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i r f ., I k I t 0 i Over 60 Per Cent Winners ON OUR BAILY ONE BEST. W eilne-ilays first sheet. Havana, gave only One Winner. Tburadar our man got going. ONE BEST WON. Long sh..i. second. Rare OPULENT. 1-1. WON: OSGOOD, 7-4. WON: ROUNDEL. 3-1. WON. .Jaad two .f his Second Choices WON. Fridays Best scratched. SOMETHING DOING. 25 Cents. At All News-stands. 25 Cents. Clients wishing oolj one or haw safe plays daily s,.M-i .00. We mall yon Special BeHvery, One Best and ling Shot for a week, Room 510. 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago. Illinois 1 REAL Live Information I have just perfected an arrangement which will enable me to give first-class information on three or four each week. Will wire you the first three for .00. Wire or remit your subscription today. CHAS. F. TURKIS 484 COPLIN AVENUE DETROIT. MICH. f « . I THE WINNING POST TODAYS FREE CODE: Cientifico-in-Hear-We-by NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY PER YEAR. 15 CENTS PER COPY. THE WINNING POST 101 WEST 41ST STREET NEW YORK CITY r CHIEF OBSERVER 25 West Forty-second St. New York City TODAY S FREE CODE: Havana: Wyoming -24-14-17 ____ — I „ M ,j THE AVKftlCAN THOROUGHBRKD The little hook with ike Bis Ratings. Beat thiiiK - n the Market, if .-11 want WINNERS. Only 35c everywhere. Saturdays Best: Ship-Tijiiam-Row-Got-Pay-Out. Baltimore Bldg. Estab. 1907 Chicago, Illinois TREE! 14 WINNERS! 5 Seconds. 2 Thirds. 7 La* rs 1 it of ■""■•v List 28 Starters. Free X Specials. /-rfjjA REPORTER purchasers received. KpwSandXA Ivery Mon-lay V--iliii-«il;i an I Si! I TtT*K urdaj X Sl-cial advei ieil V tiyy code, la-i page Reporter. These alnae Xkx worth 108 times price --f book, 35e. I.itest BOW selling at all m-ws -stands. Subscribers mailed plain enveh-i-.-. ?, weeks. "iet Reporter weekl] Beal direct track information. Siturd.i.vs FREE X Special. No. 250. , THE TURF REPORTER. The oldest Publication in existence. Seventeen years satisfying a Discriminating Public. 22 West Quincy Street :: :: Chicago. Illinois. THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM Our results are wonderful inasmuch as they are positive. We play it and win daily. It has won ,209 at New Orleans; 80 at Havana, and 27 at Tijuana with small capital in last 29 days. Play at or away from the track. Will send you data showing that it won on all tracks during 1920 and will forfeit 00 if not substantially correct. Must win its initial cost in 3 days or money refunded. Terms to reliable parties. Write for particulars. Address THE GUARANTEE SYSTEM 117 WEST FRANKLIN ST., BALTIMORE. MD. Ed Garrison .7-1 Won Our Jack 4-1 Won Talent 5-1 Won Manokin 0-5 Won Were some of the WINNERS giver, in Book 717 of THE STANDARD. Why not deal with the LIVE ones; Get new book, on sale today at all nawa-ataada, 35c per copy. Code is good for one week. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: 500. Book 718 THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403-22 W. ftuincy St. Clucago. III. NATIONAL O. K. RACING LETTER IS ON SALE AT ALL NEWS-STANDS TODAY 60 CENTS NATIONAL 0. K. PUBLISHING CO. ROOM 411 BALTIMORE BLDG., CHICAGO SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING COj 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd STREET, NEW YORK, N. Y. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO. N. Y.