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ESSEX FOX HOUNDS STAKE Autumn Steeplechase with ,500 Added to Be Run Over Peapack, N. J., Course. NEW TORK, N. Y.. February 14. The aniiuil meeting of the Hunts Conunlttec of the National Steeplechase and Bunt Association was held Inst Friday. lie committee is elected annually hj the M. F. H. of the reeogniaed hunts of the several districts where fox bunting flourishes. Tee c niittee tor the en. .ut yea* is made up la follows: -I. E. Ii.-nis. representing New York: Henry G. Vanghan. representing New Bagland; Chaibs |,. a Hciscr. representing Maryland; II. s Page, representing Virginia; Richard II. Williams representing New Jersey; Charles E. Mather, reprc- ■in i nu Pennsylvania ; A. Bnary Bigginson. renre seiiiiuu the National Sfecpiechase and Hum Association; F. s. ven si.-ule. representing the National Steeplechase and Hunt Association: Henry W. Hull. representing the National steeplechase and Hunt Association. | 1 The officers elected for the year l.iJl are: Chairman. A. Henry Hlgginson: vice chairman, F. s. von Btade; secretary, Frank -I. Bryan. Executive committee: Charles 1.. A. Benar, A. Henry Bigginson. F. S. von Btade. Frank .1. Bryaa was appointed bandieapper foi the year at all meetings ran under sanetioa the Hunts Committee. lie airniicatioii for a certificate as a gentleman i iih-r from Edward Brandon Hurst was approved. Two new hunts wen- granted recognition and added to tin- recognised list. The new organiza! an- the Cosheii Hunt. Gcshen, N. Y.. Cant. I,. U. master, and Mr. Behrs Hounds. Lake For est. in.. Ben Leslie I.ehr. master. The B*aeX Fox Hounds of Ieapack. N. .1., RUh in i 1 1 ill the conditions of a new race, a steeple - chase over timber, n, be run al their regular race meeting next antama. They win add sl.imi. of which i portica will be given lo the trainers of the first, so ohd and third bora ~. Tin- rider of the winner Is to receive a picte of plate. The race Is io be for hunters duly qualified under the rules of the National Btecplechoa*. and Bunt Ana*. elation. Subscriptions an- !- rhme this spring ami subscribers caa aamr their harae seven days bcfoic fhe running of tin- race. « .