Havre De Grace Entries And Past Performances For Tuesday, April 19, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-19


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HAVRE DE GRACE ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR TUESDAY APRIL 19 WEATHER CLOUDY Tl Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Track record April 29 1918 47 2 112 112Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtUan AWtUanDiadciua Diadciua eh f by Marathon Saniura by Santoi 111 Duncecap ch f by Olani bala Booby by Voter Ill Toddle cli f by Celt Fox FoxTrot Trot by Star Shoot 114 Tlieo b f by Theo Cook Kiddis by Hermis 111 Reliability b f by Trans ¬ vaal Dependable by Dal Dalhousie housie 114 Bine Teal b f by Wrack Delft by Burgomaster 114 53357 = Orris 101 4S 114 715 71553582s 53582s Miriam Cooper 115 50 114 710 53382 Maryland Belle 114 50 114 705 52250 Ogarite 114X700 52832 JFarewell Taps 114 700 52170 JLast Effort 114 700 700Nancy Nancy F br f by Sweep Frances Dillon by The TheThe The Commoner 114 jThe Vengenance ch f by The Finn Catherine Car ¬ son by Hen Stromc 114 fQnick Hun ch f by Theo TheoCook Cook Dixie by Ogden 114 114tPclican tPclican Stable entry JR J Brown entry entrySecond Second Race 34 Mile Mileovearolds ovearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 27 101 11116 3 128 1285358bKirah 5358bKirah 110 113 4 112X725 53597 North Shore 105 105110 115 3 05X720 53019 Wean liiillunt 101 114 4 110X715 110X71553047s 53047s Enrico Caruso 113 114 4 110X715 53598 bBurgoyne 110 112 4 110X715 110X715531520s 531520s Tout Or 10B 115 3 08 9871 715 71553047s 53047s bMidian 108 113 4 1101715 535723bLittle Maudie 101 113 5 110 710 53414sbl angliorne 115 113 9 113X710 53180 Fickle Fancy 112 l12h 0 1015X710 53522 = bBttalie 112 114 0 112X710 53235 bTrnsty 113 1121 7 120X701 120X70153522s 53522 bCiumpsall 1081114 7 112 705 53120 bMormon 107114 5 112X705 52255 Highland Lad 115 114 7 112X705 53259 l Tarascou 108 112 5 115X705 32997 Beckua 117 114 8 112 700 53584 bEquator 110 114 4 110X700 43554 Wat 7 107X700 530333 Toadstodl 102 l14s 5 107X700 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs 3vearolds Maidens Special Weights Track record April 10 1921 105 3 108 49335 fREGISTRAR 107 ioJ 110 25 51271 Princess Pandora 111 715 53490 = bBaywood 112 107 110 15 51292 vRep 115 108 110 15 1548928s 48928s 48928sJTheodosia JTheodosia Ill 1OS 111 715 15 53548 Marie 11 1051110 111 710 10 53545 Streamer 101 110 110 705 48928 By Jove 114 109 110 705 51409 Golden Flint 115 10 110 700 51517 Fern Grass Ill 111 111 700 52K59 Trader 110110 110 700 53047 bNavajo 108 108 108Esquire 110 700 Esquire b c by Meridian Darnma by Solitaire II IIHigh High Value b c by Ferole Malachite by Rock Sand SandHayrack Hayrack br f by Wrack Sumptuous by Fatherless FatherlessWild Wild Heather ch c by Unlit UnlitBrigade Brigade Wild Thistle by byKnight Knight of the Thistle fliarco b f by Uncle Xarco by G W Johnson JGem b f by Berrilldon Emerald Gem by McGee tI K Jj Hoss entry jI S Cosden entry entryFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 3vcarolds Allowances Track record Sept 27 1919 111 3 128 53583 = Lucy Kate 109 113 103X725 52000 MiTcnite 95 113 101X720 53020 bClievalier 113 114 100 715 53547 bBlack Top 105 112 110X715 53048 bUoss R 104 115 111X715 53517 Sacajawea 110 115 98 71 5 53583 bSocial Star 109 113 100710 52817 Explosive 117 115 105X710 51121 Tidings 107 113 111 710 53401 = Perhaps 113 112 110 710 52587 Miss Rankln 98 114 109 705 51329 Plum ISIossom 11109 115 111 700 51039 Wraith M 114 117 105 700 51455 Actress M 113 114 107 700 Fifth Race 1 Mile Delaware Handicap 3yearolds and upward Track record April 24 1920 139 5 114 51402 = Itoniface 124137 0120X850 53049 bSennings Park 118135 5110X845 53049 Wildair US 130 4 114X840 53049 Paul Jones 101141 4115X830 53000 My Dear 99 139 4 104X825 53040 Sandy Heal 101 140 4 100X815 100X815Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPennsylvania Pennsylvania Purse 4yearolds and upward Track record Sept 25 1915 142 1 in in53COO 53COO bThe Archer 105145 4102X7 53005 = bSagamurc 100 145 4 97X7 53037 bJock Scot 114148 7102X7 53050 hKrogtown 118 145 5 10207 52837 bHiff Bang 107 144 4 112X7 53035 bShoal 101 148 4 97X7 97X7Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles 4ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 18 1920 144 3 138 53037 = Ballybell 100 147 50330 bMornion Elder 95 140 53007 = Hello Pardner i103 149 53410 = bArmistice 1081147 53170 P G King 1031148 53522 = Anna Gallup 101 149 53021 bConrt Fool 109 149 53007 Lady Enimeline 107 149 53007 bAmerican Boy 104 147 53522 = Al Pierce v 100 150 53389 = liDarnley 110 140 53007 bllendrie 100 147 53418 bAttorney llnir llnir53G51sbRoisterer 101 140 53G51sbRoisterer 100 147 51457 bPadua 97 147 532S9 Capt Hodge 111 149

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921041901/drf1921041901_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1921041901_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800