Fourth Race [Fourth Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-09

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1 , I j J 1 j | I , 1 • • 1 1 1 . 1 ! I 1 1 , . ; • 1 I 1 , _ 1 . 1 ? , , I , , I | F0UETH RACE— 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May 20, 1920—59—4—107. VERA WOOD. b. f. 3 95 By Honeywood— Lady Vera, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer. A. Ycarjin. Owner. Allen and Shunia. 52749 Tijuana 3-4 1:15 fast 3-5 108 3" G Vearcin 9 AaatAaaie, Capon, OearajeJamrn 51877 Tijuana 5-8 142%fast 33-16 109 2* G Teaiain 12 JacfcLee, Aunt Annie. M.Duabmr 51639 Tijuana 5-8 143%faat 8 107 in G Tearsrha 7 Raasia, Pal] Moon. Crown 61669 Laurel 6 f 14K4itaat 42! 112 2 5 10 7= 9»J O Tearsin 11 Coodllope, BilTcrSprins*. Kinetic 66951 Laurel 3-4 l:15%f art 27 107 .", 4 1 41 41 c, 10 Sal. -man. Bygone, Kaffir Girl 69124 Laur.-i i| 1 146%laat 26 100 7 3 3 61 7"? .; Year-in IS v. T. Grives, Parader, Traatala ENGLISH LADY. ch. m, 7 107 By Dick Welles— Miladi Love, by Flying Dutchman. Trainer. V. Cloud. Owner. V. Cloud. 2729 Tijuana 5-8 l:62%fast 7 p 1 . , 11 Rowe 11 Joe Tap;, Julv Klv. Ely 62668 Tijuana 6-8 l:OI.-hvy 15 116 f T McCgb 10 CamfUKell.. D.P*sha, Lit.Jak.- Tijuana 5-S l:o:,..siow 2.". 108 2 P afartinealO TBlotsoa. Nledorati, C.Murphr 52062 Tijuana 5i f 1 :0S fast 112 111 10:J R Dority 11 Hoover. CalCurn. Clear the Way 51806 Tijuana 6-8 143 fast IM 136 ll" J Callahan 1 1 Nesr, J. I. Sufrr. Daisy M 63996 Tijuana 6| f ." 13 ill 65J V Clou l 11 Milda. La Bete Noire. Annnbelle INDIAN BRIGADE, ch. g, 8 106 By Brigade— Wild Irish, by Pontiac. Trainer, R. Campbell. Owner, L. 0. Funding sland. 55804 Tijuana 1 142 fas: 9 I0f» ♦;".! Clements 8 MisaPsraeB, Bardora, Chaatreas 52682 Tijuana 1 1:45 slow 7-5 111 Pf C Thpson s B. Harrhran, Ap. Jack, Ctress 52633 Tijuana 3-1 1 :l.",nv L If 111 f.; C Tmpsonll .Mann. ■■hen. Job* Jr.. Keg 52546 Tijuana 6| t Lll.-.mud 1-2 115 l| C ThpsOnlO Mex, Pastime, Mildred Kuretta 5251. 1 Tijuana 6-8 l:OP-,hvy 11 167 1» C Tmpsnl2 M.EurIa. J.J.Mrdk Canvashk 5?2 ,6 Tijuana 6-8 24f 109 S!,l K Burns 10 M.Meelick, Kin-leader. Tillotson 52211 Tijuana 1 l:42:-,fast 7 110 5el E Taylor 11 Nasfaotah, IrishDaisv. Moun.dirl £2106 Tijuana 6-8 l:oi--fast 27 1C5 21 F. Burns 11 Little.Iake. DaisyN., M.Franklin K1J93 Tijuana 3-4 1 :15.-fast 53 Ml 6« E Burns 10 Coffield. Yukon." Anna Jackson HUGH ANGLETON. b. g. 7 109 By J. F. Crowley— Banonica, by Bannockburn. Trainer, D. Hazeltine. Owner. D. Hazeltine. 56933 ham-in Aband-8 141 fast 13-16 l"s 1] B Smith 5 L.L.Owen. Woodpile. Vsassnel 56T47 Cnaarin Ab6-8 141%faat 22 li". I] T Buckles 7 MayMaabiby, U. Valley, B.gfarlu 66176 Dufrin Ab 6-8 1:02-, fast 6 117 I _ T Duikhs S Vir;-c. Bars an Stars. Jan Lot; an 50031 DuTrin Ab 6-8 141 rood 8 115 2] T Buekies 7 Paaetaai. Thre, El Mahdi 49870 Ketapn Ab5Jf 147%faat 17-16 113 1- R Pauley S Prafwgaada, Healer, Phrviada 19613 Kemp n Abu-8 l:0C-fast 4-5 115 l« R Pauley 7 M. Dixon. K. Worth, Hes a Dear 49426 HI Royal 6-8 b 115 2« H Dennler lj L.Mildred. P.Heatber, ILPiUgh VELVET, ch. m, 7 110 By Transvaal— Fair Alien, by Dandie Dinmont. Trainer. W. M. Cassity. Owner, Canity Stable. 52792 Tijuana 2-1 1 :i IM I -c Whit ton 16 MbatMaaao-e, Ap.Jack. Delaaeey 52652 Tijuana 6 fl:ll*f,mud 11 II". 21 E Taylor 7 .Mex. Aunt Annie. Ringleader 52526 Tijuana 5 . f l:15Vislop 9 113 " Q Yearrrin 11 Our Luader. I .wis B„ Arietta 52598 Tijuana 2-1 1:1S hvy 10 112 6T G Yeargin U Yukon. Applejack. ChoirMaster 62424 Tijuana 5 f l:07%faat 16 111 3 1 G Yeargin 8 OrchidKK, Ringleader. 1.. Payne 62933 Tijuana 2-4 1 :14 ;good S 112 f," X Foden 10 Billy J..e, llunger. Yukon LOBELIA, b. m. 7 112 By Dr. Leggo— Othale, by The Judge. Trainer. B. A. Jones. Owner, B. A. Jones. 52772 Tijuana 1 1-16 1:1s. 3-2 lh 2 C Whittonll V.. Sister. T.Bkearidge 1 Tenny 52639 Tijuana 3-4 l:U8fcslow 0 in 9" X Foden 11 Haaacben. John Jr.. Neg 52424 Tijuana 6 f 1 :"7-.-fnst 33-M 114 6*1 X Foden 8 Orchid King. Ringleader. Velvet 520S2 Tijuana 6« f 1 :07-".-.fas» 19-16 112 1] N Foden 11 V.Welh . ilarr.Heir. Mannehen 520SS Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 9-10 115 5-J X Foden 7 Babylonian, Milda Chandelier 51959 Tijuana 2-1 1:11. -,fast 9-10 118 1" N Foden 11 Uktfrbrana Hfir, Cila, Welga SISTER POLLY, b. f. 3 90 By Ruby Bird— Red Wing, by Downpatrick. Trainer, G. E. Archer. Owner. G. E. Archer. 52749 Tijuana 3-4 l:li fast 7 103 7 r; II Row- !i Aunt Aaaie, Caaaaj, Vera Weed 52673 Tijuana •• I 1 :l7..hvy t..f !•:. • L Gaucel 9 MhnParaelt, DeeDireet. Bit.Joe 53583 Tijuana 3-4 l:185fcs!ow j: ltx t1 D Powell 7 J.Hosbor, AadreyA., AaatAaaie 52505 Tijuana 5-8 l:6»VU vy 21-10 105 l"t M Slghterl2 Woodrosc, Frivolous. Lit Itinpcr 5212: Tijuana SS f 148 fast f.t 98 3i M Slghteril MabelRule, BeesWing, CoverOp 52210 Tijuana 6 t 141 fast 43 91 3 P Hum L Ola Lee. Crown. Chaftan Court TERNETTE. ch. m, 5 112 By Barnesdale — Tern, by Black Dean. Trainer. E. F. Wright. Owner, W. C. Carrington. 52669 Tijuana :.-s 1 :"i .hvy 7 113 R Carter 11 C. the Way, Naalevati, M.rnklin 62492 Tijuana 6-8 141%fart 5*-5 106 S- M srht-r 9 Lit.Jak.-. H.McCarty, Ed Le Van 61984 Tijuana 5 8 141 fast 12-5 110 7" A /.-igler 7 Neg, Lipostu. Little Jake 51991 Tijuana 41 f :M fast El lit 4J A Zeigler 6 PhneWard, Apropos. Corneuttcr 51819 Tijuana 5 s 1 02 pi III 13 A /.isler 7 Tillotson, Anna Regius, Neg ".1712 Tijuana 5-8 1 : i2.-,fast 12-10 1 1 1 II A Zeiprler 12 Hoover. Isphara, Blazer "0104 Reno 4L f 55 fast 3 101 3-t L Mills 1; IjidySuiall. Epiphanes, 1ayetteC. LITTLE JAKE. ch. g. 11 114 By Krutsch— Stella Perkins, by Prophecy. Trainer. M. P. Level. Owner. E. M. Level. 52668 Tijuana :.-s 1 :"t.,livy 23-16 116 M 51 MthewslO CamTpell., D.Paaba, Col.Mhy 52648 Tijuana 51 f 1:11-. mud 5 112 3*1 M Slglit-r s L Prim-ess, T. Dun. an. LewisB. 62441 Tiiuana 6-8 1 .on 11-5 99 I: Man. hi !» Shifty. Slnrnian A.. Lidy Small 52462 Tijuana 6-8 141%faat 5 116 1 A Bebjler 9 H.McCarty, KdLeVan, Maaachea 522::; Tijuana 6-8 1:0.:. hvy •" 11". 2," A Zehjler 11 Dai-v .. J. D. Sugg Viva 52117 Tijuana 51 f 1 :"7- .fast 10 112 f M Mtlews !» Yukon. Delaaeey, Cover Hp 62M6 Tijuana 5-s 4-5 M6 1 M Mtli.wsll I.l.ri-ade, DaisyN.. M. Franklin OLD SQUIRREL, ch. c, 3 97 By Squirrel— Emily Buckler, by Buckler. iTrainer. F. Morris. Owner. F. Morris. 52504 Tijuana 5-8 l:64%hvy 61 99 9" G Teanyin 12 lad.Bsade, M.Kurta J J Airdk 52260 Tijuana 51 f l:0s-.,fast 51 97 II" F Goettlicll MissMeeUck, P.. I.ird. P.Mooa 52061 Tijuana 6*8 142 fast 21 M IJh Mills 12 Jack Lee, Woodrose Brataaki 60212 Reno 4 f 19 106 5"- J DePord 8 RoyDewey, I.ettyKee. Ihil.Lugo 69891 Reno 4 f 5t,fast 6 113 _; A Beiarler ; R.Dewey, H.K.Asher, 19971 Bi no i f 56 fast 7 112 31 J Clements 7 SirJohnJr.. P.. Flower. Geo. James KING EARL. b. g. 12 109 By Inflexible — Bellona by Beau Ormonde. .Owner. D. K. Campbell. 13716 Juares 3-4 1:13 fast 5 ill 2 I 13 13 1 :-" it Kottmnlu Perrona, Leford, Droml 13635 Juarez 3-4 l:13%faat 39 ill 12 1 ;, 6 19- G MohsthL". Largo, Droml, W.c.f 11501 Joarea 5-8 145%faat 10 1 10 :♦ 11 12 12 12- H CaVnhll! MaLavinia. Th.Belle, M.Bueaa OUR LEADER, b. g, 12 114 By Bryn Mawr— Rossa, by Rousseau. Trainer. X. Henry. Owner, Moore and Henry. 52792 Tijrana 3-4 1:1 1-"-fast 7 ill 6" B Mari 11110 MUwManage, ApJach Delaaeey 52673 Tijuana :-1 1 I7..liy 19 119 9" T UcCgh 9 MissPamell. PeeDirect, Bll.Joe 62547 Tijuana 5 f 1:12 Mud 47-16 115 .",1: HayWd 9 Riposta, Tillotson, Gee James 52526 Tijuana 5l f l:15.:..slop S 115 1- R Haywd 11 ly-wis P.. Velvet. Arietta 52402 Tijuana 5-s 1 MX -fast 12-10 106 rM I Taylor !» Lit. Jake, II.MrCartv. Ed I# Vnn 52021 Tijuana 5i f 1:0S fast 16 111 4H J Glass i Pvt.Peat. Smil. Maggie. Plunger

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