Havana Entries And Past Performances For Friday, March 11, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-11


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HAVANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR FRIDAY MARCH 11 i WEATHER CLEAR TEACK FAST I The figure under the heading Sec In the I entries helow show the best time of each horse j at the distance since January 1 1919 no matter where it finished In cases where record was wasmade made on other than a fast or good track trackabbreviations abbreviations show track conditions Hoping starts at 1230 p m ChlcnRO time 157 Superior inud runner x Good mud runner ic Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance l Blinkers BlinkersFirst FurlongsHyearolds First Race 5 12 Furlongs Hyearolds and upvird Cliimiiii CliimiiiiTrack Track record Jan 24 1917 05i 5 101 101Todays Todays Ind Horse Horse5319S Wt Rec AWtUan 5319S bRam aii 5 107X725 53191s Shasta 113 107 5 107X720 107X720M10S 52841 Mister Jigg M10S 100 = 3 3 105 715 53192 Tlantagcnet 115 108 9 107X715 53035 lSenitor lamps 114 1051 11 1121710 53034 bGarbage 115 110 9 115X710 53008 hJames G 109 l0 s 7 107X705 5ft79 bllosler 107 l095 4 107X705 52923 Little Buss 112 100 I i 107 700 53171 B A Jones Ill 108 = 3 9 107X700 Terrible Susan M1IO 1 OS f 4 110 700 fi 11 2 700 Furlongs3yearolds Second Race 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claim in jr Track jrTrack record Jan 24 1917 105 r 102 53159 bllonest Georg 5 10SX725 53199 George W 3 100 720 53187 liKavniiua 3 98X715 531 531S7 S7 Molinero 10SJl07 i 3 100 711 711531S4 531S4 Joe Whipple 110 108 3 100 711 531 53103 r3 Willie Woods 105 107 If 5 1071C 53149 Guardsman Ill ItOSrs 10ti71l 53199 Our Jack 115 10S 3 100 71 J 53094 Jim Fog 105 107 f 3 103 701 701531SI5 531SI5 bTuanita III 98 l07f 100X701 100X7015275S 5275S Elga 107 107 5 101X700 530 8 Doctor I 110 108 9 111X70C 111X70CThird Furlongs3yearolds Third Race 5 12 Furlongs ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 103 5 102 102r3193 r3193 Merry Feast 100 1OG 7 108 725 liEddle McRrldc McRrldcTalent 5 103 720 Talent 3 100 715 Al Porter 4 100 7 15 hTnnghorne 9 109X715 Twenty Seven 7 1111715 Just Fancy 4 102 710 Orleans irl 4 104 710 uMarty lou 10 101X705 Fickle Fancy t 107X705 llemlork 7 111X705 1as de Chiiiuo 7 1140700 Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Handicap HandicapTrack Track record Jan 8 1920 111 15 102 53194 bTHE BELGIAN 11120 112 7 10072 53180 bAssumplioii 10S l12i 510871 53194 Brig of War 102 111 101 7H 53181 Koran 101112 t 102i71 53200 bSIroce 1H5 111 103 71 53101 Black Prince 107 l lif 4101x70 53194 bAllah 53101 Muvrhonsi 110 113 3 96X700 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March C 1918 141 5 117 53189 White Havcif 99 145 5 103 725 53195 Hush 98 l43f 4 103 720 53115 bHread Line 4 100 715 53103 OMalley 110 14310 5 110X715 5320V Ava R 4 100X710 53183 bVar Tax 108 143 f 5 103X710 53183 ITiinothy J IloganlOl 143 5 11710 52900 l Litholick 110 144 f 107X705 53202 Incinerator IOC 144 4 105 700 53135 Janice Ixigan 98 115 4 97 70 70Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 5 1918 141 5 117 53201 Exhort Exliorter r 102 102142 142 7 7103X725 103X723 103X723531SO 53180 Hailock 10014214 10372153182s 105720 53182s OsgiMMl 5 108 715 53020 b WJrumly rumly 102 142 1429 7 110X715 53190 Candle Light 10 1 42 5 110 710 53177 bLocust Leaves 4 98x705 53201 Redstart 107 143 5 10SX705 53195 Cnbanita M 3 85 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921031101/drf1921031101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921031101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800