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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming May 20 1920 59 4 107 LITTLE SANDY ch g 4 111 111Trainer By Harrigan Lemon Girl by Madstonb Trainer J W Byrnes Owner Tarn o Shanter Stable 52604 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 7 I1Q G 7 C 51 4 J Jl Dority 7 Tnnmhcoln HarryD My Mazlo r31 Tijunha 51 f l07ifiist 57 IOC S S 8 C1 Ti AV Taylor 9 Walter Mack Little Beach Nes 45154 Jef son 34 113 fast 7 ll6 12 C 4 21 21U II Tulltt it Grove A Kapicl Stride Caneiou 4093 Jefson 51 f 108 fast 7 110 9 7 7i 6 = 3 M Garner 10 Catania Viva Cuba MissParuell 45024 Jefson 51 f lOS7sfast 6 107 5 G C 5s Gi 1 Howard 13 Ablaze Plata Bill Peccant 45000 Jefson 51 f lOSslow 6 103 7 C 5 21 21 E DonhuelU Neenali Itib Double Van 44S53 Jefson 58 103 hvy 15 114 6 543 2 II Tullett 8 Midia DoubleVan C tlie Way LADY HARRIGAN ch f 4 By Harrigan Lady Hildreth by Golden Garter Trainer L T Whitehill Owner L Whitehill 34 114 fast C 103 4 4 1 D Prible 10 FWters BandStrs Mnklnll 1 143 fast 21 101 311 I 11 23 D Prible 10 JulyFly ElHey Swoetwater 53525 Tijuana 58 l01fast 22 102 C 45 6 GGi D Pribie 0 IlazelDale CalCuni Mannikinll 51444 Tijuana 34 l14fefast 13 103 7 22 1 3 D Prible 12 MIImalin Mankinll HOliver 53362 Tijuana 51 flQSfast lJ5f 104 11 888 683 D Prible 12 MUGarner FanNail MSedalia C2930 Tijuana 58 105 mud 5 IOC C C 7 71 S1 G Yeargln 0 TDuncan SeaHeaeb WODooly LADY ST PATRICK ch m 9 110 110Trainer By Campus Begone by Prestonpans Trainer W A Wells Owner W A Wells 52G24 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 12 111 3 122 331 R Carter 13 Viva P Squirrel Last Cliiticc 52502 Tijuana 58 l01fast lOf 111 4 4 3 3 4 U Carter 1t OliveD KillarneyBelle Viva 62450 Tijuana 58 l02Vffast C 111 ° 2 3 7hll H Carter 11 P Payne MDunbar B Squirrel 63379 Tijuana 58 103 fast SO 113 1 1 3 3i 75 G Gross If WCDooly VI Nail BSquirrei BSquirreiCJi 0142 Keno 61 f lOXfast 175114 CJi U Carter i Countltoris TliirSeven DandyV DandyV2i 60099 Reno 51 f lOSifast 7 114 114COLONEL 2i U Carter 7 MConrell FCIine KHarrigan KHarriganBy COLONEL MATT b e 8 112 112Trainer By Colin Ormelia by Orme Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk Polk52C35 52C35 Tijuana 51 f lOSVffast 21 100 5 5D2770 222 = 221 K Fator 8 Apple tack Pilly Joe Trulanc D2770 Tijuana 34 l14fast 1110 110 110C2G27 2 1C Fator 11 Ollie Wood ItSliooter LChance LChance2t C2G27 Tijuana 51 f l09 tslow at 107 107625SI 2t E Fator 11 Apple lack 1 J Murdock Kly 625SI Tijuana 5S l05slow 33f 110 7 K Fator MissParneli MasKranklin Mex Mex92t 62525 Tijuana 5J f 110 slop llf 110 92t K Fator 10 Maiinelieii Clironie MissParnell 62457 Tijuana 5i f l09slop llf 109 1092U523 7 E Fator 8 DFashion Pastime IIMcCarty IIMcCartyCl 2U523 Cheyenne 58 l02fast 8 112 112LADY Cl J MclntrelO LalSHroeade NewOrilene Mler LADY SMALL blk m 6 113 By Jack Atkin Oriental Pearl by Ingoldsby Trainer G A Luckey Owner G A Lnckey 63391 Tijuana 51 f lOS ffast 2310 1GS 3 1 1 4l fiJ II Kowe 11 MlKOinyJr IPiOe PSfuirrel 52917 Tijuana 5S l02slop S 105 9 9r284S C 3 31 S1 M SIghter i CAComiskcy Ilrisade ItiJirl r284S Tijuana 58 l01fast S5 102 1 1G260S 2 2 21 23 M SIghter 11 Dy Fashion Chrome Chanuant ChanuantC4J G260S Tijuana Ci f l10slov 15 110 C4J M MthewslO K Ilarrican M Kuretta Dotll 62441 Tijuana 58 lOOMifast 27 97 9762M2 452 II Slghter 9 Kliifty Sherman A LSttle Jakp 62M2 Tijuana 5i f lOSKOod 175 103 103OKLAHOMA 22 M Slghterll lUanchita Kiposta Ann S SBy OKLAHOMA IRISH br m 9 105 105Trainer By Brigade Wild Irish by Pontiao Trainer E E Buchanan Owner E E Buchanan 5S J00fist 122 100 4 078 S J Majestic S CAromkey JohnJr Stleyll 62592 Tijuana GJ f lOS = tfast 25 105 2 2 3 4s 9 1C Noble Kl Salilo Maiinikih II AlajaU 6 02 Tijuana 5S l01fast 13 IOC 3 3C34C3 1 C C2 C8 J Noble 1t OliveD Killarneylielle Viva C34C3 Tijuana 58102 fast 13f 101 4 4E2SSC 2 2 2i 3 B Josiah 13 Handah L Centry Kelicitor E2SSC Tijuana 65 f lSfast 9 103 4 3 3 3 5 1C Taylor 11 Krmitana Fan Nail GepJamea 62827 Tijuana 5i f lOSfaat 9 104 9 8 fi Ci 61 D Powell 12 Oldlloniestead KISabio JJiutern BARBER b f 3 92 92Trainer By Stanley Fay Pccasta by Peep oDay Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker 5HC39 Tijuana 34 114 fast 92 fi 77 73 fll II B RwerlO FWtors IJamlStrs Mnkinll MnkinllCi 52552 Tijuana B f 109 fast 35 110 3 3 C CK022 Ci C3J B Fator 31 Ctorge James Alajah Aryanna K022 Tijuana 34 116 fast 27 108 7 10 10 921 81 E Taylor 10 Tawasentlia JkUdi Sis 1olly 1olly7s 62931 Tijuana Im70y 152 mud 7 S9 7 5 7 f fC28S9 7s 7i H K Hwer S Mandie Lady Josephine Tours Toursgj C28S9 Tijuana 34 115 fast 10 103 C 99 gj 773 p Taylor it Croupier Tawaseiillia Sisloily SisloilyCj 62749 Tijuana 34115 fast 16 IOS IOSCANVASBACK Cj N Foden 9 Aunt Annie Capon Vcra Wood WoodBy CANVASBACK ch 4 100 100Trainer By Greenback Coronia by Voter Trainer F W Ritsch Owner J W Tate TateK524 K524 Tijuana 58102 fast 22 10710 4 5 5rS44fi 41 74 J Murray 14 SeaBoacli LettyHeo MFrariklin rS44fi Tijuana 5 f 108 fast Sf 111 7 44 44C3400 Ci CCJ O Willis 11 Celebrate Staiileyll 1 James C3400 Tijuana 5S l02fast 42 108 C 33 33632C2 5A C5 W Hinphy 12 Maid of Ansel El Sabio Viva 632C2 Tijuana 51 f l08fast lJ5f 104 G 55 55C2C27 3l 5 J W Hinphy 12 MkGarner Fan Nail MSedalia C2C27 Tijuana 51 f 109 slow 21 107 87J n McCrnnll ApJack ColMatt JJMurdock JJMurdockBy DOCTOR KENDALL ch g 10 112 By Marta SantarPicayune II by Deceiver DeceiverTrainer Trainer Z Barnett Owner Z Barnett 53C39 Tijuana 34 114 fast 19 112 1 C C Ci 7 R Dority 10 FWters UandStrs Mnkinll MnkinllMf92 Mf92 Tijuana 5 f l08fast 13 112 4 5 5 C1 C Jl Dority 12 Kl Sabio Mannikin II Alajah AlajahK5567 K5567 Tijuana 1 143 fast C 112 2 2 3 3 3 G R Dority iO JulyFly LHarrigiHi Kl Key 6 54 Tijuana 5S 102 fast S910 111 4 6 61 C R Carter 14 SeaHeach IettyUee MIYanMin MIYanMinC3405 C3405 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 17 112 2 54 4 6 K Dority 13 Sandab L Gentry Okla Irish Irish6rfi2 6rfi2 Tijuana 5i f lOSfast 7 121 2 9 10 10 91S A Zeigler 12 MkGarner FaiiNail MSedalia FIGARON ch f 4 M 110 By Rogon Figcnt by Hastings HastingsTrainer Trainer G C Button Owner G C Button 63324 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 27f 109 14 14 14 14 14 A Zeigler 14 SeaEeach LettylJee MFranUin MFranUinMASTER MASTER FRANKLIN blk g 9 112 By Modrid Zirl by Sala SalaTrainer Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Millard frClO Tijuana 34 114 fast 7 107 C 7 5 I 4 D Powell 13 Kfficiont LCIiance Ti Pointer 53592 Tijuana 51 f lOSrast 29 11210 10 S S = 7 ° i T McCulh 12 Kl Snblo Maiinikin II Alajah AlajahK524 K524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 15 107 13 10 9 5 3s D Powell 11 Kealieauh IettyKee Mondaine MondaineC483 C483 Tijuana 5A f 108 fast 22f 107 4 99 7 7fli O Willis 11 Harlleir Delancey MofAusel 52406 Tijuana 15S l02fast 52 10S 10 10 9 S2 S3 II Saladin 12 Maid of Ansel Kl Sablo Viva 62293 Tijuana Im70y l47slow 51 114 3 4 5 5 7s 11 C Gross 12 Kins Agrippa Kl Key SadieD OPAL WALL ch m 5 M 104 104Trainer By Orbicular Josephine Johnson by Bowling Green Trainer H Thomas Owner M H Morrison 53436 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 15 103 1 7 C 91 9 ° E Josiah 14 PPayne MDnnbar ILSquirrel i 79 Tijuana 5S 103 fast 53 107 10 4 6 5 41 B Marrelllir WCIXwIy ViNail ISSpiirrel 52S73 Tijuana 51 f 1 07f axt Sf 98 7 6 10 91 9 D Prible U Gold Hose HanTopaz CCourt 62730 Tijuana 5S 101 Vifast 37f lOt S12 G Yeargin 11 Perch Erruitaiia Uaby Faust 51917 Tijuana 5S l02fast 195 105 4s C McClvlel2 DoAdmit AliceCarr ValenLady JUDGE VAUGHN b s G M 107 107Trainer By Bourbon Beau Sutte by Hindoo Trainer L A McDowell Owner L A McDowell 52901 Tijuaan 1 l41faat 221 109 3 S 9 9 952SSS 9 913 W Hinphy 9 Lewis I Pizarro Ilnrrs Heir 52SSS Tijuana 1 l41fast 4f 112 10 S S 7 752G82 61 1 G Yeargin 12 KarShUliiiK Ely MtyLever 52G82 Tijuana 1145 slow 102 110 11052C70 7IS T Miley 8 K HarHguii Ap Jack Ctress 52C70 Tijuana 1 l48hvy Sf 108 10852C2S 7 C Thpson 8 Welnland 15oreas 15 rnice E 52C2S Tijuana 51 f 109 slow 10 109 10i T Miley 12 IrinDouBias AnStar EdLeVan 62547 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 164 107 S Miley 9 Uiposta Tillotson Geo James 52191 Tijuana 1 l42fast 101 IOS IOS519CO 1015 N Foden 11 UNiinc Hickorynut FShannon 519CO Tijuana Im70y l46fast 1 5 109 S8 C Duggan 9 Al Wifk Gen Bynjr Gift 61817 Tijuana 1 l44fast 52f 109 109ALICE 10 C Duggan 11 Salseorge Modiste llDtchman ALICE CARR ch m 7 M 108 108Trainer By Abe Frank Leenja by Hastings HastingsS Trainer J E Lewis Owner J E L l 52941 Tijuana 5S 104 slow 11 110 11 10 4 S = S E Taylor 14 CloJnnia MissQuri IegMartin 62S8C Tijuna 5 f lpSfast I3t 108 2 55 51 C53 W Perry 11 Krmitana Fan Nail lJeoJames 52771 Tijuana 34 l15fast Cf IOS 4J J Murray 12 Arietta JJMdock nShilllng 52646 Tijuana 51 f 112 mud 116 IOS IOS5S 5s II B Bwei12 Gertrude 15 Ann S Viva F25SO Tijuana 5S l03 siow 126 103 S9 H U BwerlO Tillotsoii KhgI ady Nledovati 62544 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 51 106 C11 E Taylor 11 J Iloshor Irfivasa Perfect Day 52277 Tijuana 1 l43 fast 37 108 8 J Clementsl2 Maywrirth MaudM Mhtyl ever GRACE W b m 8 M 110 110Trainer Iy Chimney Sweep Vindicta by Mack Wiggins Trainer E Hayward Owner F Davis 6352 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 12f 103 14 J4 14 14 11 II Jones 14 DrCorbelt KUseniaK VnaNail 63279 Tijuana 5S 103 fas123lOf 114 15 13 15 15 155 E Hay wd 15 WODooly ViNail BSipiirrel