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CANDLE LIGHT THE WINNER Furnishes Surprise by Taking Main Race at Oriental Park. — ♦ Roundel and Osgood Repeaters — Penman and Lancaster Divide Riding- Honors. ♦ HAVANA. Cuba. February 10 Bj. i Baxtera plater Candle Light, in improved form, beat a good band of fas borses in the claiming handicap Wo,-;, was the rearers of the aftern ma card at Orieatal Park. Candle Light, ridden by Penman. was an ontshler in tile bet tin- and in the early stages trailed the pacemakers, bat when straightened in the homestrelch closed in resoiete fashion an.i won going awa.i fr in Exborter, which easily held sal,- the f. iv. .rile. Faux-C..l. Th,. hitter leil until on tie inside in the final eighth, whin he quit. The first race was for two year old maidens and Williams Bros. Opulent was the even money choice of the eight yoaagstera thai contested It. The son of Hilarious never left the resell in doubt for a m smear, leaittag from start t finish, never seriously menaced. Tin- real straggle was for second place, Col chile just saaaagiog in outlast Pacifier in a hard drive. Julieanne won the necond face. she waa evidently beet, a- s!.,. ,,t away -lowly and was forced to close a big gap lo gel in t.. contention. However, she was aided by Jacobean and Experiment indnlg- ilig in a buiupiju. match at the sixteenth |h.-i. botti losing by it. while .luiieanne. finishing fa-t on the Inside, dree away int.. a safe lead at tin- end. Tic Can-; Herrmann gentlag Oageod ran a sparkling race to accooat for the third, getting up in the filial strides of a spirited fini-h. with Stepson aft.r the pacemaker. Currency tired right near the end. Roundel led all the way in Cue fourth, holding hi- opponents safe at all stages of the contest. Fine weather agaia prevailed and tin- attendance was ,,f gear r on proportions, l.. Penman and i;. Lancaster divided tie rMlag boaara of the day, each riding two winners. Edward F. I.uhl.-r. oi f the moving spirits of oiieiu- Countj AgTiealtaral Societies, whose meet ing at Mim da. 1. i.e Island, i- one of the big attractions around New Verb, was an arrival lure today. Mr. Buhler i- an enthusiastic bom mail and a prominent Republican politician on Long I-l.-.n.l. Fred Brindle, who was a well-known race follower before entering the hotel business in Pa tenon, X. J., returned to the states this morning aftet spending several months al Havana Mr. Una. lie had several horse- in James Pitzsimm as stable Trainer W. A. Carter was well satisfied by the ra.e run yesterday by the .uood hone General J. M. Come/ and will now start to point him for the mo-t important stake engagement of the sea- a, the Cuban Derby. Edward W. Barrett, owner and editor of the Birmingham Age Herald, and Doctor D. s. Davis, also of Birmingham, were aaasog todays visitors. Mrs. c II. Gttroy of Buffalo, N. V . owner of Mayor House ami oth.r noma trained by George Sherman, accompanied by her anther, Mrs. C. B « Mick, arrived today for an axteaded vi-it. The Armonia Stable sold to C. B. BroOMM the fi.. year-old gebling Bight Angle for a private ci nsiderati n. Charles II. Btoneaam, president of the Caaa-1 Amcricaa Jockey Clab, accompeaied b. Jadge Me-Quakle, left today on the steamer Tdoa for New reek. Jockey F Wilson, the leading rider at Oriental i Park, sustained severe injuries when be was thrown from Betty J. in the Havana Handicap hist flaadaj . lie was able to be at the track, but is still sutler ing from the injuries received and will no be able to r.-ume ridiag for at least ten days. Intet-.-t in the S10.POO Grand National Handicap. acxl Sundays great stake event, grows apace, and as the day for th.- running of the eveal draws nearer main owners believe their candidates to 1 ,- pecially well terved by the weights assigned aim distance Of the race and have made known their intention of beiag represented therein, it is evl-dent that the tidd will b.- ,,nc ..i excellent qnaUty and sine, fully in keegdag with tin- importance of the conti-t.