCHK was away badly and closed an immense gap in the hist half, but was tiring in the linal stride-. BOTHERATION ran well and had no mishaps. WILLOW TREE ran well. SOCIAL STAR «] tiit fast after going three -quarters in the lead. Scratched — 52727 Hustler, 102. Overweights— Kotheration. 41. pooads; Master Jack, 1: Willow Tree, 4: Tharon, 2: Kuuzaf, 4; State, .". aSft rlFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13. 1915— l:441s— 3— 104. Carnival Handicap. JolOOU Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000: second, 00: third. 50: fourth, 0. Index Horses AWtlFSt , ■ % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S ~ 52604 ROMANY wb 4 100 7 2 21 2i 2l li I H ThurberK H McC Potter 20 :t0 20 8 527S8XDANCING SPRAY w i lot; 1 6 P "., P V 8* T Jarria Traacy and Walkerl2 15 15 5 2 527S88T. ISIDORE wa S US - 1 1] I1 II 2* ■■:■■* H HamtnJ E Nash S| 13-52J 4-5 1-S 58868 ICAPTAIN MAC w 4 MS 6 I 7* 6| ." 41 4- N Barrett C Y Clark T-3 8-5 7-f. 1-2 1-4 ITTtr-H.XAPDiiAti.v 11. in 11 i"4- 1 r a — *r— * — T" .i» w omTf — j iv Hatch in VI VI 5 y" .r2 78 ; TIlTV WTTCHETWB 8 127 8 I 4» 4* V ".- « T Rowan F.auer Stable ?..*. 5 5 2 4-5 ."•2725 -TAILOR MAID am 3 M Z 1 8 81 tis li1 T-J McCoy O W Atkinson SS 30 SO 10 5 5266U-CRYSTAL FORD w :. 10." J .", V 7» T- 8 8 F WdstckW C Clancy 7 8 8 3 7-5 Time, 242.-,. 48. 1:1220. 1:88%, l:45/5. Track fast. Winner — BIk. g. by Bkoaen May Dora, by hrfdor trained by A. S. Itlakely: bred by Mr. John 8an- lord I. Went to post at 1:10. At | ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily: second and third driv- lag. BOM ANY raced in Closest pursuit of ST. ISIDORE and passed him in the stretch to win going away. DANCING SPRAY ran a good race and, finishing fast and gamely, outstayed ST. ISIDOKK. Th-filter s,t a fast pace to the stretch and tired near the end. CAPTAIN MAC began slowly, was forced to race wide on the turns and suffered from interference. TIIPITV WITCHKT tired after reaching the stretch. SNAPDRAGON II. linished fast Overweights-— Romany. 2 pounds. RT 00* PT SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. Jan. 11. 1916— 1:37«5— 5— 106.1 Finale Purse. Purse ,000. K9and0and 4 4-year-o!ds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlISt t _• "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S ."..THi LUCKY B. w 6 182 2 1 2* 2 1 21 1 1 A Rlch.rkl Ari.-ux 15 20 1.". 5 ?r~~ 52884YUNG CHING wa 4 113 4 11 10 8* T- Il 2* G Stack M and J Lowstoin7-10T-a 7-10in l-i; 1 58488 ST. ALLAN wa 4 MS E 5 K l« :•• P :. H Gregory North. Shore Sta 8 10 7 21 85 52748XBIFF BANG wa 4 MS 13 7 V I v S 4 F CMtitetUBaaer Stable 15 20 88 8 4 :2T2." PICTOR w5HS •■ I : - PIS* 6 :,- S WMa C W Clark C 10 10 t 2 52728 FU1 rGIBBET wa 4 MS 6 1 5" V N •"■ P J J MndyRoboon and R del 20 20 20 T S 52785 CINDERELLA wtt 4 S3 : 2 1- 1" V U T! T Jarria J II Dalur G 8 5 8-5 4-.". 52787 SIR GRAFTON wa 6 88 I M 12 12 V V V 8 McCraw R E Watkins 6 8 8 3 0-", .".2740 ■siMIl .ETON wnl 87 T :i 8 6110» 10 :» .1 McCoy A WTTackaon 20 20 20 8 4 52723*GREEN GRASS wa 6 188 S 3 .;":■ 4 Tlo- F WdatckE J Brannon 10 88 88 8 1 .".2TS« WAUKEAG wi: T 102 11 12 11" 11 .1 il- 11- 1! ThurberC M Freeman S 12 10 4 : 152748 THE SWIMMER wa 4 183 M 1 «" lo1 12 12 12 E Pool T F Henry 30 30 JO 10 6 Time. 24%, 48. 1:13. 1:3835. Track fast. Winner B. h. by Jim CalTniy Viola P... by St. Avoaicas trained by G. 15. Hennessv; bred by Mr. o. A. Bfatachi. Went to post at 1:35. At posl •"• niiniites. start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. LUCKS B., away will and close up Ir the start, raced into the lead in the last sixteenth and wmi by a safe maigin. YUNG CHING, much the best, began slowly, but finished with a great rush. ST. ALLAN ran a good race and only tired in the last sixteenth. RIFF BANG ran a good race. CINDERELLA set a fast pace, but qail after rounding into the stretch. PICTOR closed a gap. SIR GRAFTON was away badly. Scratched — .".2271 Talisman. 88: 52814 Lads Love. 88; 528141fleraM, !»!: 62888 Tailor Maid. 102: "i202_ Brisk, 101; 181 iTiKewpie oNeil. 08; 52838 Romany, JT: 52722 Resist, 04. Overweight — Lucky I... 1 pound; Cinderella. 1; Green Grass, 4: The Swimmer. 2. fSS SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Feb. 13, 1915— 1:4445— 3— 104. Purso ,000. 3-year-. t_j A 000 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00: third. 00. Index Horses AWtlISt :, .Strlia Jockey- Owners O II C P M 52814 *THE ARCHER w 4 MO 6 li .". 2- IJ V H ThurberT H Cross 10 12 8 3 S-i" 52S18*KUKLUN wS MT 13 3 4 4 r, 51 22 • McCoy C W Hall IS 20 20 8 4 53888 FROGTOWN wa 6 MS 12 t 21 I* 21 .:. ::: E Pollard C A Applegate |5 15 16 6 " 52788 KINGFISHER w T ill 2 :• 8* 10* 7] 6] 4* P WdaCckF. J Brannon 20 20 20 8 4 62 7 14 la WARSAW wa T IM E a JJ 31 4: 4 6* J I hTneyl. A Rroaddus 3 8 « 2. 6-5 52 788* PLENTY wa 6 114 8 13 12* I I" 7 SJ S .McCraw M Dattncr 20 20 15 C I 62787 :COMME CI wn.", 112 8 1013 13 12- lo- T. J RodgezF H Smith I 5 4 2 1 52818 ALRKRT A. W I 111 10 12 U1 ll1 ll1 Hi s S C Knight 1" 13 15 t; I 52788* PAIR ORIENT w 8 104 T s 10 12 M:: 11- 8] T Jarria R L Raker 10 M S 23 8-5 S271S3TANTALU8 wa 5 HI 4 1 V 2". V 2 l»-; R Rom.dliJ R Skinker 3 6 41 2 1 K2814 THE PORTUGSE wn C IM 3 2 S* T" 8* 8* 11- M Bnxton R E AVatkins I 13 15 J S2884 troilis wa71M 1 11 s 61 8s i- 12* H LaaaTdFlorisaat stable r g Q 1 1-2 52713 GROVE A. wa 4 M9 11 T V P mm.: 1:: M Garner M R Hirsch 50 GO 50 20 10 Time. 24. 48, l:13s3. 1:38%, 1:38%. Track fast. Winner— B. g. by Cach — Basy Laaa, by Meddler trained by A. J. Kiakeiv: bred bv Mr. Hal Price Headtey. » Went to post at "i:0O. At post 1 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third drirlag. THE ARCHER, well ridden and away forwardly. moved up with a rush in the stretch and. oatstaying Kl KLI N. woa going away. The latter ran in improved form under a good ride and finished with a rush. FROGTOWN ran well, but tired in the last eighth. TANTALUS set the early pace and qnlt badly. KINGFISHER was going List at the end. PLENTY closed a big gap. ALBERT A. and UROVE A. Oaisfaed lame COMME CI dosed a great sap from a bad b ■ginning. TROILIS ran poorly. Scratched 52715 Blaise, 110: 52788 Gala ue Caaae. 102: 52883 Dark Hill. Ill; 52519 Kscarpolette. 10O: 52085 Kbnpalone, 121: 52377 Frank Monroe. 108; " 2S1 I Kttahe. 101. Overweights The Archer. :: poaada. ET OOOQ EIGHTH RACE— 1 1-4 Miles. March 7. 1916— 2:04— 6— 101. Purse ,000. 4-yeax-tlMOOr olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index ilor-.s AWtlFSt , ■_. •, Str Kin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 52748 KOH-I-NOOR w T 10:! 4 :: l # V :. 1" J J M neyH J King 13 20 13 6 3 527883*YAPHANK w4 87 8 i l» ! 2 r 2 .1 McCoy K Loh 6 7 4 8-5 4-5 521 IK BERLIN wi: 7 MS 3 8 V t 3» 3] B Pool I au-r Stable 6 10 10 4 2 52787 GRANDEE wa 5 US I I .V 5 31 4" 1; H TbarberE T ZoUlCOffer 2." 2. 7-5 7-101-:; .".2".»iT N K I LAI. W 7 MS .11 7" Tl 5: 6« a" R RomclliM Coodpastcr 20 25 20 8 4 52S85*SOLID ROCK wl 10s • 2 [ 6* l»i 21 6* L Aron W Smith 10 r, 12 3 q •V.*728 McADOO w -i lo:; 1 1 10 ll-ln TO- 71. F Wdsfck.J II Raker 10 12 12 .". "" 52582* HOMEWARD BNDw S 8S 7 12 11" U* 11s* 8 E AnthonyE b Ogden 38 68 no 20 10 52748 GOLDCRST BOY w 0 113 10 7 I S] Bj 7 8" N Barrett Iclienn Stabb- s 1 12 k 2 52571 BAR ONE wa 8 107 12 I 2 Pt T V M" M Garner L A Rrouddus i:;-54. 1 T-3 7-10 52I541LADY WARD w 7 102 11 10 . . ■. 8] 11- 11 -" A Richer* kE Lutz 1. 2f 15 K 58388 CLEAN SWEEP a I M E 1 12 12 12 12 12 N Everett O Wcndel 100 100 100 40 -o Time. 18%, 48. 1:13«5. 1:41, 2:08. Track fast. Winner — m. by Dr. Leggo— Priceless Jewel, by Plaudit traimd bv R. Venters; bred nv Mr Adolph K. Sprocket. Went t.. post at 3.29. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the aaaae. KOH-I-NOOR, away well and close up from the start, saved ground on the last turn and got up to win in the tinal stride of a faal tinish. YAPHANK ran a good race, but lost ground on the *tretch tarn by cominj iide BERLIN ran well and made a game tinish GRANDEE came wide into the stretch and lo-t ground. I.AR ONE quit. McADOO was kept far back to the last ouarter. where he moved up ■ ith a rash. Scratched — 52810 Baatry, 188; ." 2» n." Richard v.. 10«: 52S1S simonite. 99: 52T67 Walter Turnboiv 108; 32873|Kia| Keptaae. 108; 52748 Jack Reeves. 181; 52789 P. G. King. 188; 52743 starter. 101 ii. 1 weights Vapli.tnk 1 1 ad; McAdoo, 2; Sal one 1: Lady Ward. 1.