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s. by 0M by .v k aa i- by ■y * 1 • by •V — BRUTAL HORSE RACES OF THE PAST iy I In an early volume of the English General Stud ■ Book il i- lee. . i. led that Sharper, a horse by II. tavius. was a winning figure in a brutal match run n. in Raasia, "where be and Miaa wen- matched ,,, to inn aeveatj five rerat* forty -nine and three- , qaartera Eagllah miles in: the public road agalast st two Cossack horses; Ulna falling lame wa- palled , ,1 up early in tin- race, which Sharper won with ease, .,. notwithstanding ihs toss ol a stirrup and the can m sequent Inability of hi- rider to restrain him for or several miles. The Coaaack horse- had nearly 1 three stoae ndvaatage in weight, and oae of them ■m fell at the end of tweaty five mile- anil died. This race was run m 1825 near St. Petersburg." It i- eoaaforttag to know thai the aafortnnate sharper er recovered aafflcMutly to run for a race of J unit 1111 ruble- in tin- July of tin- following year. In elderly days certain Coettaental "sportaaaea" l" had a f ii my for -uch degrading exhibition-, and mi tin- famous idol of tin York hire. Raglan 1. raring ns folks. GUBCrack, when he passed temporarily into :.. tin- po--es-ioii of count Laaragaaia, wa- matched ed lo do twenty two miles and a half in the hour and nd I succeeded.