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SECOND EACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming1 FIRST PULLET b m 5 100 100Mallorj By Cock o tho Walk Kerr by Uncommon Trainer F Mallorj Owner C R Baly Baly7s r122 Shport 7s 130 fast y10 lift 2 1 3 3r 3J n3 j McDott KinsliiiKlI Uoreb FduntainFiiy FduntainFiiy1i KKteG Shport r r ll2hvy 5 100 3 1 15i 1i 1i E Smith 7 LMaudie IJidyMMrid PRoma PRoma2J 52GCO Shport Shportrixa 5i f 1 17 hvy 3 95 2 2 2J J McCoy l Mic Mnuro Cockroarli llcipover llcipoverCi rixa FGiids 34 itifast 15 10 f 7 Ci 4s J McCoy 13 General PhilnndiT r Moroni Moroni7i 52722 FUrids 34 lifiHhvy 12 100 1 9 7i 7 J McCoy 11 Resist Mannito Serliinn KCOO lGiHl3 34 113 fast 15 lOt S 8 51 51 J 1 Mney InaKay CarlincS DounaRom DounaRomc1 52445 FGnds 34 l13 fast 5 101 3 7 c1 0 J Robens 13 Murpliy Sandy II Bluise BluiseS G2S22 FGnda 34 l147ifast 7 1 C 12 S S 7 J J Mney 13 Midian Loys Old Sinner 50CT5 Laurel 34 l15fast 85 107 7 10 7J GJi A Allen 11 Cobalt Lass Kirali Deckhand DR SHAFER b s G 116 116Trainer By Toddington Martha Palmer by Semproniui Trainer E R Mitchell Owner W Jones JonesK110 K110 Shport lm7Uy 150 Hood i 114 5 3 3 3 35osy 4 = 4ft J RodgozlO PGKins AVillipan Fount Fay 5osy Shport 5X r il3hvy S 115 G G 6 6124S2 1 I3 J Rodxez 7 Parrisli ValWest XickLondoa 124S2 FGnds 1 11G 145 ifast 20 10S 7 7 G S Hi uss jf smith 112 Tl Rucse Richelieu L Moss 52449 FGnds Im70y l44fast 10 112 C 4 2 4 7li S J Rodse2l4 C Rambler Roisterer 15ijr Idea 62075 Jefson InYTOy 70y l50Hhvy B 109 S 8744 7 4 411G 7i 8l W Ilelnch 1 KNeptune Highld Miss Xell 52031 JefHon 1 11G l49Hfast o 110 S 4 4 2 2i 541 X Barrett 10 Aztec Colonel Lit Indolence E1 C5 Jefson 34 l17slow 32 103 7 9 95J 6 6 = i 1 J Mney 1 SlieDevil I515rummel II Betsy 5J f lttlmud 5 10410 7 7S4 G1 5 J J Mney 10 Heiicral Lbiifly Poultlifey 6164S Jetson S4 l14fast 4 103 G 6 3i 3 J J J Mneyli ISack J5ay Arch Plotter Enos 46143 Jefuon 34 l15 good 20 J12 13 11 Si 881 H J BurkeU ISuek Shot Bond Alt Vezina MICKEY MOORE br 4 111 111Trainer By Ben Trovatr Africa by Savile Trainer C Smith Owner C Smith SmithOC074 OC074 Sliport 5S f l14shvy 4 J1S 1 4 4 3 33i R Holway 7 St lust Mormon lusticcfioeliel lusticcfioelielI1 050 Shiiort 5V f i ill hvy 4 105 1 11 I1 1 R Tlolway i FirstPullet Cockroach llopoyer 5S010 SHport CJ f 11C hvy 4 110 5 4 2 2 23 II Ericksn 7 PepPolIy Parrlsli MGiiiKham 97G ShreVept 5t f 11 hvy 12 110 1 12 12f7 2J MGiiiKham2J n Holway S ISack Ray Mary Fouso Mormon MormonS1 52710 KGnds 31 l15imud 20 107 f7 11 11 9 S1 S1 M Gamer 12 Vaiisylvia TXichter LMaudie 52601 FGntis 34 l13 faijt 1 1C 5 1 89 89lOS 9 9 J F Wdstkll Orloya Cobalt Lass Old Sinner 52322 PGrids 34 l14i fast G lOS 7 10 11 lll 10 H King 13 Midian Loys Old Sinner 52232 FGnds 34 llS fchvy 104 4 53 2i 3 i C Ponce 13 RurKoyno Kexiah Valerie West West2i 52094 Jefson 34 115 alow 10 114 4 2i 6 J RodgezlS MMaxiin PlainBill Trackstai ST JUSTrbr c 4 4Trainer By St Volma Mirror Maze by Masetto Trainer G M Johnson Ow OwK074Shport K074Shport CJ f l14hvy 8 120 1 1 1 11 lnc F Murphy 7 Mormon MkkMoora JtisGoebl 53049 Shport 5J f l18hvy 115 107 3 31 I1 1 = F Murphy Philippic Iviinniist Petrogrud 52010 Shport 55 f 11G hvy 10 10tii75 110 4 fi C G1 G G Babin 7 IVpyPolly MickMoorc Parrish tii75 Shrcvcpt 51 f liShvy 7 7525G7 I5 4 34 3 3l l 33J F Murphy 7 PepPolIy LMildred T Sutton 525G7 FGnds 5l f 107 fast 100 117 5 5 10 I25 128 W Dkson 13 Pueblo Little Maudie Circulate 52114 Jefson 6J f lOIfast 100 113 7 88 S2 S12 W Bogskil RainbowGirl InaKay Vansylvia 51412 Churchl 1 14 2077Sfast 77 107 5 6 8 S S SA Collins S Kinipalons 1arisMaid JOStone 51333 Churchl 7S 12S fast 322 322C3328 112 91010 9 9l 9M A Collins 10 Anticipate LarrvR islue Jean C3328 Churchl 1 l39fast lOf lOfSAN 107 11 13 14 H 14 14 T Murray 14 MarseJohn RufusRiley Maiol Maiol11G SAN MARCUS ch e 4 4Trainer 11G By Sweeper Lady Nell by Mordant Trainer E C lucas Owner ncr B B Dwyer 53107 Shport 7S l29Boqd 3C 115 123 5 7 7 = ° J Heupel S Lad Richard V Tony 52073 Shport 55 f l13 = fhvy 75 111 C 2 1 I3 1s J Heupel 7 Propaganda PlainlSill SelmaG SelmaG1J 52691 FGnds 34 l137fast VI 106 13 13 12 123 12 J Heupel 13 Lancelot OaklnlSelle Manhite 51207 Empire AmerlJoyIS 20 112 G 5 7 7i 8 G H Miller 8 Razazza Larihctto AmerlJoy 4710S Pimlico 1 148 hvy IS 9S S 6 2 4 4 5 = 3 F Lux 8 Edith K Foreclosure Old Red 47053 Pimlico 34 l15fast 22 22El 104 2 9 9 8 7J G1 J H BurkelO Napoli Pokey Jane Torquato II 13445 Havana El f l07fast 12 115 C 3 1 21 11 R McCrnnll Superior DirJauiea Sea Prim 4292S Aaduct AaductVANSYLVIA 58 I0l7ifaat CO CObr 115 G 10 10 IO2 81B T Davies 11 Hasten On Alias Game Chick VANSYLVIA br m 5 5F 110 By Ivan the Terrible Sylvia Dunbar by Orilnl Trainer F Tennant Owner ner P Router 20SG Shport 5 f l127Jhvy 4 45J 110 C 4 3 3 = f1 G Eabin 7 First Pnlt LMandh LyMdied XQti1 Shport 5J f 117 hvy S5 S55i 101 2 4 4i 43J L Aron 15ickl5iy DonKCiiia TiscrRose 2029 Shport 5i f l17 3hvy 23 109 1 14 5J 1s J McCoy 7 A Van Rose Catania Tble Mis MisG 2710 FGnds 34 l151frmid G 1C 1 22 Ih lt J McCoy 12 Tijhter LMaudie PConlly 2G10 FGnds 34 l13iffast S SCi 104 5 2 2 2 = J J Mney S LieiitPerkins Midlan Bursoyne 23G7 FGndg Ci f 107 fast 6 108 6 2 2 3i 4U J Roberts ij Pncblo Little Mandie Circulate 2354 FGnds 34 l139ifast 10 101 3 C G 1 II16 1 McDottli Ina Kay Rbow Girl CarlineS 2114 Jefson 7 109 5 3 3 4l 3 J J Mneyli RainbowGirl InaKay CarlineS 2007 Jefson 5J f lOS jjood 95 101i 3 1 I1 1J J J MneylO JticeGoebel General AcanRose 1SS5 Jefson 34115 fast 4 101 5 3 2 2 4 J J Mney S KstiesCub Iturgoync OSinner G Jefson 34 l1575 ood 12 102 C 21 I2 1J J J Mney a Nebraska KJane Amackasaln MABRAS GINGHAM b m 5 106 106Trainer By Delhi Gingham by Domino Trainer J Hanover Oxvner ner M Reiser ReiserK122 K122 Shport 7S 120 fast G 110 fi S S S5SOS5 S 7i S11 L Aron Kinslins II Honb First Pullet 5SOS5 Shport 55 f 11 hvy 7 103 4 2 2r30C3 2 1J I1 lj Aron S F Rooster Potrograd Dalwood Dalwood4i r30C3 Shport 55 f 117 hy 41 103 3 3 33 35 31S L Aron 5 Valerie Wist Cleanup Coinacho 53010 Shport 51 f 110 hvy 10 105 3 7 77 5J 411 F Murphy 7 PepyPolly MickMooro Parrish 62359 FGnds lm0y 146 fast 25 103 S 7 7 7 llSll51 E Pollard 14 Salute Wild Flower Ix r Moss 62231 FGnds 34 l19 hvy 7 103 r 5 5C2134 G 10 H King 11 Kirali ThdayNigliter Trackstar C2134 Jefson 34 l15V5fast 6 112 3 1 1B206S 113 33i II J BurkelS LLonsfellow Salute Alexder B206S Jefson 34 I hvy 10 107 3 3 2 2l 2i E Anthny 7 Ivanmist Sentimental Circulate 61947 Jefson 1 l44hvy 10 111 3 4 5 7 7h S H J Burke 9 HeySmarr OMcKeuna Galwaj LABY MILDRED ch m 8 111 111Trainer Sy Dick Welles Incendiary by Lamplighter Trainer C S Wilson Owner W F Strauss r3122 Shport 7S 130 fast 5 110 4 4 fi fi s i11 G Rabin Kinxllng II Horeb First Pullet 5iOSO Shport 55 f l12 l12slivy = slivy 7 110 2 5 4 3T1 H Ericksn 7 FPullct LitMandie DRoma uSSXSt Shport 51 f irirrTihvy J3 ICG t 1 1 1i 1 H Ericksn S V West Mormon Mary Fonvj 62975 Shport 61 f llShvy t 110 1 1 1 li 2 J H Ericksn 7 PopyPolIy StJust TonySutton C2S33 FGnds 34 l13tifaHt 20 OS 7 0 r 4l 5 = J E Pool 13 General Philanderer Moroni 52722 FGnda 34 llG 4hvy 20 W 8 S 84 91 = H Thurberll Resist Murmite Serbian 51S24 Jefson 34 l19tnud 102 7 7 5 Sh 3 G Babin 10 AnnaOalhip Lonely CobaltLiss 61776 Tefson 24 l15eRooil 12 102 7 6 G 5i 5 = G Babin Vanslyvia Nebraska Keen Jane 6173G let son 34 l17hvy 15 107 2 2 6 41 5 J E Martin 1U Mormon Safranor 15itf Idea IdeaBy LITTLE MAUDIE cli m 5 5Trainer 111 By Trap Rock Higbuown by Peep oD y Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur rails Sliport 5fl09 fast 2 2r20v 1 1 1J 1 G ISnhlu 7 DoiiKomn Xori nlic PlainRill r20v Shport 5f ii2hvy 2 2norl 2 2 2 2J A Richcrk 7 FiwtPnlt LdyMdroil DRoma norl Shport 5 f llflfchvy 15 5 4 4 4J1 A Richcrk Abliixc Kttaho Anticipate 51743 FGiuls 3t llfiihvy 4 4527n 1 1 5 S A Richcrki Dfstnvir KKoberts IMiinI5iII 527n FGnds i irlii muil 10 10525C7 3 3 3J 3 3 n McDottlJ Vansylvia TNiKhtir PConly 525C7 KGnds 51 f 107 fast 5 561A lor l l i 1 2 A lilchcrkl Pueblo Ciroulate Vnnsylvla 61A 3 Pimlico 34 l13fast 14 14iViSSS 117 2 5 57 7 4 44J J Heupel 15 Amackassln Tarascou Alay W iViSSS Chagrin Ab34 l23fjppd 7 111 5 1 Dmlnlck GctUni MyGracie Snowvmorn 50435 Dorval 34 ii44jfaat 195 110 1 1 11 1 5 4 E llaywrd 7 KeeiiJanc HidShip Rabylouiun 50328 Dorval 34 115 fast 135 135497GG 113 3 1 12 2 21 2i J ijreyer S Scvilllnu I5 b UaUer Pinard 497GG Coneht 34 115 pood 25 25DINTY 112 8 7 78 8 81 10 H Stparno 10 Hid Ship Wtflnlaml RRojfrt DINTY bf 4 111 By Tony Bonero Tallahasgee by The Commoner Commoner3J Trairief J Simpcon Owner OwnerW130 H Brown W130 Khport 5V f 109 good Si Si630G1 3J 3s A Richcrk 7 Tony Cousin oMiuc ValiWest ValiWestI3 630G1 Khport 5if 119 hvy 4 45COSD I3 11J A Richcrk 0 Or Dress SpChanco Versailles 5COSD Sliport OJ l17vihvy CO COW7S 7 7 A Richcrk 7 Vansylvia AicaiF Rose Cataulu j W7S Jefson 34 l17jhyy 0 10s 10 s H Stcartis 12 Mormon Safranor Itijj Idoa j S S1 T Murray S Ablaze Iliddon Ship LLancII j 51532 lufson 11 II1 T Murray II iJia Kay Winndminne Gnlway j 50740 JCwrlh 34 lil4fasi 1 41 5 H Stearns II vIKRodlie OMM Kim Mistake fiOJSG Dorval 34 lai fast 63 9 = 5 9 G UulcroftlO Assnnipn PrinMyrtlc SFcincr 503 5 Dorvi 1 141 fast 10 7 7lr II Thurber 7 Musket Rinkavuus JlfCIart I 5122 Shport 7S 130 fast 12 120 7 7 5 4 4 5si A Collins J KiiiRlins II Horeb FirstPullet FirstPullet5S074 5S074 Shport 5J f 1 14shvy 10 120 5 3 3 G1 G11 A Collins 7 StJust Mormon Mickey Moore Moore5304S 5304S AnpPct6S013 Shport 5J f llS5ahvy 4J 113 1 42 2 = 1J A Collins 7 Repent FinanRooster AnpPct 6S013 Shport SJ fllSshvy 3J IIS 2 11 2J 3J A Collins S Horeb Plato Hand Sweep 32975 Shrevept 5J f llSihvy 4J 113 5 G J 4 5 A Collins 7 PepperyPolly LMildred StJust 52743 FGnda 34 llC ihvy 50 106 8 9 7 4 4J A Collins 13 Destroyer BKobertf PlnlnBill PlnlnBill3249G 3249G FGnds Im70y 147 fast 10 115 7 10 8 9 9 91S E Martin 11 llopover Roisterer P Blossom 52231 FGnds 34 l19Ahvy CO 107 9 11 11 IO2 7S K Martin 15 Kirali TIidayNishter TracksUr TracksUr31B09 31B09 Churchl 1 l39fist 105 113101313 13 13 3la R Davies 13 Tiilsa Doctor Jim Lady Britain BritainSHE SHE DEVIL ch m 5 105 By Peep oDay Meddlesome She by Meddler MeddlerTrainer Trainer P J Miles Owner P J Mllei 2119 Tcfson 1116148 fast 15 102 3 2 2 4 4J 3Ri J Roberts S Sandy Mac Bcujjalf Mab Mab52COS 52COS Jefson 1 11G l50Kood 4 103 234 5 4 4s II Kinpr 8 III IllIid Lad HvcySmarr I Lady idyWard Ward 51909 Tefson 1 3ld 2027sfast 7 103 222 2 4i 7 E Antnoriy Pit Necnah Aurum Aurum51SG5 51SG5 Jefson 34 l17jslow S 102 2 23 2 1 J Roberts 9 I515rummel II Petsy AKilsiir AKilsiir517SO 517SO Jefsori 1 110 lr 04iKood S 102 2 2 2 1 2J 2 T Jarvis 7 Pejrcy C Neennh B Thronuh 51BGi Tnfson ImTOy l4CVifast 135 10G 5 3 4 5 5 f J J Mney 7 TPrice HC15asch RIlaini u 51597 Jeffersn 1 11C 152 hvy 8 102 1 2 3 3 33 3J5 C Ponce Dahabiah II Betsy MuJi MuJiS24 S24 Kwrth 1 1S l55 fast S SO 5 4 4 3 5i 0 5 B Harbne 0 ISesthoff Veteran Gain defame defameHAND HAND SWEEP b 3 103 By Sweep Hanrose by Hanover HanoverTrainer Trainer D Vititoe Owner D Vititoe 52074 Shport 51 f l14hhvy 10 102 T 777 7 L McDott 7 StJust Mwrmon Mickey Mooro MooroCC052 Sterling5C013 CC052 Shport 51 f 119 hvy 95 100 2 3 3 2l 1 I McDott 7 Royallilowl Tony Miss Sterling 5C013 Shport 5J C llShvy 20 112 S 7 G 5 48J A Richcrk 8 Horob Plato Sir John VorRne TWhlppIoC2273 52374 FGnds 34 l15fast 100 10112 13 12 12 II11 B Anthony 1 SeaCourt SiLSprinss TWhlppIo C2273 FGnds Im70y l475BOOd 25 101 5 G G 6 5s 5 S Wida Pimlico Rlcliclifii Xormandie 51702 Jofson 34118 mud 30 10S 10 10 3 921 S VIda 11 Dnniifll Tom Ubacli Pimlico 51227 Churchl 31 l13fast llf 10910 14 14 P tip T Murray 14 Rlnjr Rose Natural Lucy Knto 50910 Latonia 3fast 2Gf 112 6 8 10 I0i io10 T Murray IJi DarkRen All Risht Sir Tribune 3GS18 Latonia 51 f l07fast 4Sf 10712 12 12 12 11IS L Coney 11 ScotChief SocialStar RingRose TERRIBLE MISS ch m 5 By Ivan the Terrible Miss Mooney by My Boy II Trainer B Hitchcock Owner Brisks Hitchcock 5H22 Sliport 7X 130 fast 15 110 S i 7 ° n Holway Kingling II Ilonb First Pnllot 53089 Shport 5J f l13hvy 4 10S 7 7530G2 777 fJ t McDott DrShattT Parrish ValerieWest 530G2 Shport T f l18hvy 32 103 1 1 1 I3 1 II Gregory Catania Virse Gladys 5302 Shport i f l17hvy 20 104 4 3 1 3J 4s II Gregory Vansylvia Aican Rose Catania 19613 Kemp n Ab5S l04fast 13 110 1104S707 73 C OMahy HAngleton MDixon KWortli KWortliG 4S707 Delmr AbGi f l2Sfast 35 102 1024S44S G 5 R Moore Concha HatWilldo KNeptune 4S44S Meuvc Im70y 150 Rood 11 112 1124S343 4 S W Gargan THUS Cork Whito Haven 4S343 KingKd Ab5S l00 fast 47 lOfl lOfll239 7 A Casey Gilder Olive James Little Peto Peto41SA l239 ICinsKd Ab34 l22 4hvy 34 113 41SA Casey S Lillian Gilder Hosier