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FIRST RACE 1 Mie and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Feb 1 1920 143 15 6 122 122Index Index Course Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St U Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Flnlah BELLE CayugaTrainer FLOWER b f 3 89 By Meelick Apple Bloom by Cayuga Trainer T Proctor Owner T Proctor Proctor5SG2S 5SG2S Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 5 S9 10 8 12 11 12 12 = E Noble 12 Sam Hill Emelda Electric 53590 Tijuana 1 l43fast 3710 92 1 2 2 2 221 221 A Gantner 11 MissDunbar GoOn NeoshoDale 52552 Tijuana 5J f 109 fast 24 105 4 77 7 1 D Powell 11 George James Alajah Aryannu 53477 Tijuana 34 l14fast 41 93 1 7 7 102 14 E Josiah 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 52558 Tijuana 1 150 mud C S7 3 H B BwerlO Canute LJosepbiue Centervllle 52436 Tijuana Im70y l46fast 4 56 2 B Marielli 0 LeDinre AreyA Bof theKlt 62382 Tijuana 34 l15fast 8 109 32 M Slgiiter 9 LadyLovitt AudreyA FlMoon FlMoonRUTH RUTH BroomstickTrainer HARRIGAN b f 4 109 By Harridan Tyree by Broomstick Trainer E M Phillips Owner A Phillips 53590 Tijuana 1 I43fast 8 104 2 G 8 3 71 7 i D Powell 11 MissDunbar RelleFlower GoOu 53537 Horn531C4 Tijuana ImTOy l47gast 135 102 3 C 5 4 4s S B Marlellill Prophecy M Dunbar D Horn 531C4 Tijuana 1144 fast 15 102 3 C 7 7 5 3 B MariellilO LJosephine Prophecy 0 Court 53443 Tijuana 34 l15fast 32 IOC 13 11 10 9l 83 D Powell 13 Review Cobalt Little Orphan 53394 Tijuana 34 115 fast 11 104 2 7 C 7i 8 1 D Powell 14 Dienero Review Last Clianco GO ON ch g B M 115 By Setback Green dOr by Bowling Green GreenTrainer Trainer E V Winters Owner E V Winters 53590 Tijuana 1 l43fast 121 113 4 C u 3 3U 35 P Martinezll MDunbar RFlower NshoDale 53537 Tijuana Im70y 1 47fast 11 30S 8 S 8 7 7l 712 D Powell 11 Prophecy M Dunbar R HBOII 534W Tijuana 1144 fast 11 108 6 3 5 3 C2i CJ J HtamerlO LJosene Prophecy RHargan 533G1 Tijuana 1 l43fast 21f 110 10 8 7 6 5 4 J D Pow11 12 Helman LitOrphan YkLausle 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 34f 107 7 12 12 10i 8 D Powell 13 Striker Dionero Miss Dunhar E2SC1 Tijuana ImTOy l46fast 183f 107 3 7 8 9 11 11 J lurray 12 Mountain Girl Maud M Ely STAKLEY S blk g 13 Bv Jack Point My Gem by Ornament Trainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity B2C38 Tijuana 1 31C 204 slow n2 104 C J II Jones 0 Le Dinosaurei Lit Gink Cork 52558 Tijuana 1 150 mud 15 115 1155233C 9 R McCrnnlO Canute LJosephine RleFlower 5233C Tijuana 1 18 l58hvy 100 111 7 R Dority 7 RySister RMountuln Honolulu 62240 Tijuana ImTOy 146 fast C5f 110 110CLASS 12 J Clementsl2 Shenaiidoah Sauer Raby Sister SisterBy CLASS A ch g 7 M 110 By Salvation Colonia by Amigo Trainer E E Buchanan Owner G M Clemans G3590 Tijuana 1 143 fast 12f 113 11 10 11 10 93 O W Perry 11 MissDunbar RelleFlower GoOn 53537 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast IGf 10S 4 7 7 S S CJ J Noble 11 Prophecy M Dunbar R RHtrau Hgau 53478 PointerE2523 Tijuana 1 l43Mifast 74 10G 31110 10 8i G J Noble 11 RkhornlL Czardom L Pointer E2523 Tijuana ImTOy l50slop 23f 110 10 P MartinezlO Commander VonLady Prophecy 52381 Tijuana linTOy 147 fust C7 109 8 i M Mthewsll Madrid Humma Gift 62313 Tijuana ll429sfast 9 110 851 Rowe 9 TFMcMahon EIRey JlraWlnn JlraWlnnOHATTAN OHATTAN COURT b g 6 M 115 By Chanter Wynoneen by Morpheui Trainer A Hubbard Owner James Ik OhlldiV OhlldiV53C24 Patrick55GG 53C24 Tijuana 5X f lOSVfast 14 113 1 10 9 S = A G R Dority 13 Viva It Squirrel L St Patrick 55GG Tijuana 34 115 fast ft 113 4 12 11 = 81 R Dority 13 Robert Lee Careen Viva 53478 Tijuana 1 l43Afast 225117 COS 9 7l 71U B Pinngarll 15khornII Czardom L Pointer 53464 Tijuana 1 144 fast 2J 113 7 7 3 2 2 421 II Rettig 10 LJosene Prophecy RHargan 53420 Tijuana 1 116 l4Jfast 28 117 2 7 7 7 G 7 II Hettlp 13 FannleNail MissSedalia Zetetlc 63405 Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 7 113 5 G 1 1 1 3J II Rettig 14 Runecraft LOrphan DauVau DauVauDR DR C P FRYER ch h 7 M 116 116Trainer By F W Barr Chita by Herald Trainer W J OBrien Owner M Capon 53537 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 35 113 C G 4 5 S1 A Xeigler 11 Prophecy Jr Dunbar RIIgan 53477 Lassier Tijua a 34 14fast IGf 113 11 10 10 8 = 73 E Taylor 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie r 419 Tijua a HS 0ifast Elf 11311 12 10 10J 8 II Retlif 14 DdeGnise TomCaro KRankiin 51857 Tijui a 3 = 4 I5iffast 54 115 S 15 Haywd 10 Chas Cannell Striker Modiste 515118 Tijua a 5S f 09 ffast SK 110 59J R Lowe 11 Dora Star Clover Juula Ispham SWEETWATER ch m 8 M By St Maxim Louise Wood by King Eric Trainer F Melvin Owner Melvin Blasscook GoOn53TG7 53590 Tijuana 1 l13faHt ti 100 911 8 S E Josiah 11 MissDnnbar RelleFlower GoOn 53TG7 Tijuana 1 143 fast C5 100 C 4 4 4 52 43 P Hum 10 JulyFly LIlarrigan El Rey 53502 Tijuana 58 UOBifast lOf 11212 12 12 12SJ 7 ° M Woods 14 Olive KillarneyRelle Viva 53320 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 58 10913 12 13 13s 12 II Rowe 15 GMinard Toreador PegMartln 52915 Tijuana 5J f lOS siop f 10o 10 10 9 8s l ° II Howe 10 Saw Tooth Meda Miss Ourl 52423 Tijuana GJ f 1OS fast IGf 106 10 E Taylor 11 MabelRule UeesWJug SisPolly SisPollyISPHAM ISPHAM GleaTrainer ch f 4 M 109 By Rapid Water Barbaria by Canopui or Glea Trainer T Vogt Owner H Lott beim beim53G24 53G24 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast f 110 S 7 C 7 = 7 3 P MartinezlS Viva R Squirrel L St Patrick 53443 Tijuana 34 1 15f ant2710f 112 12 10 11 11 II10 P MartinezlS Review Cobalt Little Orphan 63379 Tijuana 58 103 fast2310f 112 7 7 13 13J13z II Rowe 15 WODooly ViNail USuulrrel 53319 Tijuana 58 l01fast 9f 112 8 12 11 ll12 O Willis 15 Celebrate Review EmmaWeller 52S03 Tijuana 1 l43fast 83 IOC S13 O Willis 9 Pt to Pt WMllaker Uelman Uelman627G9 627G9 Tijuana 55 f l07fast llf 109 ll P Martlnezl2 ThriftyThree EdLeVan Mistake MistakeROYAL ROYAL KenilworthTrainer IRISH ch h 6 M 118 By Tuscan Mary Dees by Kenilworth Trainer W A MacKenzie Owner I Rice 53611 Tijuana 5i f l09 fast Sf 109 14 14 14 14 31 R Carter 14 FGCorley VionnNail Wdrose 53590 Tijuana 1 l43fast Go 11G 7 S 10 11 102 10 R Carter 11 MissDunbar RelleFlowor GoOu 53477 Tijuana 34 l14fast IGf 11G 13 13 13 13 132S A eigler 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 5S4W Lassie5S4W Tijuana 51 f l08fast 19f 111 G 99 S 711 J Htamerl2 HansTopaz EugeniuK RVan 5 40r Tijuana ImTOy 147 fast 23f 111 10 12 12 12 11J 12 J Htamer 14 Rtinecft LOrphan OlmtC mrt 53361 Tijuana 1 l43faat 21f 119 4 3 R 7 7J 81 J Htamer 12 Jlehuun LitOrphau YkLassla 53333 Tijuana 34 l14fast 34f 10S 10 9 9 9J T J J Htamer 13 Striker DICUTO Miss Dunbur IRON RubyTrainer QUEEN b m 13 108 By Castirgn Queen Florentine Star Ruby Trainer H Thomas Owner V H Morrison 52169 Tijuana GS l01fnst 91 lOti 10 D Hum 11 Sad Sam Kd Le Van Billy Joe 51653 Tijuana 34 l17 fast 218 10S 10 ° R Dority 12 TBFavorito CJunia CKvans 50937 DairymanE0925 Chagrin Ab34 l22fnst S 113 7 C Everett 7 Top Uiuifr Hopeful Dairyman E0925 Chagrin Ab5S l02 = ifast 37 lit 31 C Everett 8 Eastertide StilNight HasLadj