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THOROUGHBRED LITERATURE i Lack of Reference Works on Sub- * ject Deplored by an Expert. Much Research Necessary to Secure Facts About Various Families and Breeding. ♦ ,i P.V S A I. V A TO It. ] Tin- appearance if the Aaaerican Baciag Manual ; fur mil Cm thai matter, its annual appearance is to mi like unto that of aa oasis la a il scrt. Perhapa I have said before thai i helped to get I I ■ mi the first issue of the Manual, thea called the ■! I Aaiarlcaa Dpoi tiag Manual, aoaaetbiug over twenty t :■ yiiir- age. and in the years thai have since elapsed I -I bare watched it prow from this nil II. expert- - I I ■ratal beginning to its areata! portly and India- j, peoaabte estate As ii is today it offer*, an fat , .is I run aware, the Urges! amoral af tetteet and 1 i | complete information of ■ statistical aatare ibonl 1 the American tarl thai ever was uowded into a 1 I like amount of spar.-. Ami. aa :i fltatter of fact, it 1 surpasses all other raciag baanlbeeks priated in n -;my mid all other eoaatrlea. Literally, "there is s nothing like it." One •weltering day la*t Augu*t. while ralHag v nt the Sew York office of the Ia*ig Tipton Ce. - in Neiv Vorfc City, l area ehattiag with Mr. Samuel ■1 Itlaaipied, the statistician of thai inn. who coaa-pllea the pedigrees, witk the accompanying raja mrat, printed in the ratalaanaea of their auction • sales, us well as tabalatJag niaiiy othera in the . -*- of i.-u-li year. A* is. I think, prettj well n known Hiis linn also conducts the most Important , annaal vendue* of harness race borne* aa well, and the catalogues for ilxs.- are alsn coaapiled by Mr. Bhimpied. lip. pi i aa|ai. baa the wideal aad moat it extensive knowledge of the pedigree* uf botb httcabi is of lax ib ■*■ race borse* of any man in the roua-try, I aad ran talk rery latereatiagly of bit work, t, in which hi* life virtually has been ami is devoted. • Saiil Mr. Blampied: "While the thoroughbred u Interests of America are atacb better erganised " and than those of the tfottera .in ; I pacer*, h reapeei liie harm-*- turf baa it all " mii-i the spoil of kin-*. That i*. la the -1 ■■ 1 1 i - *■ -Heal literature ami. ia fact, the literatare of all kinds, devoted to it The American Baring "- Manual i- the ooly thiag apon which n compiler eaa rely, aside from the rarlag calendars and the " Stud Book. For the miscellaneous information of • a hislnriral nature which In- aeeda be must ran II -ark all s its of add* ami -n ls of scrapbooka s- dippings. oM fllei of aewspaxters, magazine*. "■ i atalagai ii. etc. As far a* il goes, the Manual is a wonder, bnl it necessarily does nol and i- i t r ■•over all the groaad. I am constantly hampered 1 in my work by the lark of reference work* ta " which I eaa turn ia order to give the facta ahead 11 the various families of horses, their pedigree*, ?• performance*, winning*, etc. Oa that accoaat, ; the Bote* in our Iboroaghbred sale catalogaes are chiefly repetitiona f former ones, slightly revised j" aad brought dun la date. It i* ataaosl Impossible . ta glv.- tin-in any freshness or novelty, or lead 1,1 Hum a new shape or farm which will make them " interesting or attractive either to prospective bidders or the geatral public attiadlag nir aalea. "In compiling our catalagacs af baraesa borae r*i m| v. awing t«i the va*l aaaoaat of data eaaily Birraalhlr and uaable, i work i* far raster aad nmiv satisfactorily dun-. Coaaideriag thai the aimnm; annually raced far by the thoroughbreds " in America far raraaaaea thai raced for by harness **, iMMraea, and that thataaajhbre l ralaea af every f-N_ kind are correanoadlagly higher, it is atraage ■ i this shoald be aa. let it is the fnct. THOROUGHBRED REftUIREMENT OF THE DAY. IT. "What I holism. Iihcfd berarmea aeed hi ■ refeteaca e w.nk which waiiihi cimtain lafaraaatlaa m t now a eaaily aeeeaalhle. if al all. properly classified and ul , tabulated, bearing especially upon the breeding ead m of Ihe business. Vat iaataaee. baw ralaahle a ■ tahlo of English Detby winner* arranged under ei their -1M-S would he, and another under the alrea *■ I of their dam*. lint thai is raly ■ suggestion 11 What i- wanted i- a handbook giviag tlie principal 11 winner* of • • t i i Aaaersca ami England arranged in " this way. Say. far in--tamt-. all Batata that have r« unii either sio.oott or aaare, or ehw famous evrata s There should be first ; aaftlete alphabetical list " j I of them and thea li*ls of their sir.-* ami dams and ll! . the families to which they beloag. There are many [ nther thiaga beatdea this I only qaote it as ■ a | specimcB brick. ••Not eaough atteatiaa is paid hy puWlcatioaa ■■ iterated t the Uraroughbred to the hbrterieal side. • Ami artieh ■ vriimisiy toaaidering breeiliag problems "* are ran-, particularly on thla side. A arealth "f ■! them might easily in- writtea. accompaaied hy in- n" j ] tcreering statiatiea. Bui about everything am gel •" i- writtet arm, mi tin Brace Lowe figure System. n. Nullum: else and:■■! liim-h id a run for the money. ;„ There arc many other thinga worth diacuasion, but fi-u of tbem ever gel dianamed ■: exploited. And ml everylhiag i- ladled aal in small daaea. Thiag* ap priated in hits and scraps, and often n -i Mm- arben a h»l of upace i- aaed it i* wasted apon on aomethlng of relatJvelj small importaace, haadled ed by sum. -hody who i* writing against space for what at ii,,.-,. js in it. Mttle att -mpt i- made to nrodaei " or print anything of perast nt Interest or value. ♦■■ I iic n ymi top to think of the poasiWlitie* thai ,!.i and the n*-- thai i- made of them or. rather, •r. that i- not made yon caaaot but tbiaft il a pity. v. ••Thine* an- different with tin- harness racers. i. - Their statistic* an- elaborately compiled perhaps aal on the system that thoroughbred ■ •■I stuff should be, bal ill tin- way that the irottinj: Bg people demand. A nn-at deal of attention i* pud id to the aasaeral literature of tin- hi-ed and there re is a arealth of historical and other information oa printer] about all tie- great families ,,f race horses. •s. giviag detalla thai never get into prim about the ll. tharoughbred* except in i rk-arious waj Thiag* gs an- not *■• xterotyaed, there i* more vanity of of opinion and theory and practice anil more central al Interest taken in breedlag aad breeding probl m* lis bj eietjhadj connected with the gaaae. "When yon *top to think of it. it is strange ge too that mtiiiy different European countries buy uy •r. v. i. - ■ •■I Bg pud id re oa •s. the ll. gs of of al m* lis ge buy uy , trotting breeding stock here, though the limiting j breed in Vmerlca Is much youugVr tlma the thor-d I oaghbred breed; but aubody cornea over here from , the other side to buj thoroughbred breeding *iix-k. We export trotted :•■ Iligland. Scotland. Iirlind. Prance. Ital] Belgium, Denmark and Rwedea aad j we did. before bat war. export manv more to Germany, Austria aad Bussia A- s.„,ii aa arore normal rates of exchange are restored and trade 0 is leauaaed between Ihe I*. s and the Central 1 Empire*, and later with Bnsaia, they will trad il iiniii.i buyer* here for trotter* ami aacera, especially I for breedlag puraoeea. Bhl they will net aead it any for thoroughbreds. Tiny aavdr have and ii t d eaal look as it they ever will. Why? Well, I, thai i* Komething for our thoroughbred borseaaea to o think about!"