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i * ,i ] ; I I ■! I t :■ I - I I j, , 1 i | 1 a 1 I 1 n is s v - ■1 STAR OF A WESTERN STABLE HOW M. and J. LOWENSTEIN THROVE IN LAST YEARS j RACING THROUGH THE POSSESSION Of A COLT WHICH COST BUT A TRIFLING SUM ===== ] In l .n .t the horse* raced h tin- linn af M. ft • Loweastela won S,4H2. In I.iii the stable earning- | amounted to tin- mora more desirable sum of sMi.i.YY This agreeable advaace was dm. to the fact that I the raehag of tin- year disclosed their posaessloa o. a racing jewel in tin- three year old colt Paul Weidel. j A maiden winn the Kentucky campaign opened, iii* irsl victory wsa in a mile dash for boraea of thai . description at Churchill Down* Ma. 11. 1rom llii* hnmhlc beglaadag tin- colt progressed to greater died* until in- gained recogaitiea a* a tough eat dangeroaa oppoaeat for the best of the western three-year-olda, ,11c won sllm;::". in tin- course of his |rm i-smpaiga. lie cast hi* owners ?- as a yearling and so nils an honorahh- place in ihe list of bargain horse*. If *t 11 sound be *l hi be a too.; handicap horse this year. Aside from this star, the stable pbnaiisied im other borae of rc-n raciag merit, hnt Ablaze. The i Moor. Kiiiimic Blflahfd 1 Bel Km each won in excesa af Si.himi and paM their way. at any rat.-. I The stable record for tin- year was: 1 I Borse. CaL ami Hex. A. r.-diuree. • 1-t. 8d. Sd. Wra J Paal Weidel br. e. 3 By flolden Maxim I.ady Lexington, hy Hastings ! i It 2,633 : , Ablaze b. f. I By Teuj Boucro Abrasion, by Smile I 5 u 2,826 1 ; . The Moor i . g. - Bj Voa Tramp Syiupnorien tastle. bj St. Sympboriea. :: •_ 1 l.tSOO 1 Ku.imic -U. g. 2 By Iiiinn.Mii.d- Mi-.o. by Star Shoot L* 0 II 1.550 . Blemished -h. f. 2 By Dlamhau Belle BonaM, by Dark BoaaM 2 • I1 l.:«." lap , Get Em b. g. 2 Uy Mar*-- Abi Directs, i... Vim-tor 2 1 1 1,273 , James b. g. « By Hilarious Darling, t-y Martinet l n 3 *m I Johleii Dawn b. f. 8 By liohhn Maxim IJreea Dawn, by iln-riian 1 ii 1 ."i7." I ; ! Mi*s Dora b. f. 2 By -la. k Atkla Dorvai, by 1inbin 1 il I 300 Pluaey eh. f. 4 By lair lhi Stuuijis, hy Wadsworth D 0 .". 49a * I . Norm. indie eh. c 4 By star shoot Mamie Worth, by St. George t 2 1 2M I Hnosoh b. n. 4 By Voarhees— Lilj ISoldiag, by fcHaaael 0 1 inn 1 Boyal Duck br. g. 3 By Boy a I Uealai Duckshot. by Gallianle n ; ■ Tborahedge b. e, 2 By Oimimilaii Mlna, by Phtaudes i 0 Totals 141 25 !l U 9S4.1SS | • :