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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY MARCH 4 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Th figures under the heading Rec in the I entries below show the best time of each horse j at the distance sinco January 1 1919 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track j abbreviations show track conditions j Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 157 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner tfcKiiIr mud runner M Muidcna Apprentice allowance b Itlinkcra First Race 34 Mile Mileyearolds yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 8 1920 111 0 10 10Todays TodaysInd Todays Ind Horse Wt Roc AWtHan AWtHanMIVIS MIVIS onest George 101 l13if l13if10S 5 111X715 111X715wenty wenty Seven 10S 113 11334 7 1141720 a rlantagcnet 114 l13Vi 9 114X71H 41 Till Masquerader 10 10t 110 II 114x715 5312T Scintillate M 103 1101IOS lIGMi 3 97 710 10983 Onwa IOS lir 7 114X710 525 iWiil 114X710iWiil i5 Trent Trcntiiu ino 112 lir 7 114X710 53J24 Frank Iturke Iturker2ViB 10 113 = C 111X70 r2ViB bWenonah bWenonahKMIS 110 114 8 112 70 KMIS Bellmniu M 99 111 4 J10 700 53123 Khadamcs lOfi 113 V 11 1 700 53034 bGarbage 113 114 114J J 9 114X700 FurlongsSyitrolds Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Syitrolds ClaimingTrack and upward Maidens Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 103K o 102 102n1233 n1233 BIack Pat 10 108 = 100 03124 Fli 102 1OS 5 98 53101 Lyric 103 1081 5 103 103rOOl rOOl A1 Porter 110 109 4 109 53123 bGolden Red IOS 1OSV i 111 52140 Diffidence 110 110 110J 3 103X 52 41 Mister Jiggs 108109 = 5 3108 50932 Thouglitloss BeautvllO 111 H 3 9S 01972 bEastem Glow 107 109 Polcey I bI Alfred Clark Ava R Third Race 5 12 Furlongs 4yearoliis and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 IM Todays TodaysWt Ind Horse Wt Ree AWtHan 53102 OSGOOD 103 l0i5 5 1090750 5312i3 Ed Carrisiii lOii 100 7 100X740 530372 Prig of War 100 lORs li 101 735 53037 Merry Feast 10i 100 7 101 730 53037 lllack Prince 115 1075 4 112X Fourth Raco 34 Mile Aspirant Handicap Handicap3ycarolds 3ycarolds Track record Jan S 1920 111 0 102 102KM KM US bWhippet 104 112 103X7 103X752S97 52S97 Hiionec 112 113 109X72 52952 blr Charles Wells 112 113 = 100 71 71523K91 523K91 Cubanita M 110 112 99 7 52952 Plus Ultra M 109 115 100 70 70Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Ya ds ds4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Cl iining Track record March 15 1918 14 5 117 53147 blUiiznnry 112 145 1 5 103X72 i312Ss Fireworth 95 143 4 104X7 53128 = OMallev 110 143 110X71 110X7152J199 52J199 llomam 102 14 7 105X71 105X71530K 530K tie 102 143 5 103 71 71KM KM 10 bEmina J 100 l4 v 4102X71 53095 Prince Uoncr 102 115 108X71 108X713MIO 3MIO Duke Ruff 113 143 5108X71 53098 Wanies 112143 710SX70 53123 Jutland 107148 li 10SX70 53050 Willie Wowls 5 108 7 7Sixth Sixth Race 1 11G Miles 4 yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 3 191S 144 3 92 531031 Hill Ilunley 98 145 i 103X72 j 53111 Dewitt 100 147 4 100 72 53000 Ruck Nail 108 145 9 110X71 33090 = Rhymer 102 147 7 103X71 53139 bllope 1 OS 147 9SX7 53115 = Rianca 102 147 5 101X70