Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-02-16


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. MONDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1921 Sereaty-first day. Lssrer California Jockey Club. Winter Meeting of PJ." or more days. Weather rainy: temperatura 70 . Presiding Stevviird. Francis Nelson. Ass.H-iatc Stcwiirds, J. W. Coffroth and Leon Wing. Starter. ■ Hurry Morrissey. Racing Secretary, Leon Wing. Baciag starts at 1 :."". p. m. Chicago time 8:50 p. in. I. Indicates apprentice allowanee. ET«- £|-| A FIRST RACE— 3 1-2 Furlongs. Feb. 12. 1917— 42 4— 2— 112. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. Os/t;I"I Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. I Index Hon - AWtPPBt !. :. Str Pin Jocheys Owners Ivpiiv. Odds Strt r 1 f 2 8 7 2 - A S H LAND w 118 l" 2 p 1| G Denny Nevada Stock Fatm 190-100 0 S2S12 JOE CAMPBELL w 115 -i 1 1| 11 j! E Hnywrd W " Wenmt 3780-mm B .",2872 PLOW STEEL w ID E :: F ■■- ■ .1 class Meadowbrook Stable 110-108 B .V2872 HELEN MAJOR w 112 I I 4 -1" * G V. .ir.-.in E E Major 13*0-100 B 1 HAD WRIGHT w lb. I :. 7 •.-. W Mclnre Bronx* Stable 2t90-M6 II .".2872 ROOOM -IK. « IM I I ."■ H Il O Willis F L Howard 2280-100 i BOOOS T i: TUBB8 w 115 7 1 s 7. 7*1 C Gross Neni .v.- Bartholomew MO-lOS 527! 0 CANDOROSA w 115 I 7 H 8 8 E Taylor A Jones 180V108 Bl Time. 121 i. Sl3. 445. Track sloppy. 82 matuets paid. Ashland, 85.80 strnipiit. 84.00 alsice, 82.00 show; Joe Campbell, .-7. 80 place, 812.20 i show: Plow st.ei. 82.60 show. Bquiraleat boohing . i.i- Ashland, 100 to 108 straight. ISO to 108 place, 80 to 108 show; Joe Campbell. 1288 to DH place, "in p. inn show; 1h.w steel, mii to 100 show. Winner I., c bj Heneyw I — Busy Bee. by Pirst Tenor trained by W. B. Heath; bred by Nerada i stock Para-1. I Went to post iit 1:58. At post in minutes, start f.- 1 and slow. Woa driving; second andtliird the i- same. ASHLAND raced close up from the start and. aniskina tamely, outstayed JOB CAMPBELL . through the last sixteenth. JOE CAMPBELL r.iu well in the ..ii: and sin, wed the asset early speed, . j but was tiring at the end. PLOW STEEL came wide when entering the stretch, but finished fast and il . resolutely. HELEN fMAJOB raced namely. HAL WBIGHT wan in close quarters sooa after the start, but Bared ground when entering the stretch and Balshed fast. DB. Tll.r.s began slowly from the extreme: outside. Scratched .•,Ls7li Apricot. ll.V. ..J7ll--Polly Wale. 11... r ■r«T 0-g pT SECOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05V5— 3 — 118. Purse 00. 4-year-Dsf t/XO olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. • 0. _ Index Horses AWtPPSI , _ ■ Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds 8 hi 700 SAWlTiii ii n 1 lis 7 I 2k 1 1« ]■ R Carter S Haneltine ~ itMN ol BtOOO MEDA w i in; i :; l, 2*12 2s W Taylor H W Barnes KO-108 « SM7S*MI8S OUR1 w« H 1 I 8] 4- :;; ::■ B Mnrlelll B .1 Kelly tM88-M0 0 52KK7 CLOVER .I.MA a I M 1 I ..-. 61 51 *• P Martines R Riplej B0-M8 80073 :HANOV.S TOPAZ « 5 B0 I 7 u- i. ; •".■■ G Veargin I. a McDowell 50J-MI 01 88078 BLiACK SPRAY wn I 88 I 8 tv SI -U l=j i; i •., i , i: ■:,|.h ■■/. .".2123 SWEETWATER « 8 105 8 10 1" »J 8« 7- H Rowe Meletn 0 Glaaaeock i 50048 PEGGY MARTIN w4W 5 9 KJ 83 7*1 8*1 C Groan .1 furl 1660-100 0 8X008 GOLDEN PLIGHT • 7 Pi ! " 81 M N H ■ Hntamei .1 McKenzie 150N-MI B 88000 ID PORE n ■"• MM 10 1 71 7h 10 1° » Willis ChaJa Vista Stable v.Miituci n. Id. Time. 24. 48»5. 1:023. l:084i. Track sloppy. 82 matuels paid. Saw Tooth, 84-80 straight, 84.08 place, 82.88 show; Meda, 84.00 ptaee, 82.88 shew; : Mi-s oari, Beld, 02.08 show. Bsjairahtat haoktag eddi Saw Tooth, im t.. 108 straight lob t.. nio place. 48 to loo show: Meda, 130 to Din place, 48 to 108 show; Mis, oari, field. 08 t.. 1«w show. Winner -H. c. by J. P. Crowley or Shooting Spray Baa— tea, by Bannochbnrn trained by s. Haael- tine: bred by Mr. W. S. .I.nkin-i. Went to post at 2:20. Ai poai 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Won cantering; serosal and third il driving, saw TOOTH raced MEDA mt.. party defeat and. drawing iwnj after entering the stretch, i. won as bis rider pleased, hi KIM ,ii..w.-.i Hi. ,i early ,p.- .1 and readiij rav« u.i to the winner but It easily sared second place. Miss ol i;i ran arell ami Hnished raraely. CLOVEB II MA ran a fairly y aood race. BLACK SPBAY showed earlj speed Scratched 52000 Headman. 113; 5885 Katherine Uaukin, 101; 81070 My MnsJe, 100; 52871 IVrfeci t Day. .»!»: 52647 Little Orphan. 89. OTerweifhts — Meda, 1 pound Mi-- Oari, :; Sweetwater, l Peggj Martin, 3. Dr. Part, 3. 1 , i 1 ! j j I ! i I I , M ; • i ! j i | I 1 1 ■ 1 1 , ■ i ; I I r : ■ I r 1 0 B B B 1 II i Bl i i I i- . . j il . RTOQ-j £» THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920—59—4—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and O hdXJ -I O npsrard. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt Il St S . ■, Str Fin Jocheys Owners K|iiiv. Odds Strt B20f2 PERCH wa 8 188 8 1 1- I i l* C Thpnon / Barnetl MO-lon C804O*RINGLEADER w 8 107 1 7 Ik 0* i- m il Jones P Rinehnrt 1188-101 .".2849 LITTLE JAKE wa 11 112 1 1 l" 4| 81 :: A Zelgier E M Level 90D-100 S2000-APPLE JACK u 7 no I :. 4 2J _" 4* w Taylor W P Canninghjam tfio-lOt 32047iCRI8PIK a l I M8 7 t I 5] 5* P Martin.-:: C B Irwin 140-100 82000*STRIKER wit ii in. I u n ii1. ip. V B Mnrlelll w B Parker 170-MO .-■2H74 .1 i SUGG * I HI 6 1 7- 7 7 7- C Groan .1 Behetl 8X008 TUTT a I KM 18 18 8 8 0 Willis F Dahnhen f tMutoel arid. Time, 24. 49Vi. l:02;i.,. Track sloppy. 82 matuels paid. Perch, 4.40 straight, 87.08 place, 87.08 show; Blagleader, 0.08 place, . lb.Li show: Little .Like. 85.00 show. Eqaivateal rwehlng oaos Perch, 828 to 108 straight, _•"««» to 1 » place, 200 to 108 shoo : Ringleader, ..so to 108 place, 11" to 108 snow: Little .ink.-. 108 to Dm show. Winner B. m. by Iv.m the Terrible Skeptical, by Hlmyar trained by /.. Barnett; bred by Mr. E. B Gardner. - Jester* Went to pool .-it 2:82. At pool • minutes. Start food and stow. Woa cantering; second and third driving. PEBCH raced Into o long lead al once aad, sattiag a good pace, Increased bis advantage in the stretch with every stride. UINGLEADEB begsn Klowly, but rushed up int.. forward contention and nra* running fastest at the end. LITTLE JAKE raced forwardly from the shut aad finished namely. APPLE JACK, awaj slowly, was rushed ap to the leader and tired in the last eighth. •!. D. si i;i; was shut ..it -..on after the start. Bcratched 52874 Dode Adams, IOS; 52875*Little Princess, 105; 52888 Barber. 85; -".-S7 1 Chrome, Ion; : l7.2 Billy Joe. 110; .".js.v.i Positano, 110. Overweighta Tutt. I i ids. [TOQ-I m FOURTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59— 4-107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and «_*f Jy M. 4 upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt ID St , % sn lin Jockeys Owners BqnJT. Odds Strt OOtODC. A. COMISKEYwb 8 M6 8 1 2» 2» I* 1» B Mnrlelll E Getchell 80-100 5t040*IND. BRIGADE w 8 M6 1 :. 7 tl 41 2s B Parke O L Fandiagaland t2388-100 82040s* LADY SMALL wa 6 185 I I 8] ■■; 81 V M Slghter G A Locke] noo-ioo BSSO0*B Ai:v GIRL wa 6 MC I 1 » I B3 1" D Powell «; M Murphy Il.n-lOo 88874 »• EL SABIO a 11107 7 1 61 D •". 6* E Taylor .1 A Paraon . 6G0-1OU 52007 sad s..i wa 7 118 3 - l» l» -- 0* C Thpnon C G Button 110-188 52817 GERTRUDE B. WB 9 IM I I 9 il 71 7 P Martin.-/. R Farton 1288-Mq 80701 NELLIE WTITWERwa 4 MS I * • ■■ s : Tenrgin .1 W Tata 52848 TERNETTE a "• 111 1 7 ::. 71 I I A Zelgier V C Carrington 1488 MQ tMutuel lid, I. Time, 10%, 484,. 1:022.,. Track sloppy. mntneb paid. C. A. Comiskey, 1921.sh.00 -tiiiiin. 90 place, .40 show; Indian Brigade, field. 4.40 ptao . 1921.sh.00 ,ho : Lady Small. S4.40 show. Equivalent booking odd- C. A. Comiskey, so to Hhi straight, "in t. 100 place, Id to loo show: Indian Brigade, field. 820 to loo place. 200 to 100 -how: Ladj Small. 120 t . 100 show. Winner Hlk. il. In Dick Welle Suet Nell, by l-Mier trained by E. Oetchell: bred b] Mr. Tiiom.- Piatt. • v - iifs Went to jio, I at 8:15. At post 1 minute. Start | 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third ilrr. tag- C. A. COMI8KEY, was reoerved while racial bead and head with the leader and, passing him wil a rash mi the list turn, raced into ii loin: lead and sron ensing up. INDIAN BBIGADE closed a gap aad made a fast Bnish. LADY SMALL ran :i a 1 race from a slow beginning. BABY OHM. was shut oil ,• on after i he start and badly knocked .about, but Bnisbed fnst. SAD SAM unit after Betting a fast early pace. •*• Scratched 52800 lb velry .lame,. 105; ."..1 17 al urn. 107: 52885 Master Franklin. 107: 52847 Stanley II.. 110: 52627 Canvasbnch, 108. overweights Ternette, 1 pound: Baby Giri. -J: Lady Small. 1: 1:1 Bahto. 1. fir OQ1 Q FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:11*4— 3— 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. ts«lf/XO Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. • - Index Horses AWtlISt i |~ % Str Tin Jockeys Owners Fi|uiv. Odds Strt 52020 CHOW w 115 12 1*1 1*1 1*1 1* O Willis W Walker 3Sa-M4 80000 *»TAWA8ENTHA wn M I 7 :, 4",:;- !■ I: htaurtelll A .1 Mori,- 190-100 B8702*BCST BIRD wa M 7 I a 2*12" S* • Tearnin .1 M Cooper 550-100 52889 CAPON era M0 :. 3 : 7 5*J l| W Hlaphy M L Alien 6488-MO 52000 CROUPIER w 112 3 I •: 3* 41 51 C Gross .1 W Puller 7hV4M 52081 *IKE HARVET w 107 1 I H 5*1 8*1 8s E Taylor A Jones 8S8-M4 :»288» HUGO K A8HER w 107 I 5 6* ti" 7 7 1 Martinea I X Wornach M08-1M Time. 24, 48«3. 1:16. Track sloppy. .*l matnela paid. Chow, 1921.sh.08 straight, .00 ptaee, ,28 show: Tawaseatha, ,80 place, .88 show; Busy Bird, 1921.sh.20 -bow. Equivalent boohing adds- t bow, 8SO to 100 straight. 188 to Dmi place, 80 to 100 show: Tawaseatha, iio to loo ptaee, 40 to 100 -bow ; Busy Bird, 80 to inn show. Winner— Cb. c by Rapid Water— Lady Uruama, by Ornament trained by W. Walker; bred by Mr. George W. J. Bissell. W.-nt to post at 8:48. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Wen easily: second and third driv- in;:. CHOW raced Into a u- I lead at once pad easily won all the way. TAWASENTHA began slowly. but ttendUy made up ground and finished With a rash. I.lSY I.IKD showed a need order of speed in the Being and Balshed well. CAPON closed a gap in the final eighth. CBOUP1EB, after ihswlng speed, quit in the stretch. Scratched 52888 Mabel Bole, 08. overw.iht, Tawasentha, 4 pound-: Caimn, : : Ike Harvey. 1: Huu*.. K. Asher. 2. 5T OQii Q SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 191G — 1 :38— 3— 95. St. Valentine Day Handicap. OleFXsZy Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner 30: second. 80: third, 0. ~~ Index Horses AWtlISt t _■ ::4 str Fin .lockeys Owners Kipiiv. Odds Strt 52820 HYAMloil v7~ini :• i~~v. -nk :i~:S-TTl B Mnrlelll D A «app.s :; -Hi 52072 NEBULOUS a M l 1 If Il I 1 1 -: G Teargin C Koehler sM 1 88703 in H N HOSHOR m KO I I -11 81 3a :;-• M Slghter C T Worthington 80018 AHAI.AN w BO 4 I D 4- I- I I E 1 amy Nevada stock Farm 880-MO 82010 TOREADOR wn 81 3 •"• 8] ■" ■ B* •"•- B Parke .1 P Richardson 4280-M4 52820 DARK PRIAR w 107 I 1 I I i I I C Groan .1 H Woodford MM •• Time. 24V 49%. 1:1*. 1:4225. Track sloppy. matael* paid* Hynmpomi OBuOB straight, s:;.imi place. 82.40 -how: Nebulous. 87.40 place, S3. 00 show; John Hoshor, 82.20 -how. Bqulvnleal i king "M Hyampem. 850 to loo straight, so to mn place, un to 108 show: Nebulous, _7n t.. 100 place. 50 to 108 show; John Hoshor. lo to loo show. Winner Ch. ;:. by Ucaeial Roberts Frill, by Burgomaster trained by . . Cappo; bred by Mr. George Fan Gordea. Went to post :it 1:0*1. Al pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. HYAMPOM raced in closest attendance on the pacemaker until entering the stretch, where be eaaao fast and. in a bard drive, outstayed NEBULOUS. The bitter began fa-t and showed the most speed, but could not withstand the winners rush and was eased up when beaten. JOHN BOSHOB ran well and did his best. CAHALAN a- in trouble on the tir-t turn and tired badly in the hist quarter. Bcratched 52810 Poly thin. 117: 52705 Boy Dewey, 100. Overweights Toreador, 1 pound-: Dark Friar. 5; Hyampom. :!. srQQQr. SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 23. 1920—1:53—4—109. Purse 00. 3-year-olds *3£iJ £i$ and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. index Ho7ses A Wt il si , . Str Pin Jockeys Owners FijuivTodds strt 52004 BABY BISTER wa 10 112 7 7 »;- » 1!, 2:i P P Martinea C B IrwTri 50-100 58078 RUTLAND ARMSwsb 7 107 I -, - 1- 1- l: B Taylor .1 W V.i- 18V8-B0 5205** CORK wb 8 112 5 1 5* ■" 31 8* 3* B Haywd .1 A Paraon BO-100 820O7 SADIE D. w 1 : 7 1 I 1- 11 U 4 IJ .1 Htamer A Brent t4308-MO 52888 JIM WIXX wr.ii Pl 1 5 I1 I; •"■ • 51 "•- T Kindle r, l Palmqulst 52852 .M. VWOKTH wb 5 107 ! 2 7 7 «■ Sl «a I Powell Ban Diego Stable 870-10U 5200S*MIKE HA1.V wa 7 MM I I |at .; . 7 ] 7 M Slghter Lawless iV: Murphv IhsJ-Dmj tMutuel tield. Time. 25.,. 81%, 1:17.35. 1:4523. 1:58 5. Track sloppy. si miituel- paid. Baby Sister, 88.00 straight, 88.00 place, si. 20 -bow: Rutland Arms. s.-,.so place -ii shon : Corh, 82.00 show. Bqniralent I king odd- Baby sister. r,o to loo straight, 50 to ion place, 10 t., Ion show: Ruiland Arm-, litu to Inn place, no to dmi show; Cork. 30 t 100 show Winner Br. in. by Lord BsterHng Annie Lauretta, by Emperor trained by . B. Irwin; bred by Mr. Walter o. Parmer. Went to po,r at 1:20. At posi 1 minute. Start rood .and slow. Won easily; second .and third driv ing. BABY BIRTEB moved up fast .after entering the baekstretcfa, saved ground on all the urns, came last on the outside after entering the stretch and won oins; .away. BUTLAND ARMS raced to the front after passing the three-eighths post and took a x 1 lead, bat tired when the winner challenged. CORK. ran fairly u.-ll. SADIE D. showed the most speed for three-quarters, then tired. MAYWOBTH raced poorly. Scratched 52852 Le piaosanre, 115; 52828 Tohalon March, 112: 52002* Sham rock Green, 105: .",2772 Canute, 11J: ,".2! n:; Madrid. 111. riQA-| EIGHTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. fDee. 20. 1916—1:11-—3—110.1 Purse 00. 3-year-olds andand £i M. and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. Index ~ Horses A Wt il si , , Str Pin Jockeys Owners Euuir. Odds Strt 52000 »SEDGEGRASS w 4 188 1 i P P P P W Taylor H W Ramos i iuTio7i 152878 w . MTGOMERT w S MS - 1 2 - V -■ B Taylor Rich X- Perkins 250-100 58000* JOHN JR. wb 8 112 7 7 7 : 4*13* H Row Mannale Oc Chapron 870-108 52775 OLA LLC. WB 4 lit I •"• 31 3* V 4- P Martinea C B Irwin 530 100 58000 si-:. WAV wbbSIM S I :,; I* :. ; ."•: C Thpnon C irby 150-100 5250! REVELER WB 1112 E 3 J* 7 8" 8* R Carter R II C.ood 3688-108 52187 MINNIE H. at S 107 3 I IV." 7 7 C Cross W i ■ W.ant 1208-101 Time. 234.,, 48i, 1:16. Track sloppy. Bin toe la paki, Bedcecrass, 85.80 Ptraiabt, 80.20 place. 33.00 show; Woodle Moateomery, sIimi place. 82.80 show: John Jr.. 83.80 show. Equivalent boohing odds -SedeeBrass, 100 to loo straight, 00 to 100 place, 50 to ion -how: Woodle Montgomery, loo to loo place, 40 to loo show; John Jr.. 80 to 100 show. Winner -B. f. by olainhala Geaestn, by Broomstick trained by .1. Hill: bred by Mr. Richard T Wilson. Went to po-t at 4:50. At post 1 minute. Start hoi and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- in;;. 8BDGEGRAH8. lucky at the start, set a good pace and easily won .all Hi. • way. WOODIE MONT ooMKltY raced in closes pursuit of the pacemaker .and Bnisbed gamely. JOHN .lit., awaj i riy, dosed a huge gap and iini-lied fast. ol.A LEE tired badly. SLA WAY waa away many lengths behind the 1,-ader-. Scratched l8O403CaarIe*tonian, 111: 52847 Fireplace, lol . 52s.i2 Thrift] Three, 100; 527!iu Dancing Girl, 100: :,LsL.i n-n, nations lol.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921021601/drf1921021601_2_7
Local Identifier: drf1921021601_2_7
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800