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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA MEX WEDNESDAY MARCH 23 1921 Eightyeighth day Lower California Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 123 days Weather clear temperature 70 i siding Steward Francis Xclson Associate Stewards J W CofTroth and Leon Wing Starter on AVinsr FIRST RACE 58 Mile May 20 1S20 5 4 107 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 303 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Vi 9i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt T3333 AV C DOOLY w 5 115 12 4 452450AIONA a 41 41 13 I Pinn Bar May Elunder 52450AIONA XAIL w 10S G 10 10 S1 21 J Noble K E Buchanan Buchanany 5200 BELL SQUIRREL w 103 S 1 y 2l 1J j C5 Yearsin P Dwyer 2873OPAL AAALL v5I07 410 4 0 = r 4 H Marielli M H Morrison MorrisonSs 53333 BROWN BEE 1131111 Ss 5i Cl r O AVillls C L Smith 52100 CAREEN wn C 113 15 3 = lii 2J C = C AVhiftn Hall D Bolt Boltl 50142 LADY ST PATRKx 113 5 1 l S1 3 7 = C Gross Ar A AVclls AVcllsi 3310 MONDAINE w G 113 14 J J5282G i 0 M T McCiilh J Anderson 5282G L1STAL ws S US i S SLEE 11 S1 10 ih II Rottij KreadiH Christie Christieon LEE EXFIELD 3 110 1 5 on 71 711 10 = 1 Mulcahy K K Doyle Doyleli12 2435 = ROnERT LEE w S 115 M li12 11 = n P Martinez K S Irwin 53333 KATH RAXKIX 5 113 1U 13 1 It1 12 = 12J A Xeipler G M Palmquist Palmquist7li r33iy ISPHAM 4112 7 7 7PERCAL 7li 13 = 113 13 H IJowe II Lott PERCAL KNIGHT 7 US t 12 3 j4 J4S 145 D Powell A M Edwards GRACE AV wS S 114 12 15 15 15 15 13 E Haywrrt F Dais t tfMiitnel fMiitnel Held Time 24 49 49s s 103 Track fast 2 mutuels paid W C Dooly 800 straight jtoGO place 320 show Viona Xail Held 340 place 2SO show Hell Sciulrrel 7CO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds W C Dooly 300 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place iO to 100 show Viona Xail field 70 to 101 place 40 to 100 show Hell Squirrel 0 to 100 show showWinner Winner H g liv Prince Frederick Millers Daughter by Helvidere trained by E W May bred by Mr AV C Dooly DoolyWent Went to post at liS At post 1 minute Start fair and slow AYon driving second and third the sMiiii AV C DOOLY moved up steadily on the outside and outstayed VIOXA XAIL The latter was out ¬ run early but closed a big gap and finished fast nnd resolutely HELL SQlIHREL forced the pace from the start and finished tamely OPAL WALL ran a good race PHOWX HEE began slowly and finished fast CAHEEX and LADY ST PATRICK tired after showing the most early speed speedOverweights Overweights Lee Enlield 1 pound Grace W 1 Kr QQ a SECOND HACE 512 Furlongs June 28 1910 105 3 118 Purse 400 3year OOOO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPS V4 V Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 53308 = BETSINDA w 4 108 3 4 lii 11 1 = 1 = II Saladin C T AVorthington 30100 3310 GREEN MINT w 5 112 4 5 sfl 55 t1 1 C Gross Los Angeles Stable 530100 530100533483MISS 533483MISS STATHEM w 4 107 2 3 4 4 = 1 4 3 = O AVillis North Howe 510100 68335 LITTLE POINTER w 3 91 G 1 2l 2 = 1 2 4 G Yeargin S Polk 3120100 31201002727AYALK 2727AYALK UP w 3 97 1 G C G G 5 A Gantner D Tigue rtfMOO rtfMOO52G8JOHN 52G8JOHN l UCE w 3 DO 5 2 31 31 5 = C H B Bwer AV AValker S030100 S030100Time Time 24 48 101 l07 i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Betsinda 200 straight 220 place 220 show Green Mint 320 place 220 sliow Miss Stathem 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Hetsinda 80 to 100 straight 10 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Green Mint liO to 100 place 10 to 110 show Miss Stathem 10 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B f by Hockton Winning Witch by Broomstick trained by C T AYorthington bred by Mr John Sanford SanfordAVent AVent to post at 221 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AYon easily second and third driv ¬ ing IJETSIXDA raced to the front after passing the half and drawing away after entering the stretch won in a canter CHEEX MIXT moved up fast after entering the stretch but tired when a sixteenth out MISS STATHEM saved ground on all the turns and was hard ridden LITTLE POIXTEH showed speed but failed to stay AYALK UP was going fast at the finish JOIIX LAKE quit quitScratched Scratched 51071 Aryanna 52 52107 Iittsbiirgj 1K Overweights Little Pointer 2 pounds JT OO THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 1 1920 143 G 122 Purso 400 OOOO JL 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPStVi n Str I in Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53317 PERFECT LADY ws 4 111 9 4 1 l I1 AV Taylor Delta Owens 52828 TOKALOV MAHCHw 7 111 1 3 3 3 C VanDun J W Fuller r 3003CLOVER JUXIA w 1 10S G 12 SI V 3 11 Suladln It Ripley 58307iEN LEVY w 10 109 S 10 11 = 110 = 10 f 17 D Powell Sliank Kryan 1130Hii 1130Hii53335WELGA 53335WELGA wsn S 110 2 2 1 = I in 1 = 5 H Rowc Clear Lake Stable r2SOliO 58310 SHEXANDOAH w 1 11012 S f l Gh 01 C G Ycargin J I Thomby 21GOKK 21GOKKS2988PLAYTHING S2988PLAYTHING w 4 103 G 3 61 Si SU Si 7ii J Noble C Neal iCCSOlOiJ 53307 ARGENTO w 7 WS 10 912 12 11s IO3 S k T Kindle Lane Sherman t 53311 IRISH DAISY wit G IK 4 1 3 4 3s 7 = 9 = C AVhittn J Gruenhow 2210100 53335 MAYAVORTH wn 5 110 3 C 7i 7i 10 E Josiah San Diego Stable 570100 5701005324G 5324G DOTS w I 111 7 7 1i Cs 91 II5 11 T McCurh Moody Garrity t 53248 COMMANDER wsn 5 114 11 11 107 11 12 12 12 P PinnoKr Matthews Dunlnp 2fi lW lWIMutuil IMutuil Jlehl Time 24 i 49 115 142 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Perfect Lndy ii20 straight SI fit place iM show Tokalon March S4I place rSo show Clover Juiiia 820 show v vEquivalent Equivalent lM oking odds Perfect Lady 210 to 100 straight 180 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Tokalon March 320 to 100 place 1JO to 100 show Clover Junta 810 to 100 show showWinner Winner lilk frby Dick Welles Floral Day y Nasturtium trained by C Dietz bred by Mr Jeruuiu H Itespcss minutes Start good and slow for all but CLOVER JUXIA AVou AVoudriving driving second and third the same PERFECT LADY raced in closest pursuit if the leader until midway of the stretch where she forged to the front and standing a hard drive well outstayed TOKALOX MARCH The latter finished gamely but could never quite get up CLOVER JlXIA away poorly raced up into forward contention when entering the stretch then tired HEX LEVY closed big gap in In a fast finish AVELGA showed much speed in pacemaking but fell away in the last eighth SHEVAX DOAH raced well wellScratched Scratched 53003 Mary Fuller 112 53307 Canute 111 111Overweights Overweights Dots 3 pounds FOURTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 1 1920 143 6 122 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horse AWtPPStVi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53323PT TO POINT wr 7 112 5 7 11 15 2 i 1 J Htamer A Brent 1270lwi 53337 SASIN wn S 113 S 1 23 3 4 = 131 2 E Josiah C Buxton 110ltfi 110ltfi533403IJARDOBA 533403IJARDOBA wu 4 Idfi 1 4 4ni 2 I1 2 = 3 = 1 B Marielll S Polk 15010 58RJ73COBRITA wsn C 110 2 5 G k 7s 7 5i 4 = 1 D Powell Coeur dAIenu Stable 1730100 173010053335MINNIE 53335MINNIE H w 5 110 4 G 7 = J 41 Ink 4 = 5i D Prible It II Good 1440100 53321 K OF PYTHIAS w 9 10 C 3 fi ru fh Gl G = B Parke S Hnzcltine 3160100 53310 MODISTE w4 111 3 2 37 G t C1 7 = 1 G Yeargin AAr A AVright 11140101 53340 BOREAS wsfilll S S 8 S S Ss P Marline B AVarron 5304 1B DEITCIIMAN w 9 112 7 1 U 0 1 II Rowc 11 Straubdorf t tMutuel field Time 24 5 48 J 114 l421s 140 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Point to Point 2740 straight 1020 place 840 show Sasin 340 place 240 show Hardora 240 sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Point to Point 1270 to 100 straight 410 to 100 place 70 to 100 sliow Susin 70 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Bardora 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner H g by Jack Point Gold Ten by Goldcrest trained by A Brent bred by Mr Anthony L Aste AsteWent Went to post at 315 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same POIXT TO POIXT set a stiff pace from the start and finishing gamel withstood SASIXS challenge SASIX beat the gate but was saved close up and finishing with a g eat rush would have won witli the next stride BAHDOHA raced forwardly and persistently but was iring in the last few strides COBHITA made up ground MIXXIE II showed speed but tired in the ti nil eighth eighthScratched Scratched 48041 Frank Shannon 112 52S31 Al Wick 114 53253 Miss Herrmai n 103 53318 Chattan Court 110 53303 Harrigans Heir 115 FIFTH K ACE 34 Mile Dee 20 191G 111 3 110 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 370 second 80 third 50 Index Horses AAVtPP AWtPPStVi Vi Oi Str Fin Jockey Equiv Odds Strt 53322 CACAMBO wit o 109 12 2 1i 11 1 = AV Hinphy G C AVarren 520100 53350 AANSA AVELLES wn 5 IOC 3 5 U 2k 2 21 O AVillis AV C AVcant AVcantw 58838 PYX w 1 10S 1 153350AVAR 4 2i 37 rnk at H Salrulin AV F Poison Poisonwr 53350AVAR SMOKE wr 5 114 2 9 31 31 51 4 = 1 B Parke G AY Crippen Crippenw 5384 LONELY w 1 93 11 3 S 4ii 41 5 t C Yeargin F Dahnken Dahnkenw 53822 2M AY MAULSBY w G Si2 2 9 G Gi 71 1 GJ E Josiah J M Cooper Cooperw 53322 SEDAN w 7 114 7 S 7 Ss S1 7 = I Martinez C B Irwin Irwinw 3140100 53322 EARNEST w 3 114 10 1 4V G1 Gl S1 K Haywrd C L McDonald McDonaldw 914irO 53338 EPIPHANES w 1 112 4 452I50MACK 11 12 12 H3 9l A Zelgler G Kelly KellyW t01210 52I50MACK LEE W 3 9G G 7 91 = ti 10 = B Marielli Tain o Shinter Stable Stablew 52 1 PHELAN w w3 3 97 3 10 11 111 12 II3 J Majestic C B Daniels 532XSH BLACKWELL wit 4 10S S 12 10 = 10 10112 L Gaugel Jleadowbrook Stable 14IO1W 14IO1WtJIutuel tJIutuel field Time 231s 47i 113J Track fast 2 mutuels paid Cacambo 1240 straight 740 place 4CO show Aanessa Welles 520 place 340 show Pyx S0 show showEquivnleiit Equivnleiit booking odds Cacambo 520 to 100 straight 270 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Aanessa Welles KiO to 100 place 70 to 100 show Pyx 830 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Free Lance Bonnie Kate by Loyalist trained bv J Carney bred bv Mr George J Long LongAVent AVent to post at 340 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AYon easily second and third driv ¬ ing CACAMHO away quickly on the outside made the pace fast and although challenged by AAXESSA WELLES drew away in the last sixteenth and won easing up YAXESSA AVELLES was hard ridden from the start and loomed up menacingly midway of the stretch but tired and had to be hard ridden to save second place PYX was a forward contender from the start and finished gamely AYAH SMOKE made a fast finish LOXELY was on the outside throughout and lost much ground on the turns EAR ¬ NEST showed a flash of speed speedOverweights Overweights Pyx 1 pound Phelan 1 Epiphnnes 2 Earnest 3 erOOOxJ SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles June 24 1916 145 3 110 Purse 400 3yearolds tOt O i and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi 34 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 53330 REYDO ws 7 113 2 4 511 3k 1 B Parke J Humbrecnt 200100 3S8fiHORACE LERCHwsn 4 112 1 1 G1 3 17 1 = 1 2s B MarielliC E Davison 53330 AAATER AVILLOW ws 5 111 3 3 4U 775 3 P Martinez C 15 Irwin 900100 53352 PIEDRA wit lit 7 7 li 2 = 3 4i H Rowe J Eckert 420100 53025 OUR MAID w 4 107 G 5 21 4i 31 4 5 AV Hinphy AV C AVeant GOO100 53352 = VIVA CUBA w 4 103 3 G 7 G1 G7 C D Pribl B A Jones S90HX 53004 J J MURDOCK wr S 109 4 2 3H 21 51 7 7 L Gauntl B H Schaefer 34SO100 34SO100Time Time 25 49 114 141 148 Track fast 2 inntiiels paid Hoydo 0 straight 3l0 place 340 show Horace Lerch 4iO place 320 show AVater Willow 420 show Equivalent booking odds Heydo 200 to 100 straight SO to 100 place 70 to 100 show Horace Lerch 130 to 100 place l0 to 100 show Water AVillow 110 to 100 show showWinner Winner H g by Hey Hindoo Trintu by Sain trained by G II Holand bred by Messrs Lawrence Comstock ComstockAVent AVent to post at 405 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing HEYDO forwardly placed from the start moved up fast after entering the stretch and finishing with a great rush just got up to win in the last stride HORACE LERCH took the lead after passing the threeeighths post and drew far away but tired right at the end WATER WILLOW made up ground and finished fist PIKDHA away slowly was rushed into the lead and tired in the last quarter OUR MAID ran a good race J J MURDOCK showed early speed but was shut off on the far turn turnScratched Scratched 5833 = Great Hawk 110 53300 Hickorynut ti SEVENTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 28 191G 105 3 118 Purse 400 4003yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 Index Horsv AAVtPPSt Vi Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 53008 = C A COMISKEYwit 104 3 1 1588I5CAPERS 11 17 1 = 1 = 1 B MaHVlli E Getchell Getchell2l 180100 588I5CAPERS wr G 93 G 2l 2 2 = 2 P Poiuer J J Feency G400IOO i33243AYALTER MACIC wn G 111 S 3 3 = 3 3 ik C AYhifton It H Good 1370100 58303 THIRTY SEAENws S 103 3 2 = G = G1 4 A Gantiier F Morris Morris7s f2700100 53324 IOHN JR wr S 111 77 7s 74 7 5 = H Salailin Manmile Chapron pron 170WO 53360 MYRTLE A wsi 3 111 1 f f5328CAMFLAGE 3 = 5 = 3 G P Martinez C B Irwin 5328CAMFLAGE II wsit 4 107 2 4 458042LITTLE 4 t 47 41 73 II Rowo Cletr Lake Stable StableS t t58042LITTLE 58042LITTLE JAKE wu 11 100 4 S S S S S E Joainh E M Level 1SQO100 1SQO100tMutuel tMutuel Held Time 23 48Vs 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid C A Comiskey 3JO straight 120 place 300 show Capers 7200 place 1000 show Walter Mack 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds C A Comiskey ISO to 100 straight 110 to 100 place SO to 100 show Capers 3530 to 100 place 400 to 100 show AValter Mack 15O to 100 show showWinner Winner KIk g by Dick Welles Sweet Xell by IMier trained by E GeJchell bred by Mr Thomas 1iatt Went to post at 432 At post S minutes Start good and slow Won easily second ami third driv ¬ ing C A COMISKEY began with a rush and making the pace fast raced CAPERS into defeat and won eased up CAPERS raced surprisingly well showing much speed throughout WALTER MACK after racing forwardly tired suddenly and had to be hard ridden to save third place THIRTY SEVEN finished fast JOHX JR came extremely wide through the final quarter and was going fast at the und undScratched Scratched 5334SLa Hete Xoire 102 58247 Ringleader 110 52S12SI Ooma IS 53824 Perch 108