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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16 WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. : : | , | i | i , I Racing Maris at 2:::n p. st. Cklcaau time 1:37. ® Superior mud runner. Quod mud runner. :;: lair mud runner. M Maidens. *Apiireiili IS allowance. b Jtlinki rs. First Rare — 3 1-2 Fuilong-.. 2 ycar-ohN. Maidemi. special Weiakts. Track record: Cch. II. ItSl 12-. 2 1li.i 1odavs lad. Horse. wt. Roe, A.wt.llan. 52853 rol Chile 115.. 723 52S53; Pacifier 112.. 720 525 i. Pinnacle 112.. 715 52HIPS- Byeres ln.i : 12 ., 112. .715 :i2...!ll S.|i:.iu Chief 112. .7*6 irnnipet Call, b. f. by oii Tromp Bymph rien Castle, by St. s. inphoiicii 112 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. I year-olds and upward. Claloiiojc. Track record: Jan. 24, 1917 1:03% S IBS. 52842 »Ed Oarrisoa 108 1:06% 7 117x71.". 52759 «S.arpia II lbs 1 :II7 7 117x721 52824 bMarty Lou 103 1:87 11 115 X 715 52824 Red 110 1:07V4 r. 107.71". .-.2.s.. ;: bLanchorne 107*1:08% 9 107X715 32384 bCavan Roy 112 1:07% 8 112x710 52856 *Flckle Fancy 119 1:07% 6 100x700 526S5 Ribblcr 1iir, 1 ; s i- 4 101. .700 .".2K»i * V i w Kill 1 :ls-:, B 102. .706 Third Race — 1 Mile. 4-year-olds and apward. ClalatlnR. Track record: March 23. 1019 1:88% 5— 105. 52781 *broster Rabry 05 1:40 3 104X723 : 2879**brinia 4 00.. 720 52011 •Ilati.i.k 84 1:42% 4 101x715 32838 JelUson 108 1:42% 6 100X713 52923 •bJasses 7 103X716 r.LOl 1 Superior 4 108. .710 32882 •iahipin KM 1:42% 1101x700 Fourth Race— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. 8-year olds and apward. Clsbuins*. Track record: March 6, 1018—1:41—5—117. ."Iscn *i,i:imi.nt 4 162. .72. .".Lsiid Janice Logan 4 07. .726 52777 •Flewblsk :; B3..711 52413 Mildred 104 1:48% 4 102*71. 52884s bRmma J Kki 1:44% 4 102 "71". 52013 LI Coronel 102 1:48% 5 108 71.1 52824:*bGold Btone 3 160 71". 527511 *Laos;liins Eyes II.. 5 101. .716 52013 bFlyinn Froc 105 1:48% I 104. .716 52823 •Ravensea 08 1:44% I 00.. 703 32880 .". 108. .701 Fifth Race— 1 1-1C Miles. . year-olds and upward. Claiming Handicap. Track record: "Vo. .". 1018 1:44% :: 92. 52803 I s a Prince ii!i 1:46% I 108X723 528011 Prank W 100 1:43% I 110X720 52M373 Exborter IKi 1:43% 7 108x713 52803 Smart Money Kit 1:43% 7 !iiiix"1." 52857 Redstart 115 1:46 .-, 6 08X709 Sixth Race— 1 Mile. 4 year ol.N and upward. tainting. .Track record: Marek 28, 1018 1:88% ." 105. 52867 i*l.MANOKIN 108 1:80% 7 112X725 515291 Bylrano 04 140% 5 1117x715 52890: *l. in.. m. P 88 1:41% 4 !;,X715 .■■27C1 - »Jack Healey 901:41% 5 MM X 713 52012 Aigrette 00 1:412-. 3 104X710 .-i2.s.".s«iii.e Balsfre 101 1:42% 5 1084k710 52809 Honiara ts 1:41% 7 106X703 52S71 OMaUey Ill 1:40% 6111x703