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r • _ ol « 0 01 i 0 B : il i. It y t HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. "CUBATtUESDAY. FEBRUARY" 157 1921. Oriental Park! Seventieth day. nth.i-Aiuericau Jockey snd Auto Club. Winter Meeting of ion or more days, Weather clear: temperature 90 . Bten -d- .1 Hacameister, C. II. Lansdale and T. J. Bruen. Starter, .lames F. Milton. Racing Sec- I rotary. M. Nat season. Baring starts at 2:80 p. m. Chicago time 1:57 p m.i. •Indicates apprentice allowance . COQOO FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlong;.. Jan. 24. 1917—1:05—5—102. Pun e 00. 3-ycar- tl*lt/Aii olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, 0. Judex Horses AWtlISt ! Str Fill Jockeys Owners O II i PS 58S70*GREY BUMP wb 4 104 i 1 Ill1 I* V T Bums R Gomcr ~ ~ ~i~ i TT 5 :xci STARKADER w :. 112 3 4 |i !» 2 . A Pickens J .1 McC.ff.-rtv 6-8 8-5 0-5 2-8 1-8 ."2H 17 TRR1BLE SUSANwb I 118 7 7s 6* I! 3* F Hunt s T Baxter - ." tj I | -j C8088*RHADAMES wb E 184 1 3 6* 7- 7" «1 s Lowe I. H Baxter H n 8 3 B-B 52870 MAJOR PISK a 1 US I t 5 I c Merimeel A Boltn I I | .: s-., 58008 HOSLEB « Wl 7 E #» :.■ - :,- ..- t. Penman C E Lenahan 8 in M 4 I ."2820 MAR1 FITZHUGH w til" ! 2 8» 8 7- A Tryon A Ti tapiinl N U t! G 2] 5t7S0*NONSENSE 5 102 5 8 8 8 8 8 A Jacobs W E Wllkina 58 88 88 28 M Time, 24. 49. 148%, 1:09. Track fast. *u matuels paid. Grey Rump, 112.08 strnblht, si 80 place, 80.20 -how: Btarkader, 82.88 place, 82 lo -how : Terrible Sanaa, S2.50 -how . Bqairaient booking odd- -Grey Bump. 530 to loo straight. 108 to 108 place, tat to Dm -how: starkader. III to loo place. 20 to 10O -how: Terrible Susan. 25 to 10O -how. Winner Ch. g, L. Aernnanl I.onita-. I Iria,-,- James trained l . Porterle; bred bv Mr Edward I.. Ca— all I. Weni to |iosl ai 2:00. Ai pool f niiniiie- si hi r.,h and slow. Won easily; see i aud third dn lug. GRBV KCMl raced to the froal after rounding the far turn aad drew awaj into a long lead after entering the utreteb HTABKADEB -.1 the ai! pare and Bnisbed ;;.- ly, but tiring, TEBBlBUi SI SAN was pulled up when the -tart came ami raced wide all the wa but tini-hed fast and gaining 1 lUlADAMl.s csoeed ■ aap iu the stretch. rQOf* SECOND RACE— 5 12 Furlongs. Jan. 24. 1917— 1:05 -,—5— 102. Purse 00. 3-ycar-*y*4*J *i4k9 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. .Index Horses AWllIM , .-~"»t~"str~Fiu Jockeys Owners Q U C P S 52737 *LT FAIRBANKS w « it 7 i 21 Vh 8*1 1*5 R L/casterArmoBla Stable s-i: 2 1-5 2-6 52820 CHANTOUR a I US 1 1 8» :: I" 2» W Kelaa] R Plllana 0 7 7 : 6-6 :ri««7 FRANK Bl RKK w 6 107 2 l # 4» 4 8J L Penman C R Smith 9J 2J 8J 1 l-I : o-.»7." 8 BURBGET wb M 111 4 :: IM- 1 4- F MecImccC Grand 6 E E 2 i 88888* TRENTTNO v 7 l"7 I 7 71 7* 1** 8"* J Smith 1! Barton 1 ■• I 1-5 8-6 I .52810 LITTLE BU88 M 8 113 S I 6* fi". 6* •" .1 Pram is T Ch. ok 15 IS 15 S I ."••866 JAMBS w 7 115 7 I I I I 7" .1 Doaaick T Doyle I 86 N 4 I E8S83*HONST GBORQB wa 5 112 I i t 4 6* V I W MeehanJ Umensetter I I I 21 1-5 I Time. 24. 49. ItttK, 1M% Track fast. ■3 mutuei- paid. Beaglaa Pairbaaka, 88.20 straight, 83.00 i l:i *■ . 83.78 -how: Chaatoar, Mi.ttO place, i .88 -how: i*raak Barke, 63.23 -how. Bqairaleat boakiag odd- Beaglaa Fairhaaka, 880 to 130 -traighf. 158 to Umi piaee, 85 to l xi -how; Chaatoar, 206 to KK place, i to uni •boa ; Freak Bark*, no to Umi -how. Winner cii. .. i.y cdt Maad B. 1... by Btar Shoot trained bj . A. Carter; area by Mr. Jeha B. Maiden. Weal to post at 8:38. At peat i minute-. Btart good aad slaw. Won coolly; a* rand and third driving. DOUGLAS FAIRBAXK8. after racial in elaaeat aaraaft, passed BUREUKT in the l.i-t eighth aad , wnii going away, chantoi it araa in daae Baacteri aa the in-ulo all the way aad raa ■ inad race. rRANK BURKE .11110 f;t-t in the lax eighth aad ahaoat tat up for aw i plaee. BURBGET set ■ fast pace t the last eighth aad tired. HONEST GEORGE featt badly. Beratched ■33833 Trcadwell. 107. j ■T OQO 4 THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917— 1:88%— 5— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-Om *y£i~k olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. I»oVt Horses AWtllSt U *q a4 Str Fin Jockey- Owners O H P S S8TM*FTRST CONSUL wa 4 112 1 2 2* »* 1- p- W Kelsay 101 Morro stable 7-ifl4-:. 4-r. 1-:: 1 fi 4«043 KDDIi: McBRlDE wit 6 114 s 1 1*1 r» f .- W Cramp II Woods 15 IS IS E I 53333 AR. MIDDLBTON a S US C 4 0* 4- 4:i ::• .1 Pit* H Davis I E E 2 1 BtBM FAIT ACCOMPLIwa 4 NJ6 4 E I* :: 1S 4»1 C Pmrrlah ; M RMge _: - U 1 r H002- »BKLLifAlN wa 4 Mt E I V 5* .ri B* s Low. Gardner El -"hi .".fl 20 in •;n 4. colors w M 102 7 :; r. ■ 2= -" !- t* • F FekBaaaE V Baxter I 12 12 ."1 2. BS7B8 SENATOR JAMBSwa U 112 :: 7 7 7 7 7 V EleehaaH W Plant 4 4 4 t-5 l-l ASMS GOLDEN KING 5 112 I Polled ap. F Hunt F .1 Kearaa 12 12 12 ."1 21 Time. 24. 48. 1:07. Track fast. 19 niiituii- paid, iirat CaaaaL 54.10 atraight, S3 in plaee, -how; Bddle MeBrMe, Slfl.ot place, |7.7a sltow: Arthar ilidaletoa, -how. Bqaivaleat bookiag adds Birat -n -til 105 to 1 «» atraight, 53 to 100 place, It* to MO -how: Eddie .MeBrMe, Sod to 100 place, 285 to inn -how: Arthur Middle too, 22S to 1«mi show. Winner B. u. by Zen- s.uis G«ae, by Rack Baad trained by W. Brawa; bred by hfeaara: White and Harnett 1. Went to paal at 3:20. At peat 4 aiiaatea. start e*ed and -low Woa eaaily; aecead and third driving. PIR8T CONSUL raced lata aa eaay lead after eateriag the stretch and won la a canter. EDDIE McBRIDE net a good pace and laiabed gaaaely, bat palled up lame. ARTHUR MIDDLBTON ran well and -houhl he improved by the race. FAIT ACCOMPLI left the poet in a jam and tired. GOLDEN KING propped at the -tart. Overweight — Eddie MeHrido. S pounds. prrtOOfr FOURTH RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Jan. 24, 1917—1:05—5 — 102. Purse 00. 3-year-*y £ltj and*y olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Tiidex Baceea AWtPPBt M, % %8trFia Jocheya Oaatia O B OP 8~~ ."»2r»f7-SISTFR SUSIE w S UMi 21 2* 2* ? I1 A Piek- is W R Padgett 7-" M *-:. :".-.r i-2 BtS4t*BLACK PRINCE w 4 lrl I 7 ti- B» El 2 W Kelsay B .1 Crawford C t; t; • l 52894 l.MF.RRV BEAST I 7 110 o :1 1* 1* 1,: J" F Hunt J Costello 41 E I 2 1 ."2894 AMERN BAGLB *l US :• 2 ."■! 6s 0 41 W Cramp B Moch I 1 1 5-5 I " RBSM l 1RRENCT WB t M3 E 5 5* :: :: E| I. Wirth ■ J Sullivan I I I I hB5 M77B*BLONDEL wa S 110 4 : 71 71 7s 6s .1 Btaacia H Herdel 2 I :: 1 1-2 rfitSaa BYRNE wa 5 US i 4 4*1 4" 4 73 J McCaao Raaadale stable W io 10 4 2 52552 8PUGS w :! N 7 s 5 8 S 8 L Peamaa A L Taylor 1" IS l" I :, Time. 23. 473/5, LOls. 1:0725. Track fast. 82 mutitei- paid. Slater Baaie, s:,.7n atraight, BLOB place, 82.80 -low; Black Prime. s.-,.:o plaee, 88.10 show: Merry Beaat, 88.40 -how. E iuivahnt i kini odds -Slater Su-ie. 185 to Mt straight, so to loo place, 4.1 to 100 show: Black Prime. lt ". to lOO place, 53 to 100 -how : Merry Kea-t. 70 to inn shew. Wiaaer— B. m. by Garrectea- Sweet Lavender, by GaMaaach trained by W. P. Padgett; bred by Mr. James B. Haggia. Went to poat at 8:30. At paal 10 aiiaatea. Start goad and slow. Won drrriag; -i ootid and third the same. BI8TEB RIT8IE, after raciag in elaaeat and gaaar paraait, took a -mall lead, but tired and jtt-t la-ted htag taaagh to aatatey BLACK PRINCE. The latter doaed ■ bi« gap and laiabed with, a raah after i nailag wide on the lust turn. MERRT BEAST act a great pace to the stretch, bat tired badly in the last eighth. AMERICAN EAGLE made a fast tini-h. CURRENCY and BYRNE ran well to the stretch. Beratched — 52078 Redlaad, 108. PT OQOO FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. March 6. 1918—1:41—5—117. Purse 00. O mkjmtl%9 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. "index Horses AWtlISt U - "i Str Fin Joekeys Owners O H • j» S BtfJOB HUNTRESS w 10 lot. 1 ?, :- 1* 1- 1= 1 A PickeBa J J htcCaffetty 2 2 2 7-bU-:; 52899 HOCNIR w M MO E E I 41 B B 2!: W KaBsay W B Bfcaaagaa 4 4 4 1-i J-6 BSB4B* PAULA V. wa 5 MO 2 1 81 V f 8* 3*1 F Hunt at E Thompson 4 4] 4 8-6 7-M 52824 *PBRIGOURDINE fl 102 | 4 V 8 i S 1 4* 4:! T Burns Koataaore F Stb 1 1 1 2-5 1-6 B875»» HUNTER PLATT w :■ EM 4 I :. 51 I 5 6*| I. Peamaa .1 H Moody 10 10 10 4 2 5B8S0a*LITHOLICK wa 0 M0 I 2 V I fi» I fl S Low ■ A B Davidson 5 8 8 3 8-1 Time. 23%. 48%. 1:14, 1:40%. 1:43%. Track fast. 82 mutiteis paid. Hunir.— . 87.00 straight, .*4. »o place, 88.20 -how; Bacair, ft.". 10 place; 84.00 -how-Paula V.. *. HI show. Bqairaleat haaklaa odd-— Baatreea, 280 to UMI straight. 145 to 100 place. *M to 100 show: Hocair, 170 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show: Paula V.. 40 to 100 -how. Winner h. m. by Allan-a - Dale Mi— Gassie, by Char later Drained by J. J. MeCafleity: bred by Mr. Tfaaasaa c. McDaweH. Weal to past at 4:21. At po-t 5 minutes. Start pood and -low. Won handily: aecoad and third drrriag. HUNTRESS tared into aa easy lead aa the haihatirlih. but had to lie ridden out at the end to out-tay HOCNIR. The latter wa- far back in the early raaalag. bat rhaetd 1 gap and Baiahed in reao-late fa-hion. PAULA V. ran well and mach 1 gaaae tini-h. PERIGOURDINE aet the early pace, bat seeaaed to tire and ran far betaw her trite form. Oieiaeights — Bacair, 1 pound. I pr OQO7 SIXTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Jan. 18, 1920— 1:50%— 6— 105. Purse 00. 4-year-olds O dfiCB £i 0 and upv/ard. Claiming. Net value to winner S550: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 % 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S~ 52858 I.MATHER w C 115 5 :: 4 :. :i- lil" F Hunt .1 D Rartolomeo :;-.". 1 E ::-". 1-2 1-H BBSll*INCINERATOR . w4 55 I 4 1 • I] l»l V V T Rums F WrJapea 8 M 1" 2. 5-5 BtS71*BIANCA W 6 Mi 2 2 2 8*1* 8*181 A Pickens P D 1 V. 5 1 2-5 52899 ATT NET MFIR w 0 107 4 fl fl f 1; 4- 418 Lowe . G Robertson :• 1" 2 1 1-2 52899 NIGHT WIND WB 0 U3 I E •" .,"■ V ",•• 5" L P. nman I Doyle 10 10 N I 5-5 5tB71*BUNCRANA w 5 100 1 1 : 4- 51 fl fl .1 Prancla H W Plant 12 12 12 5 2 Time. 24%. 40%. 1:16. 1:41, 1:54%. Track fast. sl muttiels paM, Mather. 88.00 straight, 88230 place, ¥2.10 -how: laciaerator, 88.00 place, 88.00 -how: Blaaca, l.7 i show. Eaairaleat boakiag odd- Mather, so to umi straight, 00 to 100 place. l o to 100 -how: larlnerator, 280 to 100 place, 50 to 180 -how: Blaaca. S" to 100 show. Wiaaer— B. «. by Martlaet— Lady Bather, by Lord Bstertiag Drained by C. H. Neal; bred by Meaara. William- Bras. ,c BaUaad. Went to past at 4:47. At jtost 2 minute-. Btart gaad aad alow. Won en-ily: second and third driving. MATHER was saved daae up until in the last quarter, then raced into the lead aad was going away at the end. INCINERATOR set a good pace to the stretch and tired. BIANCA raced prominently and made a gaaae tini-h. ATTORNEY MFD! ran a bad race ler a had ride Scratched— 52845 Rhymer. 105. Overweight-- Runcrana. 1 paaad.