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NONFIGURE MARE DECREASE Falling Off Has Been Gradual In Successive Stud Books Loss Over Five Hundred Per Cent How the Maria West WestFamily Family Stands Up PY BXILK BXILKIt It in io inconsiderable task figuring all of tin mares whose names appear in succeeding vol ¬ umes of the American Stud Hook but the retuilt is full compensation for the time and trouble in that it now becomes more than ever apparent that It pays only to breed to and from the best bestHere Here are the facts in the case In Volume 1 and 2 of the American Stud Rook in addition to 150 imported mares the names of 7455 mares appear and no less than 4 784 of these do not trace to a Itruce Lowe figure tap root rootIn In Aolume 12 of the American Stud Book the names of 4002 living mar js are recorded Of these only 52 do not trace to a Irtice I we figure source giving a net loss foi thu nonfigure mares from Volumes 1 and 2 to Aolume 12 of 502s pel cent Of the 952 nonfigure mares in Volume 12 as many as 139 of them trace In direct female Hue to the best of all the American foundation mnres Maria AVest AVestKather Kather startling figures there but nevertheless truo and only additional proof if proof were needed of special virtue in mares which are members of one or other of the various Itruce Lowo families familiesThe The race course test is the only true test of merit and from the above it would appear that the non flRiire mares have been tried in the fires of race course competition and found wanting and this is a fact that Iwth buyers and breeders must be made to we Judging from the 500 per cent less is it not a positive fact that the odds are against 010 when buying of breeding to and from horses whose origin is shrouded in obscurity obscurityLESSONS LESSONS WHICH THE FIGURES GIVE GIVElleccntly lleccntly it was stated that the necessity of a knowledge of the origin of any family in the Stud Uook was of little value How can one recon ¬ cile ones self to this in the face of the 500 per cent loss A more misleading statement cannot well be imagined especially so because quite a num ¬ ber of those who breed and nice horses for their pleasure and as a public service are none too well versed in pedigree lore For this reason then only well established facts should make their appear ¬ ance the most startling of which i the nonfigure mare 500 per cent loss lossOn On each appearance of a new volume of the American Stud Uook the position of the great native tap loot Maria West family becomes the more unassailable As the years pass the Maria AVest family grows and increases amazingly prima facie evidence of its value The Maria West family therefore must be classed as of equal value to any of those which originate in i Uruco Lowe source not alone because of the success of its members as race horses but also because of the attainments of its members as sires It is by the Maria AVest horse ISen iJinsli remember that the line of llonnie Scotland best carries on onThere There is no room for further argument in refer ¬ ence to the relative merits of the figure and uon flgnre mare The facts are here to seak for themselves and in due course not over fifty years at the present rate with the exception of the Maria AVest mares mares which trace to Aerolite and a scattering few froni wieli families as Julia by Jlchcop Noyico and Picayune the nonfigure mare on account of her lack of success as a pro diicer will hart eliminated herself from the pages of the American Stud Hook It is well that it is so