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i i | , ; j I F I i | I I i i. 1 I i ; i I ! I I » • • I l e i I i ". I -• "■ • i 1 I - t s , : l f , ■ , J j ! „ , j I j i ,1 j lGETAWAY DAY DISASTROUS , o ! — Fair Grounds Favorites Routed by Unconsidered Outsiders. o- Captain Mac, Tippity Witchet, Yung- Ching and Other Stars Ignomimously Beaten. BY ■!. L. DFMPSEV.I NKW OKI. KANS. La.. F-bruary S.-The much Idtncuased queatieoa of respect It* superiority 1m--iltweea Captain Mac and Tippity Witchet. the- two aappooed ontatandiag cracks ,,f the wiater, waa partlallj aa»wer*d with the raaniag of tiMia.vs feature, a handicap ai a mile .,nei a sixteenth, la Which 111- pair met a: practically even weight*. Neither iiiii«!ie-ei a g the placed owes, bal running of ihe- race clcine nsi rated that Captain Mac is Tlppitj Wilcliet- mast,.;-, for he iin,|iies lionably ran the best r.K-e- ami his failure- was largelj doe to anfferiag from mm h Interferewe ami beicg forced to race eatresaHy side, which cost him much ground. Ffee winner tiirniMl it] • in the lighth weigkted Bosaaay, which raced with st. Isidore, the leader, t lowly and took the- l--ael la the last sixteenth t win by a safe margin. with Dancing Spray, aa vvhie h .larvis caused most of the laterfereaee, heeathng si. Isidore by a aooe An directly apposite the graadataad la full ie-w of its occupants lnarriil the- sprinr h.ui-e dieap and resulted in the e! -tnicte.u ccf Linden is--I cause .,r injuries he sustained .lnn he figuri-d in I fall, with Minute- Man ami Rapid Day also going down The iucide-iil happened in the last fifty yards of th.- rice-, where there was a e-noral biinch-» ing up ol ihe leaelcis Linden was i-oming like a whirlwind ami trying lo fight his way through, bu; he evidently struck the heels of some- horse in front of him. causing him lo go down like a shot. Minute Man ami BapM Day were unable to avoid him and .else fell. Jockey Connelly, rider of Linden, had to be carried oflt the track, but earner and Motrin, respective riders of BapM Hay and Minute Man. left the scene una ssisteel. Connelly was badly shaken up Lindens right fore leg was broken bj the fall and he wa~ destroyed. The- purse- for l hre-e year olds exclusively was the best roatested si the afternoon, with Baaga Bock and Fantochc furnishing s desperate stretch clue! rt n 1 1 Baaga Puck triumphing in the final stride. lie- sixth race-, also al a mile found a splendid band taking part ami h brought shoal ihe overthrow of Yung Chiag, the most pr aaeed faroriti of the afterniHiii. He was besr. tint a faulty beginning canned his andedng, Lucky p. beatlag him t a Kraal length. funs Ihina. finish,., l like a whirlwind afte-r elooina an Immense ga . Tin- two-year-olds that began tin- apart furnished a thrilling struggle-, with victory going to Johnny Diinde-e by a nose from his stable-mate Kvelyu While, with the latter the s;lme margin in of Adventure. Ihe- favorite-. The- Archer was rlahwed from the seventh race t j i. H. Smith for S.I.ihhi. in ihe clasiag race Oraadee was claimed by o. W c-ialel for Sl.ciKI. The overtkrow of favorites and th.- success of long-priced horses was the- most sensational of the whole tneeling. Ueneral manager Bddy saM, "Financially tlie thirty-three days of racing exceeded oar expeeta- lions ami the- liberal policy in Ihe matter of purses will be i-ontinueil hereafter, "A good portion of the present earaiags will he used to make exteastre improvemeats aad la braatify- ing the Fair l.icnnds. The improvements will include the extension of our present graadataad to afford more- seating capacity, wc have alas la view the erection of the- clubhouse- plnnni-el some- time- ago. "The track proper and the- stable s win also e-oine in for sddltlnaal attention ami with these BCCCOSOriea to our pri-sent plant the- Fair ir.-unds will come ap lo the statielard of the heal raring courses in the e-ountry."