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WHEELING FORM CHART WHEELING W Va Monday April 18 1921 Following are the results of todays races 53677 First Raca 58 Mile Purse 500 4 yearolds and upward Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Eijuiv Eijuiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53543 Walter Mack 111 E McCorkle IO100 T3413 F Accompli 1C 2l 1 Dawson WIW 53317 Lltholick 111 K Smith lOlOKM 53597 Tony 111 4 J Hurke 5201 53372 Top Rung 114 H T Dominick 100100 53413 = A1 Porter 111 Cl W Meehan IKiOlfX 53558 Knrlymorn llfi 1 J Manly 4rnolCO 53253 Harry Rucldcrlll 8s W Tarrell 4r 30ino 51021 Wilt Meteor 111 0 P Madeira 11GW101 2 muluels paid Walter Mack 880 straight 540 place 480 show Fait Accompli 400 place 540 show Litholick 510 show showEquivalent Equivalent Ixwkiiifr odds Walter Mack 340 to 100 straight 170 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Fait Accompli 130 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Litho ¬ lick 155 to 100 show showTime Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner R II Goods br x 0 by Ilapsburg Forieda by Kingston trained by R II Good bred by Mr L Le e Smitha SmithaWont Wont to post at 200 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSscratched Sscratched 53309 Elga 109 53678 Socolul Race 58 Mil ° Purse 500 4 yearolds and upward Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 18485 Koir 112 li W Winkler 100100 53032 Vansylvia 109 2 W Meehah 53291Corkey W 114 T C Howard 245HX 53243 Doublet II 109 4s C McCorkle 1110100 52378 Billy Stuart 112 5 L Jackson 7700100 53427 Guardsman 111 fii McDowell 310i 100 53288 Hay 111 7l N Collins irOCW 51843 Tilloloy 111 S1 J Conway 4fi700lWl 53531 Maiden VoterlOS 0 J Barkley 20lor 2 mutuels paid Rog 10400 straight 1000 place 400 show Vansylvia 340 place 280 show Cor key W 200 show showEijnivalent Eijnivalent booking odds Rog 5100 to 100 straight 430 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Van ¬ sylvia 70 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Corkey W Wo o Jo 100 show showTime Time 103 Track fast fastWinner Winner J R Carlocks ch g i by Blues Royal Nut tin II llj Prince Royal trained by J R RogersWent Carlock bred by Mr A L Rogers Went to post at 231 At jwist 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but Maiden Voter Won driv ¬ ing second and thin the same sameScratched Scratched 53420 Scotch Kiss 111 53679 Tllinl Race 5 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53559 Amcrn Maid 100 li J Kchlessl KchlesslngerlSuO100 53540 Peppery Pollylll 2 K Smith 53302 LJrolaski 110 3i W Hinphy Hinphy53220Cbief 53220Cbief IJthellllO 42 J Uurke 53314Tosca 111 5s Dawson 53308 Two Eyes 100 C2 W J Barnes 2070100 51504 Maud WilsonlOS 7 Moore 704filoi 2 mutuels paid American Maid 3800 straight 820 place 400 show Peppery Polly 300 place 300 show Brolaski 840 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds American Maid 1800 to 100 straight 310 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Peppery Polly SO to 100 place 50 to 100 show Brolaski 320 to 100 show showTime Time 110 Track fast fastWinner Winner C E Knights br f 4 by Dalhousie Brown Bess by Blitzen trained by C E Knight bred by Mr II P Gardner GardnerWell Well t to post at 305 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but Chief Barthell Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 53270 = PIato 10S 53517 High Wave 10S Woodchuck 10S 10SOverweights Overweights Brolaski 2 pounds J3680 F ° urtu Race G 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claim ¬ ing Net value to winner 400 sccond 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53255 Cons o aiincl22 I1 J Burke 51 0100 0100534043Sccd 534043Sccd CousinllS 2J W Jarrell 10 0100 53431 = 10 Balafre 122 3i J Dominick 140100 53378 Clip 12T 4s C OMahoney 117010 52331 Pullux 1L2 5 = G Hunt 130100 52322 All Bright 122 OJ It Jackson 5050100 53531 John J Caseyl22 7 W Dunkinson 32TO100 53002 Tony Sutton j09 S J Conway 24SO100 2 mutuels paid Cousin o Mine 10520 straight 3280 place 9CO show Second Cousin 720 place 10 show Le Balafre 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cousin o Mine 5150 to 100 straight 1510 to 100 place 3SO to 100 show Second Cousin 200 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Le Balafre 30 to 100 show showTime Time 124 Track fast fastWinner Winner C II Frenchies b g 0 by tnclo Ballymena by Adam trained by C II Frenchie bred by Mr Frederick Johnson JohnsonWent Went to post at 332 At pott 2 minutes Sinrt good and slow Won handily second anil tlnl driving drivingOverweights Overweights Clip 3 pounds 53681 Fifth Race C 12 Furlongs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 52477 Sabretash 122 V M Cruise 811101 53495 Trackstar 123 2s E Smith 9401CO 53414 Hatrack 120 3 McDowell GOO100 53113 Superior 120 4J J Dawson 3320100 3320100Rosefield Rosefield 120 a1 P Madeira 4170100 53597 Sea Mime 118 O1 W Dunkinson 780100 53109 Versailles 109 7 W Meehan 700100 531432Gahvay 122 8s W Franklin 107GKX 53504 Brn Favorltol22 O2 C McCorkle 20GO100 53221 Cap Mcht 122 10 C Howard 10100 10100S S mutuels paid Trackstar 1820 straight 17 00 place 540 show Trackstar 740 place 400 show Hatrack S200 show showEquivalent Equivalent Imoking odds Sabretash 810 to 100 straight 780 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Track star 270 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Hatrack 30 to 100 show showTime Time 124 Track fast fastWinner Winner W H Moores b g 5 by Duke of Or iiiinide Rcticella by IIayw d trained by Drake bred by Mr Richard T Wilson WilsonWent Went to post at 402 At post 1 minnle Stiirt good and slow Won handily second and th nl driving drivingOverweights Overweights Versailles 3 pounds 53682 Slxth Rac ° Mile p rse 5C3 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30EquiV EquiV Tdds TddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Tockey Straight 53023 Sentimental 112 1s J Connors 17 V 100 53418 Zoio J Dominick 210MOO 53432 = Jellison W Jarrell 1800 100 53255W TurnbwWJ 4 W Meeban iCOH0 53431 5Pie 107 f J J Burke 200100 53352 Baby Cal 10S O2 W Winkler 1580100 53009 Philistine 100 73 P J Baker UOIOO 51010 Stir ITp 112 S P Maderia 2VKHOO 53540 Minnie II 104 f 5 C McCorkle 4300100 53417Winall 105 10 J Dawson 1700100 2 mntiiels paid Sentimental 540 straight 380 place 080 show Zoic 1200 place 2500 show lellison 580 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Sentimental 170 to 100 straight to 100 place 240 to 100 show Zoie 530 to 100 place 1110 to 101 show lellison 190 to 100 show showTime Time 143 Track fast fastWinner Winner W E Jones b in 5 by Marathon Animosity by Star Ruby trained by W E Jones bred by Mr J P Respess RespessWent Went to post at 435 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 53002 Verity 107 107Overweights Overweights Xoie 4 pounds Walter Turbow 3 Winall 1 53683 Sevcnth Eacc 58 Mile Purse 5003 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 30Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Straight52477sRainbow Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 52477sRainbow GirlllS I1 M Cruise 120100 52977 Grayson 23 C Howard 3130 Blue Jay 31 L Jackson 53157 Dr Campbellllo 41 E Smith 2130100 2130100508223Captain 508223Captain B 115 fin C Hunt 1110100 53134 Thunderbinl 113 fil J Dawson 870100 53588 spolygamist 115 7s F J Baker CJOOliO 5101 Silex II 110 S3 McDowell 970MW1 970MW1Rublvnr Rublvnr C9 9 W Jarrell 4380100 2 mutuels paid Rainl ow Girl 440 straight 200 place 280 show Grayson 240 place 200 show Blue Jay J40 show Equivalent booking odds Rainbow Girl 120 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Grayson 20 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Blue Jay 220 to 100 show showTimu Timu 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner W II Moores ch in 5 by Ballot Lychee Nut by Sir Modred trained by C Drake bred by Mr L B Combs CombsWont Wont to post at 505 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingScratched Scratched 53545 Little Niece 98 98Overweights Overweights Silex II 1 pound