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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Baring starts at 2:2B a. m. CBdeafsi time l:".7i. 0 Superior mud runner. x Oood mud runner. .: Pair mud ruuuer. M Maidens. • Apprentice • llosauce. b Blinkers. First Race— 3-8 Mile. 2 ohN. Maiden- Spe. i.ii Wei-hts. .link I.e.. id Jan. 2|, 1010 311. 2 113.1 Toiliiys Ind. Hoise. t ],.,. AWtllaii .".277t;;I iipiilent IM 3". . 188. .727! 32818 .hi-tina K MS ::!ii, 105. . 72 i 02710 to-eonou US :37 10S..7;o| TMayi lad. II, is,. vt. Bee. A.Wt.Uaa. n. , 323M Ptnaarie 110 ::5."... IIS.. 713 13 52770 Col Chile 112 :.•;•-., 115.. 715 mj ; I ,2710 Iacili.i- 112 37 . 112 7 1 iy i 32818 Naomi l 113 .37 1-. lo". 7o:, 32818 Molly Puff lol :t7 . lo", .7M III 52710 ArtemlM 112 :.57-. 112 7on 1,1 Ionl Weather b. I. bj Voii Tramp Ionl Pbty, i . Paul Sift 112 . I i ! i I . j ,. , i 1 i Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. I real old*. Claiming. Track record: Jan. 24, 1017 l:ll.V, 5 102.1 32687 *.lulianiie tM I Ins 1 M II - 72 ■ :.2i:o7- Esperuneai M . noi:o*- 108..720 327S7 siiiuiv Bays lo..l:07-. MB. .713 52757* George C. J r 112 Los, 11.1.715 .".2757 •Cooml.s 107 1:1-. 102x710 ,."2s1 Oar J.i-k 115 ins-. 10S..71H 52777 Black Pat I M 1" . . . IOC. 1 :0l* 105. .705 52750 Kayinan Ml 100 1:11., 105.. 705 ".10.31 •Jaiol.eaii MS 1:88 1l7:;:70". 314MB •Harp of the North i l i 100 1 ii: , 07. .7M .".2750 LnBabj M 104 .1 :10-- 188L.M38 32840 Seotty Ml 104 1 :00 105.. 700 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. 3 yi ;ir-o|,|. and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jan. s. 1020 1.11 8 102. 5i:50O-*l Curr.n, v 101 1:11-, I 105 725 152737 I *l im 100 1:12% 1102. .720 I320M * higood ION 1:13 5 105®71." 52730 Hush 80 1:12% I 105.. 710 32728 lsic|,-oii 111 1:12% 3 112.. 70S .".2512 •Orleans cirl 100 1:12% 4 100.. 700 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. 1-year old- and upward. Claiming. Track record; Jan. 8, If20 1:11 I i"2.» 3073* LITTLE DEAR ...115 1:15 I 80. .723 32802 •Iteiin.lel 115 1:11 3 110:715 32334 1 L.n-liorm- lol 1:12% 0 112x715 3200K Uocnir Ill 1:12% 10 1P2®710 32721 ■•l.I.itholi, k 107 1:18% 8 107x710 5235:; black Hill 8 112x703 326ia Fickle Fan. 02 1:12 8 110X700 Fifth Race— 1 1-6 Miles. I rear oMa and upward. Claiming. Handicap. Track record: File :!. 1018— 1:44%— 2— 02. 32078 D,« o,| MB 1 :4o--. :. 1o4 • 750 32801 i:hortir 110 1:45% 7 100x745 32801 Faux Col 110 1:44% 8 102x740 32822" Candle l.ieht Ml 1:15, 5 104 .735 52780 Mtaran M 86 1:42% I 86..72B 32801 bWar Plume ill 1:42% "• 80X73W 52822 Redstart 112 1:44% 8 86x728 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 50 Yards. l-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. Track rc-oid: March 2, 101s -1 : 11-5 1 17. » 52701- »Jack llealev 102 1:41 5 108X723 52781* b Attorney Mnir ...102 1:42% 8 102X720 ."iLsom- Math.-r 107 1:42 0 112X713 :,27!1 Itieimaii 102 1:42% 7 107*713 52*23 *bTisnothj J. Hogaa. 101 1:43% 0 104*713 52701 Duke Luff 112 1:42% 5 107X710 52781 bFoster Embrj ...M7 1:12. 5 107x710 32701 Lenera P 102 1:43 4 OtxTO* 52701 *l l.e Balafre lot 1:44% •"• 104*703 527C.O JeUison 112 1:42% 8 107X703 32803 *l Sitin F.iner DM. 1:42% 5 M7 ,o. 32823 Raveaaea 82 1:44% 1 124. .722