Third Race [Third Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-12

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THIRD RACE — 1 Mile. 3-vear-olds and upward. Claiming. June 17, 1916—1:38—3—95. J. J. MURDOCH, b. h. 8 110 By Contestcr— Groteique, by Freak. Trainer. A. Gibson. Owner. B. H. Schaefer. lijuana 3 I 1:141 tfasl SI-IOKB 6 I 1 I1 - ;- B Marelii 11 OllleWood 81 • Polly, UoveOn 52771 Tijuana S-4 1:1", fast 6-5 113 2; W Taylor 12 Arietta, Barb.8hillia3. AllceCarr 1 52627 Tijuana f 1*9! Blow »-5 110 | " Taylor ll Apple Jaek, Colonel Matt, Ely 62504 Tijuana 1 5-8 l:oi livy 16 111 S* E Bay Wdl2 lad. B* cade, M.Kurta. Caavabk , 52335 Tiiuana 5-x 1 :o;;-;,hvy 22-5 113 r Foden 9 R.Tranter, Naidedovati, Vainv. 61998 Tijuana 5 I I and fsat M 115 64| J Rooney in tan. a. n. QuMNnne, CbolrMaater r Bit .Tijuana 5-1 1:15 fast S3-W 118 I | .1 R«ow«y • Defsaeey, CleadourlL, Zasilock VIVA, b. m, 9 100 By Oiseau— Cutter, by Gotham. Trainer, T. Burns. Owner. Polo Stable. 12750 Tijuana ImTOy 1:47 fast W I" • D Powell » L.Inee*ee, M.Faller, BuckhsIL 62646 TUuaaa I t 1:12 mud 26-6 1 P Martinezl2 Gertrude B., Ann R., Maud M. 2524 Tijuana ImTOy l.o3„lo]. 10 1*5 6" D Powell 11 KrunkSbnon. BronBee, Humuia 62401 Tijuana 11:13 fast M. |H ., 1 Clementalt PurytUn*;, Masdie, Modbrte .Tijuana 5-S 1 :03~,hvy 46 108 1 , K Chiavtall Dai-yN.. Little Jake. 3. D. Ssf* 52032 Tijuana 6-6 141 fast 37 1"4 53 "P Kindle 11 Thir.Sevcn. BabyGirl, SwtTootli » CONVOY, b. e. 4 105 By Uncle— Orsina, by Orsini. Traiaer, T, Hunt. Owner. ,T. M. Hubbardl. iO Tijuana I 1:1 :-.fa-! II 11.: - 1. Mil S Ral.J Cal Weinlaml. C.Mi.lia :ii7v I ..Ionia I l i2-.mii. I 94 I", s I 7 Fell I. Ponej :i Inquiry, liiz. fu|sf» 49270 Sal toga 1 I ■■• fast ,o lo1 •; 7 7 7 7 7 - F Wilson ." Penelope, KmartGsy, Tattla 4:M27 Umpire I 1 - I "I- last CH 92 I 9 :• 9 9 ! 4 I. Coney !• Cla«|ner, Dvreaa. Mone "■.•I Bmpire l : N faat ■" 108 I 9 I I I 9*» II Ktag B KgAlhert, RwtMuaie, Rauiral* 6 680 Latent* 1 1-5 15: fust * tOO b S b 1 |« b:- II KUof 10 It.Cuvke, UracJub*, Kuupak n| i|i i i i I • I i • i - 1 . , 1 ■ 1 . 1 1 1 - t 1 I II e 1 e . CLOVER JUNIA. rh. r. 4 Ml 105 By Cloverton— Junia, by On Deck. Trainer. R. Ripley. Ownor. R. Ripley. 52769 Tijuana i 1:0! fast 7 109 ,N Poden 12 TbriftyTbree, BdLeVan, Miatake 52*97 Tijuana 5j f 1:10 slou 15 112 3 It "arti 12 Cliroinc Krmitana. Voliau 52210 Tiiuana 51 f 1:66 fast :. 112 S*i R Carter IS Ola Lee, Crown. Sister Polly 51782 Tijuana ! B i:n_ fast i3-io 109 SH ft Carter 1- Iriaiilbilay, Joaeaut, Opal Wall 516S3 Tijuana 3-41:l7%fast 3-6 109 2| C T*ppsoiiI2 T. P.. Favorite, c. Fvans. Arietta 51578 Tiiiana .: -i 12-5 in 2J c Thnaon 10 Chantreaa, RedWitUasi, Koreas SIR OLIVER, ch. g. 7 112 By J. H. Houghton — Lady Prospero, by Canopua cr Trainer. W. C. Weant. Owner, W. C. Weant. Prospero. 52771 Tijuana 3-4 115. fast 10 IW • 7:lN Foden 12 Arte tU. J.J.Mdoek, B.Sbllllns .•Tijuana 1 K 111 1 hia la 1J I;., 1 1 l.-M.uut.iiii. Prairie, Sti Ik.-r 52238 Tijuana l 1:42 fast 39-10 IW 7" I- Cbiavtall Onrlfaid. Red William. MaudM. 61990 Tijuana 1 3-2 MS" 3» F Chiavla 7 Little Cink. Dots. Hrndla 51929 Tijuana S-4 43 US GJ F Chiavta 7 Pierrot. Robt. L.Owen. VivaCulia 516*9 Tijuana ImTOy l:47.,fast 13 1"S 4»1 F Chvttta 7 J.David. TokalonMareh. M. Belle LAZY BEN. b. g, 7 117 By Marchmont II.-Lady Eula, by Sir Dixon. Trainer, J. Hill. Owner, H. W. Barnen. • 52861 Tijuana Im70y l:U;.fast :•". 117 12 9 9 7 .- . . c TmpsonlS Mosatain cirl Maud M. Ely 52772 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:«9%fast 22f ll" 11" W Taylor 12 P. Sister. Lobelia, T. Bkearidjre 52684 Tijuana 11:44 slow 09 11* 7 - R Carter t Irish Daisy. Busy Itird P.DUm 52I2S Tijuana 1 1:41 14 MR fi4 H Rettif* 10 John Jr., Pink T-nnv. Vukoii f: 2." Tijuana 6 f l:0s-,fast 121 111 6 P. Carter 12 C. the Way, P. Dire. t. RoaelUa 51C10 Tijuana 3-4 1 : 13 105 6»1 C Thpson * Mer.Laaa. Gen.BynK. P.Donjtlai "ill Tijuana 3 1 l:l7.,fats 98 112 7,J R Carter s tlor.Lereh, Bliam.Green. FlSnldo SADIE D., ch. f. 4 M 100 By Ormondale — Ballynahinch, by General nymona Trainer. A. Brent. Owner. A. Brent or Ardoon. 52*60 Tijuana 3-1 mi -i asl in 97 12 12 12 12 1- ■; .1 HtamerU! Hasanitlleir, Ap.Jaek. LeaiaB. 52769 Tijuana .■ f I 07-. fast 95 99 !"• J Htaater 12 TbriftyTbree, BdLeVan, Miatake 52644 Tijuana 51 f 1 ll mud 64 M 917 J BT tamer 11 J. Hoabor, Lavaga. Perfeel Dav .".2501 Tijuana 5-8 l:04%hvy SO 106 11" N Foden 12 Ind.BKade, M.Eurta. J.J.Mrdk .".242: Tijuana 51 f 146 fast M 198 VI J Hntamer 11 Mahel Rule. DcsWintr. Sis. Polly 52400 Tijuana 61 f 1:0! fast IS 100 6" 11 tamer VJ I.imeri. k. SirpSMuirrel. B.F*B»I 523i:: Tijuana 1 l:42*fcf*St 24f 108 5; R McCrnn !i T.P.MeMaboa, EIRey, JimWiun VON LADY. ch. m. 8 105 By Von Tromp— Cirlina, by Orsini. Trainer, T. Howland. Owner, F. Howland. 52807 Tijuana I 1-16 1:W fast "" l"7 "■■ W Taj or 7 Gen.Byn*, J.Davi.i. LeDinoe*ure 52751 Tijuana IthTOy 1:47 fast ,i-.". 105 2- 11 Rowe 1" Maywortk, Boreas Propla 52609 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:51%slow .7 115 21 R Carter 11 K.Shannon, Hrynnt, L.roee*ee 62561 Tijuana 1 1:49 mud 8 108 8*1, W Taylor 7 Honolulu. Frivolous. I.ava-a ".252:; Tijuana lm70y l:5ni-slop 14 103 2-H Rowe 10 Conuaander, Prophecy, Par. Mark 62483 Tijuana 1 1 :i.".-.,mud 5 108 • 8" H Row.- 11 BabyGirl, AudreyA., Centerville 52436 Tijuana lm70y l:46%faat 38 Ml 4« H Rowe 8 T.P.MeMaboa, T.Gallant, R.Lee ROYAL IRISH, ch. h. 6 M 115 By Tuscan— Mary Dees, by Kenilworth. Trainer. W. A. McKenzie. Owner. I. Rice. 62793 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 731 lit W*» R Dority II Baiil.Mae;., Mer.Laa, HasnaHr 527: 1 Tijuana S-4 115 fast 42 112 . 11" R Dority 12 Ringleader, Blancbita, P.Teaay FELICITOR. ch. g, 8 112 By Mortlake— Felicite, by Brutu». Trainer. C. B. Irwin. Owner, C. B. Irwin. 52806 TIJua 1 l:42%faat 22f 109 !4 O Willis !i M:uy Paller, Jim Winn. Ely 52792 Tijuana 3-4 S3 111 S P Martlnes 10 MissManage, Ap.Jaek, Delaucey 52704 Tijuana ImTOy 1:47 fast 43 112 CUP Martinez 6 Little iiink. Gen. Byng, Bauer 52682 Tijuana 11:45 slow 106 105 I ,D Hum 8 E. Hairigan, Ap. Jaek, Ctrcsa 52673 Tijuana 3-4M70hvy 25f 112 7SMJ Martlnes t MiasParaell, PeeDireet. Bil.Joe 62558 Tijuana 11:56 mud l"f 110 . 10" P MartinezlO Canute, LkJoaephbse, BleFlower 52517 Tijuana 51 f 1:12 mud 13G b7 6"J P Martinez ! Ripoeta, TiUotaon, !eo. James AD0R0CK. ch. m. 6 M 110 By Moss Rock— Adoration, by Ornament. Trainer. J. E. OShea. Owner, J. Anderson. r2804 Tijo 1 1 1:12 f.-st 7a i.". 7" I Powell R MfemParnell. Bardora, ChantreiM Tijuana 51 f l:"7-fast 907 1"! 8" D Powell 12 TbriftyTbree, BdLeVan, Mistake 521107 Tijuana 61 f 1:10 slow 44f 11" !" E Graves 12 Chrome, Kimitana. Clover J Onia 62466 Tijuana 5-8 l:63%alop31-19f 108 6*1 B Taylor !i CaaitlacelL, GeoJamea, Anns. 521 7 Tijuana 61 f 1 :0X fast f 107 10« N Foden 10 Smil. Maggie. MoveDn, BUSyBlrd 50S91 Kwrth lm70y l:44%faat 66 M3 4 6 7 7 7 7-" M 8ebw*ta 7 Alfeaqula, G.Groom, BugieMeh 69325 Dorval 11:44 fast 26 SfS] 6 7 7 7 f.J 6 •• E Haywr.l 7 Musket, Rinkavous, J.Atf.CUrk YORK LASSIE, br. f. 4 M 105 By Yc:l;;!iire Lad— Lady Kilmarnock, by Kilmarnock. First start.

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