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BIG FRENCH JUMPING RACES Entries for the Grand Steeple ¬ chase and Hurdle Races Eight American Breds Among AmongThem Them Duettiste Is Not Yet YetAmong Among Nominations The acceptances for the Grand Steeplechase de Paris to be run at Aiiteuil June 19 Iiavc Just been Issued One hundred and twentyeight nominations have boon made madeThe The Grand Steeplechase tie Paris is a race of four miles and about 100 yards for fouryearolds and over the winner to receive 40000 and a piece of plate value 4000 second 8000 third 4000 and fourth 1200 Entry 200 Forfeits 810 if declared before May 10 S0 if declared be ¬ fore June S and 100 after that date Horses font years old to carry 132 pounds five years old 14i pounds and horses six years old and oveiyl S pounds Previous winners of the Grand SteepTe chase de Paris or winners of the Grand National of Liverpool to carry eleven pounds extra extraW W T Wilkinson of St Louis has five represen ¬ tatives in the race They are areKingdom Kingdom II b h 0 by Maintenou Kings Favor by Persimmon PersimmonPapp Papp ch g 15 by Peter Quince Phebe G by Mazagan Mazagan1wiford 1wiford blk g ii by Celt Ktelka by Hamburg HamburgThe The Sachem b c 4 by Uncle Our Lassie by Yankee v vU U sJjr iiW Jtf Ws1yil XUancery by lufjpx ible Supplementary entries will be received up to 10 oclock p m June 9 on payment of 400 Among these or the Knglish entries J K Wideners Dnettiste is expected as i nominee The acceptances for the Grand Course de Haies dAuteuil Irani Hurdle IJace to be run at Aiiteuil June 112 have also been published There are ITi acceptances This is i race of about three miles and 300 yards for fouryearolds and over the winner to receive 20000 and a piece of plate value 2000 second 4000 third 2000 and fourth l 00 Kntry 100 Forfeits 10 if de ¬ flated before May 10 2 i if declared before June SI and after that date Horses four years old 1 to carry 132 pounds five years old 145 pounds anil horses six years old and over 148 pounds Previous winners of tin Grand Course de Hales the Grand Steeplechase de Paris or the Grand Na ¬ tional of Liverpool to carry five iMjunds extra extraAMERICANBREDS AMERICANBREDS FOR GRAND HURDLE HURDLEMr Mr W T Wilkinson has entered the following followingPapp Papp ch g l by Peter Quince Pliebe G by Mazagan MazaganTwiford Twiford blk g 5 by elt Ktelka by Hamburg HamburgThe The Sachem b c by Uncle Onr Lassie bv Yankee YankeeAlias Alias br c 4 bv Disguise Chancery by In ¬ flexible flexibleMr Mr A K Maeomber will also be represented in this race by bySetanket Setanket b h by Tagliamento Sightly by Maiutenon MaiutenonCointail Cointail ch e 4 by Oversight Court Dress by Voter VoterSilverereek Silverereek ch c 4 by Maintenon Silver Streak by Halma HalmaHigh High Spirits b e 4 by Kabelais L Adorable by Le Samaritain SamaritainSupplementary Supplementary entries will be received up to 10 oclock p m June 0 on payment of 200 200There There are twentysis entries from Bngland for the Grand Steeplechase and twentytwo for the Grand Hurdle IJace The most notable of the French entries are undoubtedly Mr Charles Lien arts stable companions Coq Gaulois and Laudman Coq Gaulois a previous winner is assigned top weight in both events while Landman which has been performing well and recently achieved dis ¬ tinction at Nice is exceptionally well treated iu the matter of weight being assigned eleven pounds less iu the steeplechase and six pounds less in the hurdle race than Coq Gaulois Other wellknown contenders include Lemnos II Moldavia Pont dArmee Ultimatum Monastery and Union Jack