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I | r 1 f i - - s 1 • "J t j p - t I t » i 1 F f ! • ! , I ! . , LEADING TRAINERS IN 1920 S. A. Clopton and Kay Spence Tied for Honors of Last Year — Their Records. S. A. Clopton finished in a tie with Kay Bpeace I for the training honors of 1120. each saddling seventy four winners, with Cloptons raccesses np-1 resenting much the most money won. Both Clopton and Spence have been prominent figures in their lio-eii profession daring the past seven or eight years, particularly so with Spence. who was the leading trainer in 191S and 111!. Their individual records are as follows: S. A. CLOPTON. Year. Wins. Amount, 1008 IS f !.:i7a 1000 44 10.4.-,.. 1!1 II Ll.lsil 11*11 12 3.573 1!12 1018 HI14 1015 Dn; 1917 25 10,551 191s ir, 28.888 1!»D» L4 15.520 M20 74 152.312 _ Totals iSi l77 84,060 K. SPENCE. "fear. Wins. Amssmt. 1012 i | egg 1818 M 1 1.088 D»14 2r. 14.917 19ir. 39 28,313 19D! till 80,08 1917 r,4 34.72.-, IBM 58 35.808 19F ji; ti7.*-i2 192l 74 97.674 Totals 9 431 24,210 A