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DAILY RACING FORM I Daily During Winter Months. Daily Except Monday Balance of the Year. | dailyracTng FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 E. 32nd ST., NEW YORK CITY. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y. Entered M NCMl-dM m.ittrr. April 2. 1SBS, :it . the post -office lit Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of Match 3. i*~.». . NEW YORK CITY OFFICE. 157-159 East Thiityactoad Street. All deafen supplied from this office. , Rack numbers and monthly book* -npplied. , Kor sale at all hotels and MWI-ltllli, SUBSCRIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE. ; Per AVeek 5 Led IVr Month B.M Half War 1A.C0 .in. Year 30 00 The above rates are for single copies as sealed 3 . letters- firMi lass mail. BACK NUMBERS TEN CENTS EACH. , If sent by mail ijhst-class only twelve cents. 7 Dailv Racing form Publishing Co. prefers to send siagle copies as first-dans mail in all cases. I.oeal subscriptions — outside the down -town dis- . tri.t will be declinid at oilier tlian first-class mail 1 I matter rates. - A Daily Reflection of the American Turf by Telegraph. " Editor and Proprietor. F. II. I.runcll. Associate Editor, Clinton c. Riley. Secretary, Mrs. r. II. Drunell. TELEPHONE 2087 HARRISON. For business and circulation purposes only. This telephone has no connection -with the news or ir editorial departatenta and cannot be used to com- - wuuicate with the—. CHICAGO, 11 i.lMHS. I r.BKI AltY 13, 1021.