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I | . . , , ; 3 . , 7 . 1 I - " or ir - A. K. MACOMBERS NEW STUD H.nt That Oversight and Sea Sick Are Expected to Be Quartered There. i MY F. I.. M.-K i:F.Y i BAN FRANCISCO, tal.. Febmary if The property nonth of Baa -los,.. Banta ciara County, acquired last May to A. K. llSCOmher, has been transformed into a modern stud estabUahmeat by superintendent W W Mendenhall ami a Urge erru .., workmen. In the remmodioo* stalls at the pictures. pie plant. which has been called Mir.i Monti s-..ik Farm for some year* an scraant of !h.- line view t.. be had of Mount Hamilton, are now quartered three stallions, eighteen tv i-yeat olds and fourteen yearlinrs. In spacious paddocks ■re seventeen richly bre.l brood mares. 1 he stal lions. Hand Grenade, Libert Loan and War Fain. and the broo.i mares were recently removed from Elmwood stock Farm to Mira Monte. la all. there are fifty two thoroughbreds at the well-appointed stock farm. In tin- event of Over night snd s.-a Bich being sent to this -late on their arrival from Franc- they will be domiciled .it tin- San .lose place. Former Jockey lurk give* the three stallions exercise every morning on the mile track, which has been put into tin- best lition thrnagh tin- painstaking efforts of s,i perintcndenl Mendenhall. The -old leliows" bageb Rujoy cantering ahmg the arfde stretch. The latest improvement is the construction of a feme from the hall mile to the finish. The track was use, by harness bones in other years without any. railing, bat tin- runners show their form mack ■ore truly with the "rgU" in place. Eight • f the two-year-olds will be siii]i|„..| Belmont Park next month along with tour two from Wikiup Rancho. Twelve Wikiup ,.ii"_si,is taken ta Belmont Park last So veiubcr by snpcrinlen.lent George 11. Strate Wikiu,1. leavblg four at the ranch. One of the four io go on later is a brother to Incbcape. I I . j I ■ p I . , . i i i- i i- . II 1 of. ■ I II ll I ■ ■ to " 1 I of 1 ■