Fourth Race [4th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-22

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FOURTH RACE 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming June 17 1916 138 3 95 MISS SainTrainer SEDALIA b m 9 110 By Bannockburn Sula by Balgowan or Sain Trainer T J Grant Owner A Lund 53G42 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 13 103 f GG G 42 35 II Jones 10 Cliarltonian Snmllill BSmoke 53179 Tijuana 1 l43fast S5 115 C 3 3 3 31 31 R Lowe 10 Kosellis Tours Patsy Mack 53420 MightyLever333G2 Tijuana 1 11G l4Jfst 85 112 1 2 2 2 22i 2 R Lowe 13 FanNail Zetetic MightyLever 333G2 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 3 11012 11 9 G 3 = 5 R Lowo 12 Mack Garner FannieNail Viva Viva5SS07 5SS07 Tijuana 1 11G l4Sfast 2J 110 2 G 3 4 43 3 R Lowe 9 Sasin Von Lady Ben Levy 53023 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 2110 115 111 1 32J 35i C Whlftonll Ostentatls MissSedalia EIRey EIReyDICK DICK HORN ch g C 110 By Dick Welles Lumax by Mirthful MirthfulTrainer Trainer C Higgins Owner C Higgins T3T90 Tijuana 1 l43ffast 7 113 C 4 3 4 45 Ci E Taylor It MissDunbnr PolleFlower GoOu GoOuOy 53537 Tijuana Oy l47fast 175113 G 3 3 3 32 41 E Taylor 11 Prophecy M Dunlmr KIIgjiii 53477 Tijuana 4 l14fast 13 10S 8 88 7l 69i J II tamer 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 53443 Tijuana 4 1 15fast2710f 108 8 G 8 725 C35 J Htamer 13 Review Cobalt Little Orphan 51 5103S 038 Tijuana 58 8 l02sfast 31 112 11251EG4 10t3 C McCklel2 CIIolters T Duncan Llcess Llcessf 51EG4 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 44 109 109COLONEL 11 G Yeargin 12 PMoody Clmntress Nashotnh Nashotnhb COLONEL MATT b g 8 114 114Trainer By Colin Ormelia by Orme Trainer S Polk Owner S Polk 53720 Tijuana 3411 fast 225112 9 953GS3 S 8 S S J R Fator 10 LnstClmnro Big Smoke Barber 53GS3 Tijuana 5S l01fast 910112 G GG3GTr 5 4 G2 77i E Fator 10 LSmall LHsirgiui M Franklin G3GTr Tijuana 65 f l08Vfefast 31 109 5 5C2770 2 2 22 2 = 1 E Fator 8 Apple lack Billy Joe Triilane C2770 Tijuana 34 l14fast 1110 110 110E2G27 33 E Fator 11 OIlie Wood KShooter LChance E2G27 Tijuana 5J f l09fslow 31 107 107525X1 2 = k E Fator 11 Apple Jack J J Murdock Ely 525X1 Tijuana 5S l05slow 33f 110 715 E Fator Missiarnell MasFranklin Mex 52525 Tijuana 65 f 110 slop lit 110 9Z1 E Fator 10 Mnnnchcn Chrome Misslarnell 52457 Tijuana 5J f l09MsIop llf 109 72S E Fator 8 DFasliion Piistim HMrCarty 39323 Cheyenne 58 l02fast 8 112 112CZARDOM C7i 1 MclntrelO I alSIrocade NewOrilene Mler CZARDOM b h 5 117 By Royal Realm Zoara by Matchmaker Trainer A Neal Owner Ncal Bartholo mew mew53G23 53G23 Tijuana Im70y l47fast G 113 12 7 7 5 42 4 5 D Powell 12 Sam Hill Emolda Electric 53478 Tijuana 1 l43fast 91011311 7 G 4 3J 25 B Mariellill Bckhornll LIointer Electric Electric5c4r7 5c4r7 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 3110 110 C 2 2 2 23 2J K Marlelli S Zetetic Tours Fairy Prince 5393 Tijuana 1 11C 150 fast 2910 112 5 4 G 7 82J 915 II Jones 12 Sadie I MLovcr LJosepliine 53334 Tijuana 1 l42fast 9 115 S G 5 2 I2 25 I U Marielli 8 Pusylird PatMack Uuuecraft 53321 Tijuana 34115 fast Sf 10710 G S S2 7 = J B Mariellilu Kof Pythias Kosellis Lantern LanternEMELDA LanternEMELDA EMELDA ch m 9 107 By Salvation Armadora by Gano GanoTrainer Trainer J B Clark Owner Toppcnish Stable 53721 Tijuana 34 115 fast 7f 105 G 88 4U 42i A Gantnerl2 M Duiibar Bars andStars Dota DotanfGG3 nfGG3 Ostentatious53G2S Tijuana Im70y l4G4 fast lOf 100 9 10 9 9 9 9 II Jgncs 10 DickieW Iierrot Ostentatious 53G2S Tijuana Im70y l47fast 35 100 1 G 4 4 21 225 H Jones 12 Sam Hill Electric Czardom 53479 Tijuana 1 l43fast 41 103 3 5 G G 5l G3 E Josiah 10 Uosullis Tours Miss Sedalia 13395 Tijuana 1 11G 150 fast 13C 102 12 10 8 S 7 785 A Gantnerl2 Sadie I MLovnr LJosephiiie 52298 Prophecj51S5S Tijuana 1 l42fast 14 109 11 Rowe 12 Tamilian AnJackson Prophecj 51S5S Tijuana 34 115 fast 353 115 8 ° 3 F Raker 9 Delancey Ocadourll JJMock JJMock479G3 JJMock479G3 479G3 Tijuana 55 f 108 fast 24 111 5 J McBride a MerLuss AJacksou MurielsPet MurielsPetPHELAN MurielsPetPHELAN PHELAN blk c 3 M 90 By Leonid Zirl by Sain SainTrainer Trainer 0 L Gibson Owner C B Daniels 53410 Tijuana Im70y llifast 37 90 4 S S 7 7 G D Hum S Swt Apple Daruay Charlestn 53383 Tijuana 31 l13fast G2f 97 10 11 II 12 11 J Majestic 12 Cacambo Vanessa Welles Pyx 5S9U1 Pyx5S9U1 Tijuana 1 l40fast 19f 88 10 9 S S Oh Oni II R BwerlO BUaker W Willow UavMonril 52851 Wick527G9 Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 8 90 5 4 4 3 22 2 G Yearjrin 8 Sweet Apple Dione AI Wick 527G9 Tijuana 55 f l07fast 100 OS 43 J ClementsI2 ThriftyTIiree EdLeVan Mistake 52314 Tijuana 1 l fast 7 93 7i G Yeargin 10 Tokalou March CCourt Maudie Maudie6214G 6214G Tijuana 34 116 fast 43 107 G3J G Yeargin Id FullMoon UFlower IIKAsher IIKAsher31G97 31G97 Tijuana 51 f iMiOlffast 73 101 G1 E Taylor 10 Shifty Full Moon ISelle Flower FlowerIG47G IG47G HugoAsher1C1G2 Tijuana 38 3Cfast 74 118 5U C Kirschm 7 Infield PliillipeLiigq HugoAsher 1C1G2 Tijuana 3 37 fast 26 112 7 J W Varley 7 MiMoSan lSSiuirrel MDunbar MDunbarFRENCH FRENCH NURSE b m C 103 By Rey Hindoo Trained Nurse by Yo el Rey Trainsr H Bell Owner Millerick Bros 3T 0 Tijuana 34114 fast 1G3 105 11 11 9 71 G E Taylor 13 Efficient LChince L Pointer 53591 Tijuana 51 f lOSifast 5 107 11 11 10 71 4 ° E Taylor 11 MMgomyJr LItee BSquirrel 53524 Tijuana 5S 102 fast II 100 11 11 11 7 5 E Taylor 14 SeaUeach LettyKce MKranUliu 53479 Tijuana 1 l13fist 19f 103 742 2 2h 7BJ J Iltamer lu Uosellis Tours Miss Sedalia SedaliaE3411 E3411 Tijuana 1 l42fast llf 111 10 G G S 115 12 A Zeigler 12 Ostentatious Hclniiin PTenuy 53321 Tijuana 34 115 fast Sf 107 8 99 75 C J J Majcslicir Kof Pythias Rosellis Lantern LanternSTANLEY STANLEY S blk g 13 110 By Jack Point My Gem by Ornament OrnamentTrainer Trainer W E Moody Owner Moody Garrity Garrity53GS1 53GS1 Tijuana Im70y 149 fast 12 11G 1 10 S S 8 ° G ° R Dority 10 UIIarrigan GoOn DrCPFryer 53517 ItHKauE332C Tijuana Im70y l47fast 4Uf 113 10 10 10 10 103 9 1 Murray 11 Prophecy M Duiibar ItHKau E332C Tijuana 1 18 155 fast 232 107 G 7 7 7 S Ss J Murray 8 Nepperhan Sasin Sam Hill Hill532G5 532G5 Tijuana 1 IMGVihvy 10f 112 It 11 12 12 11 10 B ParUe 12 CliMaster Dandy Van LJphIne 52811 ByCalC2CS8 Tijuana 1 18 154 fast 54 10S 721 R McCrnn 7 ISMntn CavldourlL ByCal C2CS8 Tijuana 1 31G 204 slow 2 101 G83 II Jones Le Dinosnure Lit Gink Cork Cork5255S 5255S Tijuana 1150 mud 15 115 9 R McCrnnlO Canute Lrosephine BleFlower BleFlower623G 623G Tijuana 1 18 l5Shvy 100 lit 73 R Dority 7 BySister BMountain Honolulu 62210 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast C5f 110 12 J Clements 12 Shenandoah Sauer Baby Sister SisterJUDGE JUDGE VAUGHN b g C M 110 By Bourbon Beau Sutto by Hindoo HindooOwEer OwEer J Seddon Seddon53GS3 53GS3 Tijuana 58 l01fast 2GE 110 10 10 10 10 10 T McCullhlO LSmall LIIargan MFranklln 52001 Tijuaan 1 l41fast 221 10 389 9 9 95 W llinphy 0 Lewis B Pizarro Harrs Heir 52888 Tijuana 1 l41fast 74 112 10 S 8 7 Gl 7 G Yeargin 12 HarSliilling Ely MtyLever 52GS2 Tijuana 1 145 slow 102 110 713 T Miley 8 K Harrigan Ap Jack Ctrcss Ctrcss52G70 52G70 Tijuana 1 l4Shvy Sf 108 715 C Thpson 8 Weinland Horeas Bernice E 5 G2S Tijuana C5 f 109 slow 10 109 10 ° i T Miley 12 PriiiDouglas AnStar EdLeVan 52517 Tijuana 55 f 112 mud 1G4 107 S Miley J Kiposta Tillotson Geo James 52191 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 101 108 101S N Foden 11 QNunc Hiekorymit FSlmmion FSlmmion519GO 519GO Tijuana Im70y l4Gfast 5 109 818 C Duggan 0 Al AVick Gen Byng Gift GiftE1817 E1817 Tijuana 1 l44fast G2f 109 10IS C Duggan 11 Salgeorge Modiste BDtchmnn BDtchmnnCLASS CLASS AmigoTrainer A ch g 7 M 110 By Salvation Colonia by Amigo Trainer E E Buchanan Owner G M Clemans Clemans5TGS4 5TGS4 DrCPFryer5rr Tijuana Im70y 149 fast 54 110 2 3 3 4 42 431 E Noble 10 RIInrrignn GoOn DrCPFryer 5rr yO Tijuana 1 l43fast 12f 113111011 10 O3 913 AV Perry 11 MissDunbar BelleFlower GoOn 53537 Tijuana Iift70y l47fast IGf 108 4 7 7 S S4 G75 J Noble 11 Propliecy jr Dunbnr KUgau 53478 Tijuana 1 l43fast 74 105 3 11 10 10 Si G10 J Noble 11 Itkhornll Czardom LPointer LPointerB2523 B2523 Tijuana Im70y l50J l50slop sop 2tf 110 1031 P MartinezlO Commander VonLady Prophecy 62381 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast G7 109 8S5 M M thews 11 Madrid Humma Gift 52313 Tijuana 1 l12fast 9 110 821 Rowe 9 TFMcMaliou KIKey JlraWlnn JlraWlnnDR DR C P FRYER ch h 7 M 114 By F W Barr Chita by Herald HeraldTrainer Trainer W J OBrien Owner M Capron Capron53GS4 53GS4 Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 12 115 10 S G 3 3 = 1 3l E Taylor 10 R Ilarrignn Go On Class A 53537 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 33 113 G 0 4 o 5u S A Zeigler 11 Prophecy M Dunbar KHgau 53177 Tijuana 34 l14fast IGf 113 It 10 10 S2 713 E Taylor 14 Capers Cobalt York Lassie 53419 Tijuana 58 l01fast 21f 113 11 12 10 105 8 ° II Rettig 14 DdeGuise TomCaro KRankiln 51S57 Tijuana 34 l15fast 51 115 S18 E HayWcl 10 Chas Cannell Striker Modiste 5153S Tijuana 51 f l09sfast 90 110 58J R Lowe 11 Dora Star Clover Juuia Ispham CHATTAN MorpheuiTrainer COURT b g 6 M 117 By Chanter Wynoneen by Morpheui Trainer A Hubbard Owner Jamea Sc Qhlldi 1 153GS4 53GS4 DrCPFryer5SG24 Tijuana Im70y 119 fast 5 115 G G a 5 51 7ci A Zeigler 10 KIIarrigan GoOn DrCPFryer 5SG24 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 14 113 1 10 9 8 = 5 GJ R Dority 13 Viva KSquirrel L St Patrick Patrick535GG 535GG Tijuana 34 115 fast 9 113 4 12 11 9 = S9 R Dority 13 Robert Lee Careen Viva 53478 Tijuana 1 l43V fast 225 117 C 9 S 9 71 71U B Pinngarll KkhornlL Czardom LPointer LPointer534G1 534G1 Tijuana 1 144 fast 21 113 7 7 3 2 2l 421 II Rettig 10 LJosene Prophecy RHargan 53420 Tijuana 1 11G l49fast 28 117 2 7 7 7 65 715 II Rettig 13 FannieNail MissSedalia Zetetle E3403 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 7 113 5 G 1 1 I1 3 5 II Rettig 14 Kuuecraf t LOrphan DanVau

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1921042201_7_2
Library of Congress Record: