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ni HACK i Mile MileApril Hyearolrts MairtoiiS Fillies Siiceial April 1 1 17 Z3 LILLIAN MAE B b f 2 M 112 By Uncle Little Tee by Galvcston GalvcstonTrainer Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baker 537S3 Lcxton 12 49hvy 2910 112 1 4 3l 3s 13 Pool 12 JcanucBowdre Alverldu Querida OUERIDA blk f 2 M 112 112Trainer By Von Tromp Mammy by Scmpronius Trainer J Lowe Owner E Cebrian 537S3 Lcxton 12 49hvy 20 112 10 41 41S II Lunsfd 12 JBowdrc Alvcrida LlUiiMaeB MISS CRESTWOOD blk f 2 M 112 By Dick Finnell Helene by Hermis HermisTrainer Trainer K Spcncc Owner W E Applogato 537S3 Lcxton 12 49hvy 25 112 S 11 II4 11s8 T Murray 12 JBowdrc Alvcrida LiUnMaeB LiUnMaeBFIELD FIELD LARK b f 2 M 112 By Short Grass Superl by The Commoner CommonerTrainer Trainer K Spence Owner W V Thravcs Thravcs537S7 537S7 Lcxton 12 4Sslow luf IOC 5 12 10JIO5 B Scoblc 12 LordAlIen Gentility PeppcrTea PeppcrTeaCOMEDIE COMEDIE DAMOUR br f 2 M 112 By Luko McLuke Cannon by Peter Quiaco QuiacoTrainer Trainer G H Kecce Owner J 0 Kcenc MARTHA FALLON br f 2 II 112 By McGee Boony Doon by Prince of Melbourne MelbourneTrainer Trainer W Perkins Owner C W Moore JEWELL V D ch f 2 M 112 By Tho Manager Chilla by Alvcscot AlvcscotTrainer Trainer J M Cooper Owner C Koehler 63490 Tijuana 51 f 54fast t 112 3 544 = G10 C VanDun S TDuudcc PcpTca Iiicognanco 63001 Tijuana 31 f 42fast 12 107 7 7 7 6i C VanDun 7 CwoodBoy Incognanee P Wale WaleMABEL MABEL CURTIS ch f 2 M 112 By McGce Dutch Barbara by Flying Dutchman Trainer C T Worthington Owner C T Wcrthington 52825 Tijuana 3S 37fast 13 115 2 4 5 = i II Saladin S Tomahol E Williams WilliamsCARRIE CARRIE KingstonTrainer BAKER b f 2 M 112 By Horron Bay of Pleasure by Kingston Trainer R Goose Owner R Goose 62742 KGnds 3S 3S hvy 15 10SJ 7 3nt 4 J H J Burkcl2 VColleen Loveliest 52709 FGnds 38 3 mud 25 10S1 5 3h 5 = F Murphy 8 Stamp Little Patsy 52619 FGnds 3S 36 fast 15 112 9 122 12 F Murphy lo DVardcn LHAiniuic LHAiniuic0217G 0217G FGnds 3S 3TWfast 45 115 3 5 6 ° D Connllyll FlyBeauty KWliitc KWliitcC2393 C2393 FGnds 3S 3Tfast 8 111 S 9s 910 H J Burke 10 War Relief One Pin PinFirst First start for the following LADY ROCHESTER b f 2 M 112 By Dick Finnoll Bcllona by Beau Ormoni OrmoniTrainer Trainer M Nicholl Owner M Nicholl OVERRUN ch f 2 M 112 By Martinet Lowcry by St Florian FlorianTrainer Trainer P J1 Williams Owner R D Williams BRIGHT TRASH br f 2 M 112 By Bulsc Cain Chaser by Otis OtisTrainer Trainer J D Clayton Owner J W Parrish LITTLE DisguiseOwner POLLY ch f 2 M 112 By Frizzle Polly Connelly by Disguise Owner S C Lync BERNICE K ch f 2 M 112 By Golden Maxim Eva K by The Friar FriarTraiccr Traiccr J C Milam Owner J C Milam SISTER VINCENA blk f 2 M 112 By Yankee Lady Vincent by St Blaiso BlaisoOwner Owner C E McCarthy BE GOOD HimyarTrainer b f 2 M 112 By Cunard Follies Bcrgercs by Himyar Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley INDIA PlauditTrainer ch f 2 M 112 By Delhi Miss Bellamy by Plaudit Trainer S Chenault Owner T C McDowell