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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA CUBA THURSDAY MARCH 3 1921 Oriental Park Kightysixth day CubaAimirTeiin Jockiv and Auto Club Winter Meeting f 110 days Weather clear temperature 90 ° Stewards J Ilachmcistcr C II Lansdale ami F 4 Rriien Starter James F Milton Uacinj Sec rotary M Natliansoli Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago lime 157 p Indicates apprentice allowance rlEST RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 0 102 Purse 700 3yearolds aild upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 550 second 100 third 50 rf AWtPPSt V M 51 Str Fin Jockeys rSOHl TCDDlE MelJRIDEwn 5115 1 2 = 2 I3 rj I Wilson 11 G AVootls 5 G G 21 fi5 fi5C30 C30 7 REDLAXD wr 0 110 0 7 1 3 2 ill LcisterG Holmes S5 S5 S5 35 1 1530813SYBIL 530813SYBIL w 7 105 S 2 nt 4 3 i Cr Fields W H Hall 3J 3 3J Gu 35 5 I SYLVANO w 5 107 G S5 S3 7k 4 = S Lowe it Williams S 10 10 42 255BLAZbXIY wr C 110 1 5 GV G k f 5s J Francis T Hodge S i X 3 i 5 5fi fi OS8aLOYS 1 ws 5 113 9 3 v 4U GJ AV ICelsay G C Denny 2 2 2 71013 71013rI30 rI30 5 VELlK wi 4 iW 2 1 ii 7l L Penman AV Cedar 15 20 20 8I 228 SIR WM TXSOXwi 10 115 4 S 7 7l S S AV Median I Bauer 20 20 20s l 53000 TUEADAVELL WB 5 110 7 1 11 I1 r nk TDreyer AVilliams Bros 30 30 30 10 Time 23 47 114 Track fast v 2 inht illIs paid Kddie MeBride Sltitio straight 500 place IO show Redland 120 place 166 show Sybil 350 show Equivalent booking odds Kddie MeBride 730 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Red land 110 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Sybil 75 to 100 show AVimier B h by Llangwm Kate Augelo by St Angelo trained by II O Woods bred in England by Messrs Harrison i iAVeiit AVeiit to post at 230 At post 2 minute Start good mid slow Won easily second sind third drit ing EDDIE Melt RIDE forced the paco for Vhe first halfth6n ra ed intdagood lead after entering thfc stretch and was ridden out to outstay RKDLANl The latter losed an early gap and made ft fast llhish SYBIL ran well and showed improvement SYLAANO tii ished with a rush after closing a big gap BLAZONRY can do much better TREADWKLL set a fast i ici for a half and quit Scratched 530M = Flyjiig Frog 109 53095 Plantarede 105 5300 AAhite Crown 112 K fA AG SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Purse 700 3ryear tJO JTcO olds Claiming Net value to winner 5550 second 100 third 50 4 Index Horses AAVtPPStn i i Str Fin Jo iys Owner O II C i3068SLEEPY DEAR wrritO G t 1i 1s I1 IS J FniHCis S T Baxter 73757 73757S3094S S3094S JACOBEAN w 107 2 1 5i 41 43liH LcflstorT Hodge 3 3 2 3068 = COCA COLA w 110 5 G 3 3 IJi 3 F VHsdn J A Mcksulam 2 2J 2V iiji2 iiji2C3758 C3758 GBT EM w 112 4 2 2 = 2 = 2 = 41 T Smith F rcCJirity 4 4 45 f5 i5 5309 4 LULLABY w 103 1 5 6 G5 5s L Penman AV Fetichter SO 3030 lO5i lO5iA A SPEED w 10S 34 4 5 5i fi = AV KuKsay K Cobrlan C C C 2f 2fC311SSDISTCRBAXCE C311SSDISTCRBAXCE w 10S 7 7 7 7 7 7 J Dreyer A D AV6rley 10 10 10 4 2k 2kTime Time 23 J 48 l0133 108 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Sleepy Dear 1170 straight 340 place 240 show Jacobean X420 place S290 show Coca Cola 210 show Equivalent booking odds Sleepy Dear 135 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Jacobenhi 110 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Coca Cola 20 to 100 show i iAYinner AYinner B f by Contestor Grotesque by Freak trained by S T Baxter bred by Mr Kdward Frazer AVent to i ost at 25 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same SLKKPY DKAR set a good pace and won all the way but was tiring at the end and just lasted long enough JACOBEAN made tip ground and finished gamely but in close quarters next to the inside rail COCA COLA was always a closelip and game contender GET KM ran a fast half mile aiid fireiT grOgjO THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 Vi 5 102 Piirso 700 4year OOB fctJ olds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 550 second 100 third S50 Index Hurries AAVtPPSt H Str Fill JoeiCivs Owners O II C P S iASAXT w 7 10S 2 1 2h 2l 2 = 1 A iielwns Ii Coons C3 G5 05 25 15 15SSOOSs SSOOSs CUKKEXCY wn i 110 4 1i 1i li 2 = A G Fields F J Hull i van 2 2 2 71013 71013r2S r2S 9JLTST FANCY w 4 101 C 4 k 5s Ti 3i L Penman AVilliams Bros 3 3 3 C5 3u 3u5303CTEACHKRS 5303CTEACHKRS PET v 1 10S 3 C 5l 4h 41 4 AV Kolsay CJ C Denny S 10 10 4 2 53081 TARASCOX wr 5 lOti 77 7s fil Si 5 F Wilson AV C AVesfland 10 10 10 4 2 r30fi8PUNCTLTAL w 1 IOC 1 2 fnt 71 73 c = X J BrnesR D Carter 20 20 20 S 4 4C3 C3 126 ORLEANS GIRL wn t 101 4 5 3A 3nk ci 7 li LcasterI D Millin 4 4i 4 S5 45 52871 GUARDSMAN w ti 103 S S S S S 8 T Smith H A Cotton GO CO CO 20 10 10Time Time 23z 48 100 106J Track fast 2 mutuels paid Peasant 130 straight 200 place 230 show Currency 270 place 240 show Just Fancy 20sljiv Equivalent booking odds Peasant 115 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Currency 35 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Just Fancy 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by George Kosslcr Cottage Girl by Hidalgo trained by E L Fitzgerald bred by Mr John E Madden AVent to post a 325 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and thirdvthe same PEASANT was saved in closest pursuit of ClTRKEXtY to the stretch and outstayed him ih a fast and game finish CTRUEXCY sit a fast pace and only succumbed right at the end JUST FANGY ran well and outstayed TEACHERS PET in the final drive The latter ran a good race TARASCOX began slowly and raced wide on the turns ORLEANS GIRL quit Scratched 530 View 105 52S71 Waking Dreain 10 53000 Allsmoke 110 52431 Hemlock 110 110Overweights Overweights Orleans Girl 2 pounds Teachers Pet 2 CrOfl K FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March G 1918 141 5 117 Purse 700 O i JL 3 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third S50 AAVtPPSt i Str Fin Jocvs O H 53099s VAR TAN wr 7 103 5 4 2 2 = l t I1 K LcastcrF Dolbarrio 7107107 1013 1G 53098 BNABREENA wn 4 IOC 1 1 f = lk 1 2 2 J Francis 1 Reille s S 2i C5 53098 = ROY AT vsB105 5 4 ri 3 3J 3i 1 Penmin AV J Daly 5 C 0 2 1 1r3098BISCriT r3098BISCriT ws W 2 2 7 k S 4it 4C 4 ° II RobsouW E Wilkins 50 rO W 20 10 52053 BACK ROCIC w 5 103 S S S 7 = ra S5 5 = A Tryon A Tempest rO A r0 20 10 52782 MISS SAVEEP w G 10S P 0 2 4 7 f G T Smitu G K Allen 4 4 4A 7535 753552980LAMA 52980LAMA w 100 7 7 i C S 7 ° 7li C Parrish A F Dayton ji 15 15 15 5307 53071s 1s LADY HESTER wn 5 105 3 l lot 315 fiii S S P Scheffol R Miller 21 2J 2 71013 71013Time Time 24 48 115 l42i 140 Track fast 2 niutuels jiaJd AVar Tax 330 straight 250 place 230 show ISohcrNaltreenn 450 placo 27ii show IJoyat ° 00 show Equivalent booking odds War Tax i5 to 100 straisht 25 to 100 place 15 to 100 show IlnhorNu IJreemi 125 to 100 place 35 to 100 show Itoyut 50 to IOO show Winner m by McGec Polly Grant by Sir Dixon trained by C K Smith bred by Mr Charles W Moore AVeut to post at ilM At post 0 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the sami WAR TAX was close up from the start and racing into tin lead outstayed BOIlKliXAHREEXA in the streteli drive ItOHERXAliREEXA took the lead in the backstretch but tired in thu fiiiiirili UOYAT ran well mid was forced to be pulled up at the sixteenth post and come on the outside JtlS CllT ran away while going to the post bolted through a gap iii the homestretch unseating 1iis TJrtor and then ran away among the stables then ran a good race for him LAUY ESTER also ran awayi Hiile and uit iii the race after leading brietly brietlyOycrwoigbts Oycrwoigbts Uisciilt 4 poun Is llolierNa15reena 2 V fro if erJ TIFTH RACE 1 11G Miles Feb 3 1918 144 4 3 92 Purse 900 3 yedrolds tJOJLcJ JL and upward Claiming Handicap Mot value to ivinnor 700 second 125 third 75 jndex tiorks AAVtPPSt UM yj Str Fin Jockns Ownir 5 5rir rir Pr 53104 RUXXYVEX wi 4 ins 2 I1 I1 V 1 lv AV KiSKirty A L Austin 1 1 1 = 3 rC rCcaaaaSMAHT caaaaSMAHT MONEY w 7 i u i 2 2 ° 2 n vcasteio Holmes s t Si 2i i i529853XAPT1LLIUS 529853XAPT1LLIUS wsu 5 101 7 7 G k 5 i 4 X J BrnesX Smith Jr 4J 4V 4j S S 45 45i i 30f GEX MENOCAL A 3 PC 1 1 5 u 7 7 4i 4 K AVilspn Annpnia Stable 10 10 104 t 33070 JTIIAXK V u 4 109 4 3 2k 2b o 5 = t L Permian M Goldblatt 8 52 2 l J tI 53104 BEDSTAUT w S IW S i 7 G 65 7 6l G PitIds J J McCafferty 7 7 7 2 Gr5 52801 THE PIRATE T 4 V Z i 4l 3 = 55 Gat 7 S Lowe I Cebrian S 10 10 47 2 Time 241i 48i 114 139 l4QVs Track fast 2 njirtuels naid Runnyven SIO straight 3SO place 270 show Smart Money S950 phice 440 show SaptihVKus S43lslioy V Equivalent booking oddsRuunyven 115 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 35 to 100 slfow Sntart Money I75 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Napthalius 115 to 100 show Winner B g by Runnyniedc Ventura liv Vlriiil trained by A L Austin bred by Mr Adolph 15 fturfcktfU Went to post at 413 At post 3 minutes Start good 111111 slow Won driving second and tliinl the suini KUNNYVEN was rushed to the front on the lirst turn and set tin a fast puce held a good lead to the lnll eighth where he had tn bo ridden hlrd to outstay SMART MONEY The latter stumbled j niiiUwent to his knees just ns the barrier was sprung then ran a good rtee and was gaining at the end NAPTHALIfS ninde up ground and flntshed gamely GENERAL MENOCAL liuished fast and raining PRANK W quit after racing well to the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights General Menoeal 3 pound Redstart Nnpthalius 2Runnyven i RTO CTO SIXTH RACIVl Mile and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 700 O Z JLO JLOM M 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 550 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPl AAVtPPSt s IVStrFin Joik vs Owners O II C P S 53072 DOUTLET II wn 4 100 5 5ft31lC 3 1 I 11 iu 1 I Penman M E Thompson 65 05 Gu 25 1 1T ft31lC SEMP STALAVART T S 105 1 152880AVATERFORD 2 5 = 5 G1 5 = 2U X J BrncsJ C Eaton 20 25 25 10 5 52880AVATERFORD 7 103 G G53103CL1P 4 2 2 2 t 2k y F AVilson J H Moody 12 15 15 G U Uw 53103CL1P w 5 105 S S53ll 9 9 t Gk 5 3l 4 = G FitIds I Crist G 7 7 21 Gi 53ll iRED 5105 2 2r30G83isLtPY 1 3k 3 k 31 4 51 J Smith T Cheek 15 15 15 G r30G83isLtPY SILVER w i 3 u 101 3 G Gi S k 7 Gi 6s R LcasterArmonia Stable G 8 S 3 Si 3296fiLAUIAT w 100 9 5 41 4 4l 7 72 S Lowe D S Fountain G 7 7 2X C5 53083 I A KROSS ws 5 IOC 10 S 8 71 8t St 1 Francis K J Crawford 4 4J 41 S5 45 45S2871 S2871 SOL GILSEY wsit 7 10S 4 7 7l 10 10 9 91 J Dreyer P E Graham 10 10 10 4 2 3072 JELL1SON wi G IOS 7 10 10 il1 9JIO 10 W Kelsay O L Foster 3J 31 31 G5 35 35Time Time 23 47 113 l39 i 143 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Doublet II 4 CO straight 370 plain 320 show Semper Stalwart 2220 place 21580 show Waterford SO 00 show showEouivalent Eouivalent booking odds Doublet II 130 to 100 straight S1 to 100 place CrO to 100 show Semper Stalwart 1010 to 100 place 1240 to 100 show Waterford STO to 100 show showWinner Winner 1 f by Fitz Herbert Double Six by Domino trained by A Finley bred in France by Mr Clarence H Maekay MaekayWent Went to post at 441 At post 3 minutes Start good anil slow Won driving second and third the same DOUBLET II took a tnlvk lead but was tiring after setting a fast pace to the last sixteenth SEMPER STALWART showed sudden improvement and finished with a rush on the outside of the leaders WATERFORD was a close contender for the entire race and finished gamely CLIP began slowly and raced wide but closed a big gap and finished close up RED ran well to the stretch Scratched r2999 Homam 103 3ll5 Emma 1 103 r0i Duke of Shelby 10S r r30iS 30iS Fickle Fancy 107 107Overweights Overweights La Kross 3 pounds