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I | I I j 1 i i j I ! j I i ! i i I ! I ■ ■ j ; | | FORMFUL DAY AT HAVANA Three Outstanding Favorites Are Returned Winners. » Sister Susie and Black Prince Furnish Most Interesting Contest of the Afternoon. HAVANA. Cuba. February 15.— The best fh-ld that went to the post at Oriental Park during the afternoon started in the Fonrtk race, which resulted in a sines -training finish in which the fax-lie. Bister Basle, lasted just long enough to win from Flack Prince. The latter showed a smashing good performance when after starting slowly and going wide all the way closed an imni.n-e gup. He was easily best and with any kind of racing luck probably would bare been an easy w inner. Three outstanding choices, First Consal, sister Basic and Mather, won during the after .-ml as a result there was g.-neral rejoicing among Hie lame aamber of racing enthusiasts present. The long distance race, the sixth, at one mile and an eighth, gave farther proof of the staying powers of Mather, as he ea-ily drew away in the last ■ in liter to win as bis rider pleased. Perigonrdtaei defeat in the fifth was a distinct -hock lo her admirer-. She did no! seem I" be at her best today and was beaten be fSTt, half the dis- inai w.i- traversed. .1. .1. Me affertys Starkader was the medium of bear] hacking in the first race, but Grey Bump • a-ily took his measure, drawing awaj lata a safe load after entering the stretch. The famrjte woe tiring at the end and barely -aved -ccond place from the fast gaining Terrible Susan. The second race fell to the Armenia Stables Dsaglai Fairbank-. The Celt coll closely followed the pacemaker Sureget to the last eighth and when the latter tired easily asaini.-d command and won by* a comfortable margin. Chantour wa- second ami Frank Burke third, the latter two pussing sui egel in ti. final strides. The public made no mistake in -electing First n-ul a- it- standard bearer in the third race. He was .-asil.v best and won accordingly, cantering si lengths in front of his opponents. The Florida Stable purcha .-ed from W. H. Hall for a private consideration Sc.irpia II.. which will start under the colors of the BOW owner ill the second race on Wednesday. "Back.*" McCann. who rode twenty years nam, had hi- first mount in a long time when lie was aboard Byrne in the foarth. McCann ha- been keeping in riding condition all winter by exercising i nisi- for Hill Doadas. Kilward Hurke. manager of the Havre de Crace. Maryland, track, win i- serring a- one of the stewards a; Oriental Park, announce- that James Milton ha- Sgaia been appointed starter at Havre -It- Brace. It was al-o announced that George C. Cornehl-en ha- been appointed pie-iding judge for the Havre de Grace spring meeting. Slake blanks for the Empire City rammer meeting wen- received today and are being distributed among the borsemes by Max silver-. William Honda- ha- been advi-ed by Charles I.. Trimble, secretary of the Aksarben KxiKisitiion Company, that there will be a race inciting of eight days held in Omaha Jane :f to 11 inclusive. John Hachmeister entered the colt McGosdwin in the Kentucky Derby. The colt is wintering at the farm of Jerome Besptst at Brlaager, Ky. F. Ssnnderson m id the mare Latdy Hester to Baj Miller on private terms. .lockey Gordon wa- -uspi-niied for five day- for rough riding.