Fifth Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-03-25

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FIFTH RACE I Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 17 1916 1 38 3 95 BROWN SainTraiuiir FAVORITE br g 8 llS By Bannockburn Geheimniss by Sain Traiuiir R H Good Owner R H Good 53346 Tijuana Im70y l4CVsfast 37 109 7 5 G 6 G = 52 P MartinezlO PrinccDirect Sadie I Rardora CSSOG RardoraCSSOG Tijuana 1116149 fast 215117 6 G 6 C 7 7 = O AVillis 9 Rardora Ilumma Cork 53041 Tijuana 1 116 151 hvy S 112 9 S 4 8 8 7IS R Carter 11 Salgeorge RenPayne CIIoltera 52970 Tijuana 1 11G 349fast 26 111 2 3 2 2 2 m R Carter 7 FrShannon JDavid ChHoltcrs 52942 Tijuana 51 f l09slow llf 10710 9 9 S2 7J R Carter 11 HarsHeir GoldRosc PrRaby 47235 Tijuana Im70y l415ifast 25 113 591 E McGwn 7 Modiste Commander Maudie 47183 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 13 113 812 E McGwnll Shoddy McCroan Rrown Ree 47091 Tijuana 78 129 fast 15 114 651 E McGwn 9 Good Kngh PrDirect ElPrlmo 17028 Tijuana 1 l42fast 145 114 3 1 E McGwn S ReuLevy LazyRen RobtMantell RobtMantellBOREAS BOREAS HastingsTrainer br g 6 117 By Zeus Yuletree by Hastings Trainer V Cloud Owner B Warren Warrent3S2 t3S2 Tijuana Im70y IMG fawt llf 114 S S S S 8s S P Martinez Point to Point Sasin Rardora 53316 Tijuana 3m70y IMGfast lf IOC 30 30 30 30 30 10IS II Rowe 10 Iriuvlire t adie D Rardora 5C002 Rardora5C002 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 145 303 178 S 71 4 = 1 B Marielli S Prince Direct Maudie Ren Levy 52751 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 195 112 2i P MartinezlO Mayworth ATon I idy Prophecy 52G70 Prophecy52G70 Tijuana 1 l48hvy J5 112 2J II Rowe S AVeinland Iternice U Frivolous 5SC09 Frivolous5SC09 Tijuana 1 116 l51slow 13 112 55 C Whittonll FSlmnnon Aon Lady Horynut 52548 Tijuana Im70y l5314mud 19 112 10 C TOhlftonlO PDrapu Xashotah GMuebleh 52279 Tijuana Im70y 14G fast 31 115 32J P Martinez 7 CalcodourlL Honolulu Huraina E2192 HurainaE2192 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 19f 108 1 P Martinezll JJetctic Ceiitcrville KofPythiaa KofPythiaaMIKE MIKE DironTrainer DIXON br g 5 101 By Banrsdale Baby Diion by Sir Diron Trainer B E Graham Owner B E Graham I7 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 22f 107 9423 71 9 = J Majestic 10 Dickie AV Illinium Cobrita 53333 Tijfiana 31 114 Vfast llf 10711 10 11 91 SJ J Majestic ii AnntAnnio Tawtha Slioreacres 52963 Tijuana Im70y IMGJifast 33f 10710 0 9 11 32 I223 J Clcmcntsl2 AonLady ChUoiirt Ostentatug rt035 Ostentatugrt035 Tijuana 34 115 giod inr 101 10 9 11 II5 11 J Clements Zamlnch LltPncess AuntAnnie 52931 Tijuana Im70y 152 mud 2U 107 1 2 2 4 51 Gl J Clements 8 Maudio Lady Josephine Tourn 51898 Tijuana 1 l41faat 12 112 712 E Haywd S PDrapeau MikcDaly Salgeorgn 51S02 Salgeorgn51S02 Tijuana 34 114 Hifast 17 112 9 = E Haywd 9 Mox Chandelier Uevulry James 51763 Tijuana 5S l025fast Sf 111 fi E Haywrdlt Velvet Little Gink Lavncn 51654 Tijuana Bi f 109 fast GO 112 7IS C O TaylorlO Tom Goose Yukou Honolulu HonoluluPLAYTHING PLAYTHING b f 4 106 By Deutschland Recreation by Morello Trainer MorelloTrainer G Neal Owner G Ncal 53381 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast If 103 5 C S S Si 77J J Xoble 12 PerfLady Tok March ClJimla 52988 Tijuana 34 115 fast 14f 107 3 8 S 82 951 M Slghter 10 AuntAnnie Dlenero MabcIRuIe 5295J MabcIRuIe5295J Tijuana 34 335 good 63 303 5 11 10 10 = 10 M Slghterlt RPnyno MinJim ThrlftyThree C2327 ThrlftyThreeC2327 Tijuana 1 116 153 slop 42 1 9 S = = AV Taylor 8 AudreyK RMntii Cnvdourll f4si Cnvdourllf4si Tijuana 1 18 15S mud IS KX fi M Slghter Viva Cuba Rabv Sister Cork 52401 Tijuana 1143 fast 15 103 U Marielli It Maudie Modiste Kthfcl 52334 Tijuana Im70y l51Jhvy ISf 108 31 G Yeargin 11 Welga Sauer Mayworth 52259 Tijuana 51 f lOSJ4fast 32 103 SJ G Yeargin 12 C the Way P Direct Rosellis 51899 Tijuana 1 lU ast 9p 103 8 W Perry ti CoHield Weinlaud Stclclitr W It BAKER hr p 5 112 112Trainor By Prince Frederick Dene by Locohatcbee Locohatcbee8s Trainor C Whyto Owner H Rhodes D33 K Tijuana 1 Ilfi 4 fast 27 117 8 7 7 8 8s S J Murray 0 JJardori Hiiraniii Cork 53004 Tijuana Im70y l4Ufast 110 103 4 a 2 3 2Z1 2f B Marielll 8 JJJlrdock Arcciitu Nutiliotali E2944 Tijuana ImTOy l47slow G 104 3 1 1 1 lzl 1s B MariellilO Dione Pink Teniiy Sbennndoah 62903 Tijuana ImTOy l45 l45jfast jfast 21 109 4 3 3 6 7s 71 Li Gaugel 8 Audrey A Prince Direct Sauer 5iSCl Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 51 1J2 0 C 5 D 4J 4J G YearginlU Mountain Girl Maud M Ely D2S05 Tijuana 1 l43fast S 113 113G2732 22 G Yeargln 9 Pt to Point Helmnn AJackson G2732 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast fi 113 3l C Thpson 10 Frivolous Busy Bird Maudlt 526S4 Tijuana 1 144 slow 4 105 105E2C30 6 2 II Rowe 9 Irish Daisy Busy Bird PDlaa E2C30 Tijuana 1 1S 150 slow 16 109 2 C Tmpson 7 BDchtnan Canute TRkridge CHOIR MASTER ch g 6 117 117Trainer By Uncle Nethersole by Tournament Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern r 8rOT Tijuana 1 11C 14 Vast 131 117 fi 3 B 6 9 9 W Ilinphy 9 Sash Von Lady Miss Sedalia 5P2C5 Tijuana 1 l4GVshvy 10f 112 3 4 43 I1 Il M Slghterl2 Dan Van LJosephine Prphccy 52929 Tijuana 5Sl04mud 4 110 11 ft 6 Cl 811 P Martlnezl2 Bug Lady Htunnia H Princess 62771 Tijuana 34 l15fast 36 115 S J M Mthewsl2 Arietta JJMdock BShilllng 52559 Tijuana 1 l49smud 1310 10S 9 C AVhittonlO BcrniceE AudrcyA PntMack 62506 Tijuana 34 118 hvy 165 110 31 H Taylor 9 Yukon Applejack PrettyBaby 62484 Tijuana 1 l46mud 4110 115 4s J Robtsnll Prevaricate Honolulu AnnaStar 62362 Tijuana 6J f lOSgood 5 105 10 N Poden 11 Blanchita Lady Small Riposta 61998 Tijuana 61 f 108 fast 17 107 31 C WhittonlO Cancion QuidNunc Key Alfalfa W C DOOLY b e 5 117 117Trainer By Prince Frederick Millers Daughter by Belvl Trainer E W May Owner May Elander dere ri33T9 Tijuana 58 103 fast I llo 4 G t 4l 13 B PinnegrlT VionaXail BS niirv l OpsilWall o3333 Tijuana 34 l14fast C 114 11 7 7 C2 572 B Pinnegi13 Striker Dieuero Miss Diiubar 63292 Tijuana S4 116 slow 115 117 10 5 4 3 = 2 B PinnegrlU Kthel Baby Faust Handab C2943 Tijuana 51 f l09slow 13f 114 1 2 2 2 33 B Pinnegrl4 numina Velvet Shoreacres E2930 Tijuana 58 105 mud 13f 115 8 G 3 31 3 1 A Keigler 9 TDuncan SBeach ValenLady C2101 Tijuana 1 l44good 47 ill illC2299 6 1 R Dorlty 11 GFlush BrownBee ChatCourt C2299 Tijuana 1 l41fast 13f 111 9 C Gross 111 BattleMonntain Prairie Striker 61999 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast Sf 107 6 i O Willis 11 MineralJim Clr theAVay Perch 61513 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 31 114 78J B PinnegrlO Ike Mills Coronado Don Jose MARY FULLER blk m 7 115 115Trainer By Marchmont II Marie Hyde by Handcuff Trainer J M Hukill Owner H Murray 52003 Tijuana ImTOy l455fast 185110 535 59 94 M Buxton 9 BDchman Dickie W Electric 52806 Tijuana 1 l42V fast 4310 110 I B Marielll 9 JimWinn Ely Barbara Shilling 62750 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 6f 105 2l B Marlelli 9 LInnocence Viva Buckborn II 52BS4 Tijuana 1 144 slow 27 108 108D2627 S O Willis 0 Irish Daisy Busy Bird PDlaa D2627 Tijuana 61 f l09slow 147 113 5i O Willis 11 ApJack ColMatt JJMurdock 52437 Tijuana 1 l41fast 11 106 6rl G Yeargln 7 PrinceDirect LewisB Tillotson 61857 Tijuana 34 l15ifast 6 115 7 C VanDunlO Ihas Cannell Striker Modiste 61S18 Tijuana 34 l15 fast 28 109 4Ji C VanDun 7 MMaulsby Stelcliff SMaggie BOBBY FIB ch B 9 M 109 109Trainer v By Fib Stella Berkley by Barney Aaron Trainer W 0 Smith Owner A Wright 53265 Tijuana 1 l4Ghvy lOf 117 7 6 7 9 95 9 C AVhittnl2 CbMaster DandyVan LJphine ES244 Tijuana Bi f l10slop Sf 10S 14 12 14 14 141 D Powell 14 Annabelie SeaBeacli Celebrate 52770 Tijuana 34 l14fast 23f 110 110Bi 10 O Willis 11 Ollie Wood RShooter ColMatt 52652 Tijuana Bi f lllmud G3 HO HOBi 61 R Dority 7 Mex Velvet Aunt Annie Annielll E2S62 Tijuana Bi f lOSgood SSf 111 111Bi lll R Dority 11 Blanchita Lady Small Riposta 62259 Tijuana Bi f l03fast lOf 110 121 R Dority 12 C the Way P Direct RcselHs 42045 Oaklwn 68 l027sfast 30 109 12 12 12 12 12 J Bell 12 Rout Man tell Okla Irish Neg 41984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 25 1111 2 6 11 11 12 12 = H Garner 12 Examiner Brando Lady Leona KKIOHT OF PYTHIAS br g 9 117 117Trainer By Boanerges Carcanet II by Carbine Trainer S Hazeltine Owner S Hazeltine F2382 Tijvana ImTOy l46fast 32 109 3 0 5 5 C i 6 ° i B Parke 9 Point to Point Sasin Itanlorn 53121 Tijuana 34 115 fast 2i 109 T 7 74 4 41 lh W Gargan 15 llosellis Lantern Mannikin II 52826 Tijuana S f 108 fast 25 112 10 9 99 99E2299 9 S 41 C Thpson 13 Shoreaures Sea Beach Rosellis E2299 Tijuana 1 l41 fast 13 111 111C2240 6 W Hinphy 12 BattleMouutain Prairie Striker C2240 Tijuna ImTOy 14C fast 33 111 111E2192 1011 G Yeargln 12 Shenandoah Sauer Baby Sister E2192 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 11 113 113B212C 4i C Gross 11 Boreas Zetetic Centerville B212C Tijuana 51 t 108 fast 10 110 110E1999 4 j C Gross 11 Divland Pink Tenny Welga E1999 Tijuana Bi f 108 fast 63 107 107RUTLAND 5 1 F Chiavta 11 MineralJim Clr the Way Perch RUTLAND ARMS b g 7 117 117Trainer By Thrush Lusctnia by St Simon Trainer F W Ritsch Owner J W Tata 53347 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 13 109 1 7 6 6 6E3TOG 9 81 C Gross 10 Dickie AV Ilumnia Cobrita E3TOG Tijuana 1110149 fast 39 112 3555 3555C32BO f i 510 D Powell 9 Bardora Hunima Cork C32BO Tijuana ImTOy l49VfcSlop 22 109 41012 12 12 12SI W Uinphy 12 TGoose MntnGirl GMhlebh 52992 Tijuana 1110149 fast i 112 3 4 C 7 7S293S 7 7 C Gross 8 Modiste MtnGirl GMhlebach GMhlebachE295S S293S Tijuana ImTOy 147 good 32 113 1 5 1 1 1E2920 21 21 C Gross 8 Sauer Modiste Irish Daisy E2920 Tijuana 1 18 l581 l58slop slop 18 107 3 2 2 1 1E2875 I2 22 E Taylor 7 Baby Sister Cork Sudle D DE2875 E2875 Tijuana 1 l41fast 175 112 5 7 7 7 752SC2 o2 5 i C Thpson 7 PtoPoint PerLady LPrincesa LPrincesa52SG2 52SC2 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 6i 112 1 1 1 1 1E2828 1 5 C Tmpson 6 Gen Byng Sauer Little Gink E2828 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast 145 145112 112 1 189 8 9 7 61 4 E Taylor 12 Anna Jackson Sauer Maudle 62793 Tijuana 34 114 fast 32 110 110ARGENTO 610 C Whittonll SmilMag MerLss HgansHr HgansHrARGENTO ARGENTO br g 7 117 By Jake Argent Ardenei by Amigo AmigoTrainer Trainer A E Sherman Owner Lane Sherman ShermanB33SI B33SI Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 7f 109 91212 11 103 8i T Kindle 12 PerfLmly TokMnrcli ClJimia 53307 Tijuana 1 116 l4S ifast 282 117 377 7 6l 5T1 E Taylor 9 Sasin Von Lady Miss Sedalia 03001 Tijuana Im70y l46ifast 52 110 3 4 4 3 32 3 = J E Taylor S JJMock WMBaker Nashoth 52944 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 92 117 4 5 5 6 72 89 B PinnegrlO WMBaker Dione Pink Tenny 62772 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 22f 114 12 M Mthewslil BSister Lobelia T Bkenridge 62649 Tijuana Im70y l53imud 27 117 45 N Foden G Cobrita Le Dinosaure Honolulu HonoluluE2629 E2629 Tijuana 1 116 l505slow 47 117 455 N Foden 7 Saner Baby Sister Prairie 62560 Tijuana 1 l50mud IV 110 I1 N Foden 9 Ethel Anna Star Tours 62408 Tijuana lm0y l48slop 46 110 8 H Jones 10 Modiste Honolulu Busy Bird 62334 Tijuana Im70y l51hvy 29 116 681 P Martinez 11 Welga Sauer Plaything

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921032501_5_3
Library of Congress Record: