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QUARRELING IN MARYLAND Commission and Laure! Managers Reported in Unwise Clashing Over Regulations. BALTIMORE, ML. Iebruary 1« . If AJax, rep resented by the Laurel race track. BeislatS in defying the Ughtaiag, aa uapers ited by the Maryland j Racing Commission, then Laarel may find Itself wit li.ui I any raciag at all this year. Such in eflV l was the statement today b] one of the raciag commissioners. The commissioner did not bind his colleagues by , this -lalemeiit. but ill view of tea altitude of fhe ho. id wiih regard to the raisin;; of aaj h*gal ■ piibblc bj the tracks it is md unlikely that the j commission r who spoke in uhl be sustained by lb other two members of the commission. "If the Laurel people feel that the commission ha- exceded ii- authority in preparing certain of I iis forthcoming regulation they have redress i" the courts and my vote at least wiii be in Favor if meeting the issue then Kiniii all accounts it appears that at the Bteetiag of the [-oaueiseieu yesterday Albert It. Btuart, as counsel for the Maryland state Fair. Incorporated, which conducts Laurel, proceeded with regard to certala regulations complained of to sel forth the commissions powers under the law, powers which, a- Mr. viewed it. did Bet exist within the conmissioa in fenealatlng be regulations to which Laurel is abjectiag. Mr. Siuarls exposition of the law anil of the prerogatives of the romailtrlnn met. it seems, with anything but concurrence from the commi-sioners. ; sane of whom rejoined rather sharply. The ci mmi-sion has awarded dates n Laurel for this years raciag, October 4 to u".» larlasive. but j license lias not been issued and the mere awarding of the dales would have no practical aigalficanci | without the license. Further, tin- Issuing of a license will undoubtedly be made conditional upon | the acceptance by the licen-ee of the commissions regulath as so far as can u- gathered Laarel is now playing i a lone hand against tin- commission. AT a hearing .raim-il tltr rnt-lnt- assm-iatiotw same j time ago on rh mputalion of tlie track- act earnings counsel for limlico. as well a- for Laurel entered protests and went on to define the commls-sioas powers under the law. It was al this bearing that Suari Olivier, chairman of the committee. -aid Coat raciag in thi- state is on trial ..t tiie bar I of public opinion and intimaled rather br 11 that the raisiiii. of legal points would be a suicidal policy fur the traiks. The limlico management, at least si» far as any manifestations are concerned, sccnis to have taken these remarks to heart.