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- ■ I ■ KENTUCKY STAKES ENTRIES CLOSE li-- men contemplating a spring campaign in Kentnckj ire reminded thai ibis is the mat day 1 remaining to make nominations to the 0,066 Ken tncky Derby and other important sf,ik,.s to be imi in the 1 : 1 1 1 ,r:iss stale, entries for Which close today. There :■ Ic tweutj six -eilics offered h.v Hie Kentucky Jockey Club, of which six will be run at Lexington, eight at Churchill Downs ami twelve at Lilonia. Tic aggregate added money to 1 these cents is 12,500 and tie gr im value should exceed 1921.sh00,000. Thhr stake program will be -up- plcmented by overnight races of from ,006 to ,566 in value, which will bring the total distribu- tion of Bfeoney amen- the borsemea who niav par teipale in the ten wok- •! racing to between ssimi nun aad 1921.sh60,060.