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J F LUCKY BALDWIN BALDWINMONDAYS MONDAYS BIG ADVERTISED HAVRE DE GRACE SPECIAL SPECIALCrystal Crystal Ford 5402 Won WonI I I HAVE HAD SIX IMG ADVERTISED SPECIALS SINCE OPENING AT ATHOWIE HOWIE Tail II ivon Niflit Raider Kccoml Benevolent won Crystal Ford won two scratches scratchesHonesty Honesty Is my policy I justice no false claims or promises AH T Miil l before I sirtverffse my liorses win or lose I treat everyone saware ami pos ¬ itively expect the same treatment treatmentIf If you want real honest srilteilprert stable information RUSH YOUR YOURCORRECT CORRECT ADDRESS AT ONCE DONT HESITATE I will have three plnyx plnyxthis this weelv including1 one Saturday at Lexington LexingtonTERMS TERMS SEND ME BY WIRE AFTER YOU COLLECT YOURS THE AVJN AVJNNINGS NINGS OF A 10 STRAIGHT PLAY PLAYClients Clients failing to remit will receive no further wires I cannot meet jiiy obligations with nonpayiiipr clients clientsI I CANNOT WIN IF YOU LOSE 1303 LEXINGTON AVENUE NEW YORK CITY