Seventh Race [Seventh Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-10

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SEVENTH RACE — 5-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. May T 20, 1920—59—4—107. WALTER MACK, br. g, 6 113 By Hapsburg — Foneda, by Kingiton. Trainer. W. Pinkstaff. Owner. R. H. Good. 62811 Tijuana ."■_■ t 1:07. .", 1M 1 ;il- H K Carter • I.itilc P.ea.h. Kef. Deekband 52612 Tijuana 5. f l:09Vr.slow 7 114 2 R Carter B W.Mgoaaery, B. Joe ■ 62441 Tijuana 6-8 l:00/ifast 15 107 ji R McCrnn tt Shifty. Sherinan A.. Little Jake ,! 62427 Tijuana 51 f l:07%fast 5 113 6SJ C "Whitton 7 AnnaWood. K.L.Owen. Pizarro 0 62366 Tijuana 51. t 1:08 good 17 112 3-:J R Carter J» ClearLike. OridKins. R.I .wen 1 62280 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 5 M8 31 C "Whitton 7 V. Welles. Lout. L Owen. Liposta I RIPOSTA, b. m, 7 107 By Chuctanunda — Canastota, by Royal Emblem. Trainer. T. Henry. Owner. Moore and Henry. ...To: Tijuana .v f 1:0s. 7-io im i B Marielli 8 Webja, TeeapyDaaeaa, Tlllataaa II 62547 Tijuana 61 f 1:12 mud 4-5 10S I4 B Marielli 9 Tillotson. Oco James. Applejack 1 62486 Tijuana 5-8 l:U%m«d 3* 113 I1 N Foden S Illlotson. Cliromo. EddieTrant r I 52459 Tijuana 51 f l:09-.-,sloi ".-2 113 2*1 ! Martinez 7 Clear thoYVay. A.Jack. P. Moody 6240 ; Tijuana 5-8 1 :01: r,f ast 17-10 111 :« I Martinez !» OertrudeP... ThySeven. Delamcy 62363 Tijuana 51 f l:0SJ;goodU-10 113 3- P Martinezll Blab hita. Lad.v Sniall, Ann S. . JOE TAG, b. g. 3 96 By Flammanon — Belle Rod. by Nimrod. Trainer. J. Hill. Owner. H. W. Barnes. tZltt Tijuana 5111:07 fast ::l ;. Q Y.arsjin 9- IM. Peat. An.Kesina. CIdcWvcL- Bim Tijuana 5-8 1 4-5 95 i; Q Yeargin 11 Kiiyji-h Lady, July Iiy. Ill y BRMtCbacrin Ab5-8 1:«1 fast 19 8»1 ■ Owea 8 U.L.Ow.n. Ilat.Wilhlo. JulvIlv v 49720 Kemp n AbS-8 33-M M3 Il C OMahy .". M JssIIollaijd. Vimnnel. Orchestra ., 49065 Kompn Ab-".;f 1 :09- fast 7 112 41 C OMahy 7, Orchestra. MlasHoHa4, , onnel j EVALYN HARRIGAN. ch. m, 5 103 By Harrigan— Vancena, by Batten. Trainer, E. F. Wright. 0..;ier, G. Kelly. BM82 Tijuana 1 1:45 slow 9-5 P7 i, l: 1 i s Apple Jack. Chanties-. I.Nui-c ,. MSMTUoana 5- t 1:10%bIom "• 110 V A Eebyler 10 M.Bnretta. Dot II, Maud M. BRH Tijuana 1 l:4«%*ood 17-5 193 8*4 M siKht. r 1 1 o.Klusli. BrownBee, Chat. Court I 52278 Tijuana lnpiy ]:46%fast M Ml 7"i A Zejgh r 7 Sielcilff. Andre* K.. Concha 52211 Tnu.ina 2-4 1:14 fast 29 M8 7 A /ei-l.-r s Mil. la. Velvet, Plunder 62147 Tijuana 51 f 1 l»lf M3 •*§ R Taylor 1 Yukon. Delnnev. Cover Dp 62KHJ Tiiuana 5-s 1 9 MC T*f W Hinpliy 11 Litlle.lake, I. Brigade, Dai-y N. ;- 51961 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fast iit 113 8"-i W Hinphy s Clear Lake. lUpoata, Milda CAMOUFLAGE II.. b. g. 4 104 By Cartoon— Miss Madge, by Ort Wells. Trainer. C. C. Emmert. Owner. Clear Lake Stable. 527os Tijuana 1-4 1:15 fast I in -" II Rewe 8 LdttleBearb, B v*viag, c.Loi.-rs s E38CI Tijuana 5-8 LOI.-.hvy 17 Ml 1"» li Rowe 10 DiilyKashn. Lit. Jake. ol.Mphy y 52529 Tijuana 2-11:17 slop 16 Mi 71 11 Kowe 7 D.-ekliand. Ola Lee. Yukon 52156 Tijuana 5 S 1 :0:,,slop 10 MS 1IH Lowe 10 tfe James. Ann S., Dots 52210 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 7-3f 107 7«1 Lowe 1.3 Ola Lee. Crown. Sister Polly I TROPHY, ch. h. G 111 By Ballot— Mill Crittenden, by Royal Flutb ILL i Trainer, W. F. Poison. Owner, W. F. Poison. 61294 Church 1 7-s 1 :27*:,slow 7f IM 7 6 . 5 ll*iM*l B Craves II SwgGbUX-e, Serhi in. Approval1 II 61198 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :52hvy 7 112 2 I I I 9 9- E Clraves 10 Prunes. Warlike. Zone dArmee 50736 Latonia 1 1-8 1 :54=-.iast 26 P9 I 4 5 7 1111--E Graves IJIIi.Oear. ltkNail. t iiterhalance 50416 lxton 1 1-16 l:45T%faat 7 109 13 4 5 61 5*U ■ Qtmvea !» Kingfisher. S.spoy. D.ofWgton n SMILING MAGGIE, ch. m, 8 108 By Smile — Margaret M., by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, N. W. Burkhart. Owner, N. W. Burkhart. 5279:: Tijuana :i-4 1:14 fast 2 Ml 1 M SIsbterll Mer.Laaa. RgaaaHeir, tPd.Nunc 523X6 5 1 3-10 1 13 Tijuana -S -i -i::l i YearginlO M.Meelick, Riagleader, Tillotson n 52195 Tijuana 51 t 1 :07.-,fast 17-5 M8 2 . R Taylor b C. Weaver. Cancion. MivsSedalia a 52107 Tijuana 1 t IM fast 1 IM 1« E Taylor In Move On. Lusv P.ird. P.lanehita a 52031 Tijuana 5111:08 fast M Ml 2" B Marielli ! Pvt. Peat. Plunder. Our Leader •r 51902 Tijuana 51 f l:074ifast 6-5 111 41 A Zeigler !i .Milda, Liposta, lerch HOOVER, ch. c, 4 105 By Hilarious — Ethel Scruggs, by Fonso. Trainer. J. C. Waddell. Owner. Waddell Bros. P21 31 Tijuana 3-4 l:13%taat I 1"-; 7J C, Teargin 11 KCIieatham. P.. Baker, IkeMills IS . 62062 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 0 10". 1 C, Yeargin 11 CalCii.n. Clr tin Wav. T. Duncan n I i 61742 Tijuana 5-8 l:02:;fast 65 111 21 H King 12! leraette, lsph.un, Blazer RASOLA. b. f. 3 94 By McGee— Tinkle, by Loved One. Trainer, C. Smit.h Owner. J. Cooper. ."2519 Tijuana 51 f 1:11 mud • 92 7 »Q Y.-arcjn 7 Sherman ... V.WeUea, P. Hiker .,. 5212, Tijuana 1-4 1:13 fast 5 M 7" Q Y.-arsin 7 Van. Well.-. Suudee. ClearLake :e 523M Tijuana 1-4 1:11 fast 84 M 4J 15 Marelli 6 A.Wood. C.oDawn. M.A.Noonan n I 52018 Tijuana : 1 1 :15--.last 7-M W7 1-1 C Whitton 8 IIoK.Asher. P.elleKlow er Baity ;y 51918 Tijuana ."1 f l:08-.,fast 6-5 M7 1= C "Whifton 11 Belle Flow. -r. Jack Ldi. I!ai-v • 51M6 Tijuana 5 f 1:10" 1 Ml lJG Yeargin ! Audrey A.. Lady Lovitt. Urolaski Kl i MANNCHEN, b. g. 7 116 By Olambala— Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle. Trainer, C. Whyte. Owner, C. Whyte. 52756 Tijuana ::-1 1 :!:,■. -.fist 17-5 115 8»J B Marielli !» K.L.Owen. Ne», W Mont-onierv v 53812 Tijuana 3-4 1 OSftslO W T3-M 116 l» W Hinpliy 1 1 John Jr.. N.-g. Don Jos,. 52525 Tijuana 51 f 1:10 slop 3-5 115 1« Y* Hinphy 10 Chronic. MiaaPametl, Pret.Iiabv iy E2MC Tijuana 5-8 1 :u::«-hvy S-6 lo, ]« B Mariellil2. Iliinuna. Divland. Maid of iiscl ■l ! 52402 Tijuana 5-S 1 :01--ifast 8-5 Ml 1i 3 Marielli t Lit.Jake. H.MeCarly. Ed L« Vau n LITTLE JAKE. ch. g. 11 105 By Krutsch— Stella Perkins, by Prophecy. Trainer, M. P. Level. Owner. E. M. Level. 52MB Tijuana 5-8 l:04-.hvy 23-M1M 51 M Mtlnuslo Caiufgell.. D.K.i-hn. Col.Mhy !V 52618 Tijuana 51 f 1 : ll-.-.mud 5 112 1*1 M Blshter K UPriaces*, T.Unacao LewlaB j 52111 Tijuana 5-.s 1 :00 14-5 99 3J 15 Marielli !» Shifiy. Sherman A„ Lady Small II 52402 Tijuana 6-8 LOl-fast 5 HO A Edgier • H.McCarty. BdLeVan, Maaaebea ;n 52,;: Tijuana 6-8 l:03.-.hvy 5 113 2| A Zeigler II Dai-y ... .]. D. BOM, Viva 52147 Tijuana 51 1 l:o7--fast 10 112 4« M Mthews .» Yukon. Delancev. Cover Dp 52106 Tijuana 6-8 1:01-. fast 4-5 Ml 1 M kftbewsl] LPri-ade. DaisyN.. M.FrankliD Id THE BOY FAVORITE, br. h. 7 107 By Mint— Myra Blackburn, by Mordotte. Trainer, C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 627M Tijuana .V f 1 :»7 fast Bf ICJ I P Ma Hi in /. !i Ivl . Pea t. All. Hi- ina. Til, A" v. r ,. 52708 Tijuana 1-4 1:16 fast 41 lit T , P Martinez 8 Ut.Beb, Camflagell., B.aWing ig 52632 Tijuana 3 4 1 :1." -Oslov 24f Ml M" L Hum II Maaaebea, John Jr., Nag 52584 Tijuana ;V f 1 :10-.,slow 85 94 711 1 Hum 7 SiiciinaiiA.. OtUawk. BedtefM s* 52441 Tijuana 6-8 1 :0ofast M 104 61U P Martinez • Shifiy. Sherman A.. Little Jake i« B984 Tijuana ::-1 1 :1 1". fast 2..5 111 |*» fj Hum s, Deckhand, Jolui.Ir.

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Local Identifier: drf1921021001_6_2
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