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RAIN AND COLD WEATHER Halts Training Operations at Louisville Tracks E F Simms a Visitor LOUISVILLE Ky April 17 Worse weathnr than on any day during the winter months pre ¬ vailed lien today and as a result training opera ¬ tions at both Churchill Downs and Douglas Park wort practically abandoned Another heavy rain last night was followed by a drop of forty degrees iu the temperature early this morning and it grew colder as the day won on To add to the discom ¬ fiture a raw wind of high velocity swept across this section throughout the day Both tracks wore deep in mud and this coupled witli the freezing woathor forced the trainers to resort to shed work with their charges Less than fifty horses wen1 on the track at either course courseA A number of Kentucky Derby eligibies wore sche ¬ duled to get good workouts today but these plans wcrt altered to be carried out tomorrow if the weather shows improvement Several of thorn were brought out and galloped around the track a couple of times at a slow gait gaitEdward Edward F Simms owner of Xalapa Farm stables camo down from his home in Paris Ky this morning to look over his thoroughbreds at tho Downs in charge of James W McClelland and trainer Kim Patterson He found them in perfect condition with the exception of Poe a twoyear old which has been ailing but is rapidly improving now Owner Simms was particularly impressed with tho excellent appearance of Leonardo II and Bon Ilomme the Derby pair and he makes no effort to conceal his enthusiasm over his chances to win the rich Chunhill Downs fixture this year lie will witness their 1021 debut at Lexington Both jockeys Andy Schuttinger and T Jarvis wil go to Lexington with the Xalapa Farm Stabli Wednesday WednesdayEugene Eugene Klrod who is in charge of the parimu tuel department at the three Kentucky tracks was a visitor here today Elrod lias been in liiid health for some timis and spent considerable timf in a hospital in Cincinnnati during the wiitor His condition is improved now although he is not a well man by any means but he will resume his duties at Lexington this week weekTrainer Trainer Alox B Gordon who is training Mtis kallonge for the Kentucky Derby lias been on the sick list for a few days He was able to be at the track tlijs morning for a short while and expects to he iu normal health again within a brief period periodTomorrow Tomorrow will witness tho departure of tho 15 J Brannon and Kay Spence stables for Lexing ¬ ton