Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-09


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- t 1 I i ii .• II . . r ■I i. I r HAVANA FORM CHART , . . HAVANA. CUBA. TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1921. Oriental Park. Sixty third day. Cuba American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 100 days or men. Weather clear: temperature 90 . Stewards. J. Ilachmeistcr. C. II. Lansdalc and P. J. Itruen. Starter. James I. Milton. Kacinc Sec retary. M. Nathanson. Badng start- at 2:80 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p. mi. V indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fic- un- in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate late, track record, ace of horse nasi weight carried. Ihdfcates appreatici allowance, COOi Q FIRST RACE— 3-8 Mile. Jan. 21. 1910—34%— 2— 113. Purse 00. 2-yoar-olds. , tladOJLtl Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Hoi.-es AWtPPSt , Str Fin Jockevs .■ :, Owner- O 11 C 1* S oJ593 TOUT DB SUITE w HI ti 1 i" 1- W Kelaay F Cebriau 1 ti-0 i-3 2 : T-0 rill « .HSIINA B. wt: in:, 7 i. :; 2- Is Kinn.lji, E Ernener 144 S-6 1- 32653 HYEKES w ■ 1Kt ; 2 IJ. 2 C 11 Mill.-rF V Springer R-5 S 3 H-S4-S 1-3 ! V.J «.-»:; maim ; vui: i vsil n tut 1 V C Eames T Hodge i; I . i fitftBS acosta w lu; . i ; R M«D»ttE C Kuebelkamp S . I l .-,!", Hi NAOMI K u Ufi I 7 ■ ■ W Crtunp .1 0 Kurt H 13 IS S .-;:-tl1 MOULT PUFF w r. Kd s •n 7 T1 .1 Smith P Powen 1" 12 U COL v. w no 2 :. s s c Hughes M.-. 1 1 iii... sti bi, ;o .;it m w » I • Time 22. 354s. Track fast. sj mutueis paid. Tout de Suiii . 15.70 straight, .20 place, 82.18 iknr; laotiaa i:.. 14.80 place. 10 -ln. ■; Hyeies. |2.10 show. I iuiv.ii.nt booking odds 1i.nt ill- suit--. 1 sr, t" nut atraight, 00 to 100 place, •"• to Iiki show; Jaatlaa ! i: lis t.. kmi place, :. i.i Mo show, Hyeres, :. in Km shoar. Winner It. !. bj Tim 6%yne Dire.ti. bj finetor trained by -I. !...«• bn d bf Mr. lMward Cebriua I. Went tn post .il 2:31. At post _ Minute*, st :i it i I and -lu.. i.: in-ill : second and third driving. TolT DE sriTi: set n I.i-r pace and. drawing away Into a loag lead after onf-ring tin- stretch. Was eased up :lt tin- • nil. JUSTIN A K. r:in well ..ml linMied ill resolute fashion. 11YKKKS was outpaced, but linished fast. MARGARET asii tired in the laal sixteenth. Overweight — Molly IniT. 1 pound; Justina ].. 5; Margaret Sash, _: Hyeres, 1; Naomi K.. 4: Col I Ti-v. 2... KOQOfi SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1: 05 .-,—5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-•3 iaVOlvr olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlISt , ■■, Str Kill Jockeys Owners i» 11 1 s ! 53787 »TRIOMPHANT wa 3 M0 I 1 -- l1 1 L Penman F Rector 1 2 I 1-3 2-5 52384* NOBL K.MAN wan 9 M0 1 1 4«] 4 2*1 :• N" .1 BTntsC B L-nahan 1 I] 32 7-3 7-10 , "2737 TRENTINO « 7 ill t .". 7*1 8* 6* Sl G MangaaP Button I t.S 8-6 ■ 513t3 ciiANTi .li: a 6 115 11 7 3»* 31 31 4 W Cramp R Lilians 10 U 12 •". 21 6273S*GRRY RUMP vi lilt I I :.: 9 d 5* F Hun. it Com. r 1 1 l 1-6 7-M , 52553*TRKADWKLL a BIN 9 3 lap i I Kran is R B Allt n I I| 81 7 .". 7 in RM14K MARY FITZHUGH w MB b 6 i1 8 7- V A Tryon A Tempest IS 15 l". • 52833 MAJOR FISK a I lit 7 8 .- .:: !J v W Jarrell P A Colin 13 IS 15 I ."2284 KATE KAV 9 11. :: .• 8s* 7«* ;ik SJ C Barnes S Dryden 12 15 15 I .".■7" i VERA TWYFORD a l I l" 10 18* Iuu10" 11 RobsonC Middleton BO 50 10 28 10 •RUBAIYAT a 1 loi : 11 11 11 11 11 .1 Smit.i .1 W McAbee M U U i Si Time. 2335. 48. l:07- 5. Track fast. 12 asatuels paid. Triuaaphaat, .30 straight. s:i. 10 place, |2 7d akow; Sobtesaaa, 04.00 place, .40 sbou : Trentlao, .70 -lu.w. K.iuiv.ili.iit booking odds Triumphant. MB to loo atraicht, To t.. loo place, .".."i to 100 show; SoMeaaaa, 130 to loo place, TO t.. loo show; Trentlao, 183 to loo iihow. Winner th. -j.. by Flint Bock— White Thorn, by Nasturtium trained by I". Hector; bred in England by Mr, Angus! Belaaoat. Went ti pool at 2:50, At poat I miimtes. start ajood and aloar. Wmi drivinc: aa.cond and third the aaaae. TRIOMPHAXT raced lKi:AIWi:i.I. into defeat in tin- Oral three eighths ami tmik a clear lead, bat was sh.ik.li up at the end to oiitsta.v KUBLKMAN. The latter ran well and linished gaaaely. TRENTINO 1 wnie ciiANlori: down for third place la the last ei*htli. The latter bearaa slowly, bat moved up rapidly on the outside in the early i iiiiiiim:. Im t tired. TREADWELL quit after settiiif. a fast early pace. Serateiied -52575 Johnny OConneU, lou. Oaarweifhta — Chantoar, 1 pound. : prOQO-| THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and [ OfOfJL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWillM , M -, Str Fin .Toekeys Owners O II C V B 5275! BLMOKT wi: I IOC :: t; ."i1 ." »* 13 Penman T Doyle I I SJ 6-5 52717-P.RKAD I.lNi: wa 4 106 I l 1 1- T : B KenndyW C Weatland I 1 1 1-3 1-0 Pt?M**CHJMERA a S 1":: 1 3 5* Si 4- :i LcasterP A Herol.l 10 0 3 0-5 S888S *6AYONA wi: ". lot :, 4 ] pta c i. Gordon A C Henderson T 8 s :: 8-5 Bt778*JAKE PELD wa 4 Mt - T T- Tl V V J Fran is I-. .1 Sullivan .". 6 6 Q 6-3 . C8778XCUARK M. w. 11 IM 4 E 0*0* T 0* J UomickG Holnn ■ Z -J. l 4-3 2-5 I 52717 PRESUMPTION WB 12 IM s s 10 0 T1 W Kelaay M M Shields s s X 3 6-5 52717*FIN1S w 4 104 T J V 3* 0s I N .1 BrneaC K l.enahan 20 0 LO 6 4 Time. 23, 473, 1:13"5. Track fast. 63 mutueis paid. Klmont. 681.30 atraicht, .70 place, 04.08 show: Bread Line, n_.!io place, 02.30 show: Chiaaera, 68.30 show. Kiiuivaleiit iiiMikins odds — Klmont. 14To to loo atraicht, 883 to 100 place. 130 to loo show; Bread Line, . 4.~. to loo place, "•"• to loo show; Chiaaera, 03 to 100 show. Winner— B. i. by Lake Mcl.uki — Kerr, by rniomiiu.ii trained by B. B. Rice; bred by Mr. Richard I T. Wilson! . Went to post al 8:21. At post :. miaates. Start % 1 and slow. Won driving; tecond and third tin- ■ same. KLMONT mev.-d ii| rapidly after entering the stretch ainl headed the tiring leader ill the last sixteenth to aria drawing clear. BREAD LINE set a feat pace, but tired after holding to the last sixteenth. CHIMERA Bnished fast la the middle of the track and outstayed SAYOXA. CLARK M. was I sore when going to the post. FINIS quit. Scratched- :,i!CiT Dragoon, 105; 52717*8n»ite, 182; S2733 Bacchanalian, ! S: 32835 Peggy Rrrea, 08. Olfiajflghia fllfad Fine. 1 puninl. fT nonO FOURTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. OOIaf 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. , Index Haraca AWtlFSt1, A % Str Via Jockeys Owners 0 H C I* S - 527Sl*DAnxi.i: v waS 106 t t 6 8*8* l»* V B JCeamdyP OraJaam 1 6-5 .0-5 1-3 oat C8781z*HARLOCK w 0 Mi 2 - Ill] l1* 2* -- -l franchi .1 H Moody 8-5 8-5 0-5 1-2 oat S8781*CANT LE LIGHT wn 5 MO :: :: 8" 2*1 2* 8" ■■- L Penman E P Baxter :: :: :: 4-:. out ."27KO PIE W I V S 1 1 2*1 4- 4:; 4 4»J Q Mangnnt B Van Winkle s s S -JJ out I "2699* REDSTART w 6 111 6 6 0*5 6 5 5 R LeaatarJ .1 McCafferty 10 12 K 4 ut Time. 24, 4823. 1:13. 1:39. 1:4223. Track fast. 02 mutueis paid. Darnley. 85.40 straight, 83.00 place: llarloek. 88.80 place: 110 show mutueis sold. Kiiuivaleiit booklag odds Darnley. 170 to 10O straight, 58 to 100 place; llarloek. SO to 100 place. Winner--lHk. ;;. by MagBClp Mllllr. by Kilkerraii trained DJ *li. Bpargar; bred by Messrs. Talbot 1 F.ros. I. Went to post at 8:50. At post 1 minute. Start goad and slow W..11 easily: second and third driving. DARJJLKY niiived up steadily after rounding the far turn and easily raced into a good lead in thu-t last eighth. HARLOCK set I fas! pace, but tired when the winner eh.;llen-ed. CANDLE LIGHT raced 1 gaaaety and was on tl atsktt of the leaders all the way. The others were outpaced. - PT QQQO FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— l:38l3— 5— 105. Parse 00. 4-year-olds and I OOaiO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. - Index Horses AWtPlSt i ;, Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II 1* S " 52798TIM. .7. Hoc; AN" W 6 10:: 4 - 1 i 1J Is 1 1 1 ", H Kb his C, Warwick 6 7 7 23 8-6 B27Z8a*EL CORONEL w 6 103 2 1 5 o1 :, V zl L Penman 1 Togaie 2| 2 21 1 i -2 5272»*AK tax wa "i i"i 7 7 1 : 4* 4- 3* 3 N J BrbeaF Deiharrio 2 2 2 4-5 I 5 5X78w*RAVEKSEA W t MO 3 il 7! 7: 6 1* VI R Lcaat rl. M lribarren 2] :. :: 1 1-2 B2758*ASSIGN wa 6 Ml W 1 ■■- 2* 2" -- "; -I Smith J W Moore 15 1" 1". 6 BS778* •DRIFFIELD wa T MS 5 : ti *. :,- 31 4 61! II l.r IgeaA C Niehaus 12 1- 1- 5 -i B2741*8WIRL wa I IT 6 "1 S- •• 61 T! Iarrish D B Jones 15 15 1.". 6 :; 58783*CLARE BOOTHS w5 M 8 10 M M 1" : 8* 8 Low.- 1- 1 Bprtacer i" 15 15 6 .".-JTiK PNCB OF COMOwb8 1Q6 1 :: 2* 3 TL 61 .,s D PYaaklinl Hodge i M M 4 - ."." ;; 1 RHADAMES w* 8 MO 6 I 83 8* KM 10 J Franc a i. tl Baxter 15 20 -0 ! 4 Time. 24. 48-.,. 1:18, 1:48%. Track fast. niutnel- paid. Timothy .1. HogaO, 821.30 Straight, SO. 00 place. 88.28 sl„,w: Kl toronel. S3. SO place. 82.40 show; War Tax. *.:.To show. lviiiivalcnl booking odd- limnthy J. Uogan, !»0-*. to 188 straight, XjO to 100 place, W tn 100 show: Kl Coronrl, 00 to 100 place. 20 to loo show: War Tax. SB to 100 shew. Winner — B. g, by Piligraae — Martha Agneor, by Carl C. trained by U. Warwick; bred by Mrs. t. F. Agaew 1 . Went to ]iot at 1:18 At iiot 2 minutes. Start good and alow. Won easily; second and third driving. TIMOTHY J. HOOAN s,.t a ....d pace from soon alter the start and easily won all the way. Kl. . CORONEL elnsed a cap Kaniely. but swerved to the inside in the laM sixteenth and linished behind the leader. WAR TAN ran well and was slightly interfered with by EL CORONEL when the latter , swerved. lt.VVKNSKA linished fat. ASSION was ;i close -Bp contender to the last eighth. Orerweights— Clare Boothe, 1 pound: Ravensca, 1: Prince of Cocao, 5 ElOO/B1 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1919— 1 :38»6— 5— 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and ■ doOl upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtllst % ■_ ", Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S .VJtiiix »PERIGOURDINE w 8 106 T 1 t r1 1 1 mj t Bama Ktmcre F"m Sta 2 2] 21 l 1-2 F8815x*GOLD STONE wa B 100 2 1 4:; :;»■ -" t- L PenananS T Baxter i t 4 2 1 P2781*NORFK BELLE wn 1 10- 3 6 3 * 3* - 3s ::J L Gordon H B Davis 31 1 4 8-5 1-6 82758* RED w ."1 ins 1 l IJ 2* 1- 1- 41 .1 Francis T Cheek I l 1 s-j 4 ,"• ."2759 SEMP. 8TALWRT w I M0 I E 62 6* 6* 6s J1 11 l.casur.f C Katon 1 Li 1 1- 52778 .MARTY LOU wi: 10 100 4 1 5* 5] 51 ■"• 8 H Fields Rosedale Stable 10 10 8 3 8-5 B8558*BULGER w .• 106 s g I 6 I 8 7* N .1 BrneaR Dol/. 8 s s :: 6-5 52758*GUARDSMAN w 0 101 ~ 7 V TL T 71 8 .1 Smith B A Cotton 15 15 It 6 1 Time, 24, 48, 1:18%, 1:39V Track fast. : 2 mutu-ls paid. Petigoordlae, sT.:;o atraight, s::.a place. 82.70 show; Gold stone. .30 place, si.to U show; Norfolk Belle, 64.00 show. K.iuivalent I kin- odds Ieriu-ourdine. 2i5 to 10 » atraight, «•" t.. UMi place. 88 to 100 show: GoM St. me. 05 t.. 100 place, 89 t.. 108 show; Norfolk Belle, 145 to loo show. Winner Br. m. bj Aeronaat — Miss Perigord, by Perigord trained by 11. J. Kennedy; bred by Mr. I Edward .. Caaaatt. Went t.. p.it at 4:40. Al pool :: minutes, start 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. - PERIGOCRDINE ra.e.l Into the had on the backatretch and won easing up. GOLD STONE came e on the oataMe of the leaders when entering the stretch, bat Onisbed fast. NORFOLK BELLI tired d badly in the last quarter. RED set the early pace, but failed to stay the route. scratched -52750 Hunter Piatt, loS: ."iiToit Langhiag Eyes IL, lOti.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921020901/drf1921020901_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1921020901_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800