Work-Outs From East And West, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-26

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WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST 562 HAVRE DB GRACE Md April 25 Sunday workouts at the local track were over a heavy course and included the following ThreeEighths Mile Mile557Claquer 557Claquer 40 43SLa Rablee 30 55 Gen Agrmoutc41 551Sandy Beal 40 40423Helen 423Helen Atkin 38 554Tubby A 41 41500Jem 500Jem 40 40Half Half Mile 557Alhcna 5GONancy F 51 51Restless T 57Baby Grand Restless 50 500Beaverkill 550 Slippery Elm 54 55Burlingamc 5 0Sagamore 51 51555Toe 554Chasseur 555Toe the Mark 53 Excuse Me Uncertainty 54 557Flambette riveEighths Mile S5SFrnit Cake 108 555Biff Bang 107 500CoIde4iODevastation 500CoIde Flint 108 10855VMy 4iODevastation 109 55VMy 1 1557Dr Dear 10 105COOnico 557Dr Clark 105 SOOOnico SOOOnico5iOEsquire 10 10559Polar 5iOEsquire 107 559Polar 559Polar557Frank 109 109559Zcalot 557Frank Moiiroel09 559Zcalol 103 103ThreoQuartors ThreoQuartors Mile Mile555Boniface 555Boniface 121 559K5ngs Champl22 Champl22428Caubeen 428Caubeen 122 550Lancclot 120 120559Citizen 559Citizen 122 SCOMotor Cop 120 1205oSDuc 5oSDuc de Mornyll5 558Old Dad 121 5iOHis Choice 127 SCO Venal Joy 121 SCOHigh Value 124 558 White Socks 121 SevenEighths Mile 555St Germain 138 501Queeu Blonde 137 137One One Mile Mile510Crumpsall 510Crumpsall 151 550Frogtown I4i5 210Dixie Carroll 148 550Thistle Queen 155 Sandy Beal was cantering Helen Atkin has not been seen for a long time but she looks ready La Rablee shows that mud is her favorite going Flambette did not appear to dislike the heavy going and worked well Nancy F appeared to ne ¬ gotiate the heavy going easily Dr Clark just cantering Fruit Cake may run a letter nice next out is as good as she will ever be Biff Bang should give a good account of himself Frogtown worked a good mile and appeared to like the going 563 HAVRE DE GRACE Md April 25 Today training gallops here included the following ThreeEighths Mile 559Dark Horse 40 40DelhiTVr 558MLstress Polly 40 DelhiTVr 3S 3SWSEd 5 lPrin Pandora 37 WSEd Rkenbhor3S Rkenbhor3S500Gay JKJSWood Violet 37 37417Streamer 500Gay Lnilv 4U 417Streamer 37 37rCOSooial 500 G allot S SSClGath rCOSooial Star 3 v v55Trusty SClGath 40 55Trusty 38 38SCOWar 451 Jean Corey 39 SCOWar Relief 3C = 55CJoaquina 40 Continued on ncond page WORKOUTS FROM EAST AND WEST Continued from first paste 553Rengali 54 54500Chief 558Rouen 500Chief 55 55510Domingo Restless 510Domingo 55 55503Doctor 501Routledge 503Doctor Jim 54 5455SKtermlnator 4 500Scourgcnian 500Scourgcnianw 55SKtermlnator w r 53 5355SFading 3 50t So it Goes 55SFading Star r 55 55Gain 50Salesman 50Salesmaniuso52 Gain ile Cause iuso52 52 500Thimble 554Gencral HO nrSToni Itrnnks 554Gencralrrn rrn iioreb 55 557Toreador 51 Uncertainty 52 rr2Williim A AFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile SinnDark Hill 107 107rr0Iolly 501New Orleans 105 105559Pueblo rr0Iolly C 105 105nr 559Pueblo 103 103nnsllialarla nr SGus Sclieer 107 nnsllialarla 100 10055GSalutc 454Lyric 101 55GSalutc 107 ThreeQuartera Mile 558Pridesman 127 nft Jacques 123 nc0lr O Wellsl23 43SLa Rablee 120 120r r COElmont 120 nnOMark West 121 121409Haran 409Haran 117 117SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile500Gloomy 500Gloomy Gus 127 One Mile Mile559Alma 559Alma n 148 455STar Realm 147 147rr7Aniackassin rr7Aniackassin lr3 500Some Raby lr0 lr0557BeIario 557BeIario 148 rrToss Up 148 148r50Osgood r50Osgood 148 550Thistlc Queenl50 Queenl50Jean Jean Coroy not doing much just going along easily Galiot was also going easy Social Star showed wonderful speed in the slow going and is improved since his last race Princess Pandora was worked fast Trusty went from the barrier and showed good speed War Relief was doing her best Routledge lost none of his speed by his last raco and finished under restaint Uncertainty showed a good half worked with Restless and both finished fast Pueblo is speedy and good just now New Orleans is going along nicely and you can look for him to start soon Klmont looks like a fast horse Bridesman is going along slowly and not near ready yet Some Paby worked a mile easily Star Realm went fast all the way under restraint LEXINGTON Ky April 25 Todays workouts here were as follows Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 418British Maid 30 30501Bettina Martha Fallen 30 30Mosquito 501Bettina 35 35r Mosquito 37 37207MayfIower r tBIossom House 30 207MayfIower 30 30501Miss 501Believe I Hour34 501Miss Patty 35 r0l151ack Servant 30 525Niobc 39 418Cossip Avenue 35 415Old Chap noillanse H 37 Quince QuinceIlutchinson Garden 7 Ilutchinson 37 501Romany 501Romany501Lady 39 501Lady Rochstei30 35 501Sure 35 501La Foudrc 30 501Vcrbotc 30 30Half Half Mile 421Apliio Dear 50 Lina Clark 50 Aloft 47 47notArch Moon Winks 53 53Marimba notArch Plotter 50 Marimba 50 50Mr I5ermont no non21Cobalt Mr Krutcr 50 50Overrun n21Cobalt Lass 40 Overrun 51 Coclio no noDad 501 Prince Wells 50 Dad 40 Ii21Piiz7le 51 442Eyes of Youtli4S r20Sandy IT Fast Trial 51 312Toney Lady lJoostei19 452Tnscola 518Frank E 49 Uncle Sonny 50 50320Goldcn 320Goldcn Autumn50 Wedgeon 50 50Harry Harry ONeil49 William Oldt 49 49Five Five Eighths Mile MileClem Clem Theisenl03 405Granitc Eycsl02 Eycsl02Conant Conant 101 430Paris MaidlO 501Dark Rai 104 501Planet 101 101407Diiice 407Diiice Tokalonl03 501Sam Rch 105 105550FIying 550FIying Orb 103 = 501The Virginianl05 Virginianl05ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile MileAdvance Advance 118 Lady Morrowl15 Morrowl15375Advocate 375Advocate 119 323LErrant 115 115453Brig 453Brig of War 110 4MLouio Lou 114 114501Blk 501Blk Hackle 110 52Nonsuit 114 114522Corilla 522Corilla 114 453Pongee 115 115501Darjeeling 501Darjeeling 110 Ragan Sea 118 118502Eternal 502Eternal 113 52SSndragon II 118 52711 Burgoynel 451Sir T Keanl15 noiT S Reardonl13 502Win or Quitl10 Quitl10SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile MilenOlKthel nOlKthel Gray 130 Ninth Pin 130 130One One Mile 442Rnddy Keanl47 nSShad Lawn 144 40115oii iromniel42 n29Sliilling 142 142rSSlioot 331Fair Florin 147 rSSlioot Away 143 if 49MJrtMSweil 147 = 527T Ptguese 14 rC2IIigli Cloud 140 274T Engmanl41 T F Rnsselll47 435TawasenUia 1 Jim Daisy 142 527 W o t AVispl42 410Monsoon 141 r 02Whirlg Dunl4lfc Dunl4lfcMile Mile and a Quarter 502Sandman II 211

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Local Identifier: drf1921042601_1_7
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