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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 11. 1921. - -oriental Park. Sixty-sixth day. Cuba -American Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather showery: temperature W . Stewards, -L Hachsaelster, C. H. Laaadale and F. .1. Breea. starter. James y. Mlltoa. Baeiag Bee- ! rotary. M. Nathatison Raelng starts at 2:30 p. 111. Chicago time 1:37 p. 111.1. Indicates apprentice allowance. errtOlQaQ riST RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8, 1920— 1:11— G— 102. Purse 00. 4-year. olds and UatOOO upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horse-T AWtTlSt 1 .-_■ ,Sil-ni Jockeys Owners O 11 C F S7 " .".-77H MA NICK LOGAN w 110 2 ., 71- 6S 3 1 ! I Smith I! G Woods 7. 7, ., 2 1 1 52518 tHONEST. GEORGEwa 5 11" W I IM1 1- 21 W MeebanJ Umensetter 20 28 28 I 1 5t888t*AL PORTER wa 1 107 I 4"p- ::- 2» A Pickens W .1 Dugan n : -. 52378*STARK.4vDER W 5 185 . - l - i ; .1 Francis .1 .1 MeCaff.-rtv 1; 8 0 L". 8-E 58428 TOP RUNG w ur, 11:; : 7 E» :.: B " W Crump E -Mock :: :: 85 3-3 82778 tFLYING PROG wb I 1 10 1 :. F 71 7- 83 .1 Collins c Leydecker s 10 10 1 5*7S7*LJTTLE BUSS waa « 102 : ! :; I* P A McLhlhoT Click 10 li 12 :. 2J 52851 JAMES W 7 185 v ■■ :•■:. n1 s 8s L Penn»ar.T Doyle :: 1 :; «-".:.-.". 527S8*HOSLER a I r*r 12 11 8 8s 93 9] G Fielda C E Lepahan 30 38 38 10 :. .",0740 J. ALFRED il. K wa t 108 11 12 12 WHO 10- C KanT-s- , Hedge 28 28 2 8 1 ."••iloo i.NWA W 7 112 7 I ll-i-IF 11-11- V Hunt I: Filial:.- ■ s :: s-.", 5-i7: -t;"!.LKN BED wb 6 118 9 18 18*12 l- l- A Tryan C L Mackey 4 4 4 8-5 4-fi tMatael 8eld. Time, 233, 48r,i 1:15. Track good. si mutuels paid, Jaaice Logan. 3.90 straight, .90 pi. i.e. sc.-jii show: Honest George, lbhl. place. 96.80 -how: AI Porter. Bekf, 88.3U show. i: inixah lit booking oibls .I.nii.e Lpgan, 585 to 1IM straight. 285 to 100 place. 218 to 111 show: Honest George, ti.-id. 840 to 108 place. 213 to Kin show ; Al Porter, held, 215 to 100 show Winner Ch. 1. by Astronomer Keep Still, by St. Blaise trained bj II. ti. Woods: bred by Mr. D. T. Bedford. W-nt to post at 2:30. At post 2 niinutes. stait good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. JANII L LOGAN began slowly, but closed up with a rush when straightened out in the stretch and raced into .1:1 easj bad in the last eighth. HONEST GEORGE set a goad pace, but tired badly iu the last sixteenth AI. PORTER began Slowly and tinished fast. FLYING PROG met with interference and was palled up. tie 11 Closed a gap. STADKAIiFD ran well. Orerweights Hosier. 1 pound: Janice Logan. 2. .1. Alfred Clark. 1: Plyiag Prog. 8. Br«~»Q£jrT SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1 : 11— and— 102.1 Purse 00. 4 -year -olds and tfatOU 8 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. "Index Horses AWtPlst , . St.- Kin Jockeys Owners , i •• y s 52878sMANOKIN WB 7 118 8 7 2- F* 1- Fj W K--iv i K Allen M 8-8 8-5 2-3~ 1-5 587S8»CRY8TAL KAY w I 1"0 1 I V :" 2 2J II RobsonG M Ridge 2- 2 X] 1 1-2 -;7::k PRINCE BONEROw « M6 I • " "■ 11 ■ L F.-nmanvv r VPeatland 3 "• ; t ;. : -:. r-i,iA PLANTAGBNET wn 0110 : I :• •-: ::: I1 C Barnes S Bvtmside 8 ■ I :"- 1.. 527S8*TWKNTT SEVEN w 7 185 6 2 M V B1 -. .1 Smith V Bougbsmcn 6 6 I 2J 1 52788 ORDERLY Wl s 11" I I I I •]: W Crump J G Kurt « S s :; 8-S 52573 PRANK BURiKEwsb 6 105 5 fi 7»; 8s Si 7; N J BraesC It Mnith I I S :: 8-6 .-•57:: TERRIBLE BUSNWB 1105 2 -r 1 -■ «■ 8 F Hunt S T Baxter 10 M M I : 52758*L.DT HESTER wb 5 108 7 1 P B 71 r I Gordon E SattodcTaor. 1" in in | _• Time. 23-,. 47"0. 1:15S. Traek good. 82 mutuels paid, Uanokin, 83.80 straight, plaee. ?..70 maw; Crystal Day. S3. 70 aiace, 83 98 how; Prince Boaerp, si.oo ahaw. Equivalent booking odds -Manokin. ISO to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 3."i to 100 show: Crystal Day. : no to DO place, 40 to loo show ; Prince Bonero, -I.", to DKI show. Winner— IL Ii. lv Sapid Water— Little Bnttercnp, by Kingston trained by o Dice- bred hv Mr J. B. H.nsh-y Went t.. post ,t L..i;. At post :: Bdaates. Btarl uo..,| snd alow. Won easily: second and third driving. MANOKIN raced around tlie others with a rush in the litst quarter and easily passed TERRIBLE . si s.N att r entering the stretch. KYsiai. day raced forwardly and made .1 game linish. lkinci: BONERO was [a .lose quarters al the hall mil. post, where lie was bumped u coopte of times bj TWENTY KBVBN, then Daished i.1-1. PLANTAGENET rau well. TERRIBLE si s. .,int aftei avttins a Lut early pace, Icntcfcetf— 4MM8?M1. 108: ",_7 -; Fbjei Cental, iu7. 52737 Becead Peeata, US. Ourwfifiti — Orderly. 1 pound. . i KOCCG THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:0and 4— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year - OAoDo olds. Claiming. Net value to Thinner 50: second. 00; third, 0. " ipde Horses AWtPPSt g .• Str Fin Jockeys Owners O n 0 P S ivTH : ••SHY* ANN " WB IN 4 1 6»* 3* 3= 1" R LCaateYvV R Coo 2 2 I 7-141-3 - Ktf9?s*Tm ENQUIRER a R 105 8 1 1and I1 lnk 2s .! Francis Williams Bros B-S 2 1 7-101-3 ■ «327.*7 1 "TALENT .v 107 1 E 2*. lh 2*1* L Penman M QoMMatt 1 1 3 1 1-2 i8t788BACCHANALIAN v* 107 :. 4 :: H 4- 4 A Pickens J ile Estrampos IS IS IS •• I I ., 82777PKRHAPS «n 103 S 7 1* 9 7- S* R McDOttC Fountain 6 7 7 2?. 0-3 ; Ij 32841**COCA COLA W* 95 :. •: 41 41 0 S| 1 Gordon .1 A Mossulam 4 4 4 8-5 4-5 ] M814 BLUE FLAME a 107 B 9 I 8* S3 7" C njianyl, Criet :. E S 2 1 .VJ84 1 JOSEPHINE K. wb Ml 7 I VY% t* *■■ I Holfler T Hoifl- r M 88 ::0 M 5 32841 OUR JACK we n. 1 : 6" 7" :• s v K. Isav R .1 Parria I I I l-S I Time. 23=5. 49. 148%, 1:08V Track good. s2 nmtu.N paid, shy Aaa, 88.48 straight, .S4.: n place. .18 show: The Keqnirrr, si 28 ataee, 82.88 , ■ ■hen : lab-nt. S3.78 show. Beaivaleat booking odds Shy Ann. :S70 to 100 straight. 11." to KH place, SB t.. Km» -how: The Kn- ,: fairer. 118 tn ItHi place. 40 to KH» show: Talent. :t.". t.. 166 show. . Winner Ih. f. by Harm.. mi Klecti.m Bet. I.y Kle. i lancer trainotl by K. K. Karrick: bred by I ISeeara. I. ». ft 6. B. Kmk. Went i po t at 1:21. At post 4 minutes. Start goad and slow. Won driving: second and third the ■ , same SHY ANN mad. up ground steadily and. coming through M the instate in the stretch, OOtSnished I THE BKQUIBBH in the tinal drive. THE ENQUIRER net the early pace and tired after racing TALENT r into defeat. The latter ra.ed int.. a brief had. lmt tir.d badly in the last eighth. BACCHANALIAN s raced fairly well. Scratched 52055 Peggy RItps. 80; 32777 Klcwhigh. 1"7: 52634 Two*, K 7. Overw-ightv shy Ann. 2 pounds: The Ku.|uirer. 1. , : efoQRQ FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 b— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year- - DOUt/ olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. _ , "l;id. TloreT AWtPPSt V* ».g ?j~Str Kin Jocheyi Owntll O II C P S 5781 *B YRNE WB 5 Ml ». 1 l1 I1 1* 1*1 G " ■ .|- Roaedale Stable 4-3 8-6 8-5 2-6 1-8 v 32788 ED GARRISON a 7 l»s I 2 -- 2- -- V R M.DottW Feachter 6 6 S 2 1 88821 *ELMONT w« I 101 : 7 7 7 55 3 1/ PenmanT Doyle 4 43 l| 8-5 4-S l.u281SPRCrS lITRTLEwi I Ml i 4 Si V " . t r Hint .! r Bartolomeo 4J A_ 4] R-S 4-8 S2718 JUST FANCY v 4 100 7 ". 4 4- 4«k V K 1.. i -teiArnionia Stable S " J S-S 1-3 and27and8*DRAFTSMAN w« 3 M : ■■ •■- l,k 7 • A IScLnlinT Hodge 10 12 12 8 2| 52855 ORLEANS GIRL w I l".". ." g SI B» S 7 .1 Francis .1 I .Millin M M M I 4 Time. 23s3. 48V 148%, 1:08V Track good. si mntuels paid. Bytwe, sti.iM -iraight. S8.S0 place, S8.18 ihow; Kd Carri-on. sT.lo ilace. 88.78 show: Klin. ut. S4.!Mt show. hooking .-d.K I.yine. 280 to Umi straight. 80 to HKI place. 55 to 188 -how: Kd Canison. 1 233 to 188 ph...-. s;, u MM *how; l.lmont. 147. to 1«»» show. Winner Ch. g. bf The Manager autiin. Ly Plamde* trained by .1. llagg.rt: bred by .Mr. Tl las s . MclVowein. I I Went to pest al 3:48. At po*l 7 minutes, start good and dew. Wn easily; second and third driv- - ing. BYRNE outran the others from the start and drew away after entering the stretch. Kl QARRI-St»N ra.ed in closest porsnit, bat W«a tiring at the finish. KI.MONT slowly, bat linished fast and gaining. PRINCESS MYRTLE was palled up at the live-eighths post and taken to th itsi.le in the stretch. JC8T FANCY was fractious at the post. Scrat.h.d S23T7s8h ter Susie. iiis: 32778BI adel, 118. dverw. Ightt Orleans Cirl. - pounds. _ _______ _ ~*yQr7fm FIFTH RACE— l Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. OmO m vf 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: ,. third. 0. _______ - Index Horses ~ AWtPPSt % ■ .■ ?; Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H r P S - 5288" MISS HILARITY wl 9S li 2 :i" ■* L3 1- 1" I. Peninan.T Q**U 3 oi 3?, 7-5 7-10 w i~2S7S*MY ADA w IMS ! 7 U- B" ■". 4" - R L*casterK«ntme« F Stb B-6 8-5 7-S 3-5 1-3 R2737*MI8S DIXIE w " 95 1" 1 41?. 4 4" ::- : 1 ;. r.!..:i M ■ Thompson 10 10 10 4 2 88848* SHORTYS FIRST-w 3 K 3 1 l1 1" T - •- A McLUaMariaaaa Stable in 10 10 I .* 2."i7Kr KINt.i y/A W 1 HO 1 •". •"."k • * 61 •ll ■■ Fr.uicis .1 .1 Holtman :: 31 "i 1-6 7-10 10 r-iHi.t CLARE BOOTHE 5 113 7 •; 7:; 7- 7* J* PJW MeetoaaE n gaataaar 10 l u i Q ,"2828*GREY RUMP WB 1 K7 S :: 9 ■* ■•- .*•- 7s S Lowe it Corner 7 s : B-S 38888 HACK ROCK ■ S US I I v:l !" " v; V x Tn in A Tempest 7 x I 8-8 C8788»CON8TANTINE waa 5 1M EMM M »*• ****** G EileMc W Bbna I I I v •" 31774 VEUE wa : 111 . ■ . ■ JC M M C Raaaea .1 Eharccaa i" IS i" 6 :; Time. 24. 49V 1:16V L*3. 1:46V Track good. SI mutuels paid. Miss Hilarity. SIS.KI straiglu. 37.83 place, 35.78 show: My Ada. 82.78 place. 32 33 shou : Mi— Dixie, 312M show i;,|iii:il. nt 1 kinr f.ild- Ii-s Hilarity, sp t., hhi straight. L".MI |.. Inn place. 1S.V to HHl show: My Ada. ::." to 188 place. -40 to KH show: Miss Dixie. 388 to h« -how. Winner -- Br. f. by Hallot--I.onetto. by Masetto trained by I. Stockier: bred hy Mr. J. S. Mullinsl. Went to past at 4:1_. At po-i 4 minutes. St.-rt good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. MISS HILARITY, dose up from the start, pass,.,! SHORTYS FIRST on the stretch turn and took a good lead, but had to be haul ridden to outstay MY ADA. The latter l egan slowly Mild was outpaced in the early running, but finished fast after coming wide when entering the stretch. MISS DIXIE ran well and finished close up. SHORTYS FIRST set a good pace, hut failed to -t.-iv the route. GRE1 RUMP quit. = K9C71 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-1C Miles. i.Fcb. 3. 1918— 1 :44»5— 3— 92. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds Is j . i0 4 JL and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0 _ : Index Hoi-.- AWtPPSt K % % 8tf Fia Jockeys Owners O H T S UStt4**NORF. BELLE wa 4 M II l 1* Ill- I* I Gordon H E Davis s ~ i :: --:, g" 32882 LARIAT « E M 7 7 B*l 41 4- 4 2 S Lowe 1 S Fountain 4 1 .". 2 1 32888 BIANCA a ■ 112 9 S 2* 2;. 2 21 :■ !•: Rarytca T Daaci 4 ". 3 2 1 32848 soi. GILSEY wa 7 MS M 6 3*31 31 .ii •* W Ketoay P E GraJaun 2 1 B-S i -S ?-S e 82741 "INCINERATOR w 4 M7 I i 4- :,- B" .- E5 I Fletcher F Wrtaaan M M M 4 : 38848 PUNCTUAL m IMS • 5 7 71 7:l V P R LcxsterR D Carter :: 4 t 8-8 4-6 -, 82888 rOMALLEY ■ SMI 1 1 S* V "■ 7* VI A Pfckena i.golatti stable s s g 1 s.;, 32888 r.iNiKANA W 5 MS S K* 10 3s B1 v- | ,■ i-;.,m. a 11 v Plant r3 1- 12 •". 21 32845* NIOHT WIND WB 8 MS I " Onio 10 n* B* L Penman 1 Doyle :; 3] 3] 7-5 7-M 52824 GUARDSMAN wl M •. I B B H 1» . T Dun:- H A Cotton 2S 28 25 10 5 Time. 25. 49V 1:18, 1:43V 150. Track good. s-j mutnei- paid, Norfolk Belle, 888.88 -traight 313.78 place, 38.88 -how: Lariat, so.-O ptojre, 34.80 so -how: Iian.i. Sti.tMl -how . i:.iuiahnt bonking odd- Norfolk Belle. 1383 to H 0 -uaigiit. 383 to 148 place. 133 to 100 ■haw; c Lariat. 218 to 138 place. 140 to ion show: Mian.a. 288 to 100 -how. Winner Br. f. by Yon Tronip Arcadia I.ellc by Kmp-roi of Norfolk trained by .1. W. ITaHlll. t: bred by Mr. Edward tVl.riani. Went to post at 4:41. At post 1 minute. Start good and llow. Won drivini;: Reeaad and third the ie same. NORFOLK BELLE sprinted int.. a long lead In the Bret qaarter, bat wa- tfariag in the Btretcb * and just Misted KMUJ enough to "in. LARIAT was in troulde while going to the Brat turn, but worked d hi- way up "U the out.-i.le and liui-hed fa-t and gaining rapidly. BIANCA raced In nearest pursuit to to the last .ighth and gave way. SOI. GILSEY ran fairly well. NIGHT WIND ran much below his 1 rue «e form. Scratched -32721 Doublet II.. 188 Overweights — Norfolk Hello. 2 pounds; I.un.rana. 1: Sol _.