Fifth Race [5th Lexington, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-26

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FIFTH RACE 1 aillc Aslilaml Oaks iiycarolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesMay May 11 1O11 1 7 li5 5 1O8 i K H BELIEVE IDLE HOUR ch f 3 By Canard Lovenot by Voter Trainer H J Thompson Owner E R Bradley 61423 Churchl 115 111 111 1 7 Kinbtirn Captain Mac Min Man 6lU2 Churchl 78 l25fast 1 118 2 1 1 1 I1 1J L Lyke i LyCiiamp Bcttina MissFtame E07S9 McGdwinM459 Latonia 34 l12fast 125 12G 1 13 5i 5i A Collins 13 Raiign Muskallongc McGdwin M459 Lcxton F C l09Vifast 10 120 1 11 li lt K Pool 7 StarVoter SirTKwin Gangway D003S GangwayD003S Belmont 34 st l12V fast 20 122 2 4 44 7 L Lyke IS StcpLightly StarVoter GreyLag 4979S GreyLag4979S Bclmont 51 f lOGfast 115 120 4 4 3Z in L Lyke 9 ByJiminy LastStraw Tamarisk TamariskBIT BIT OF PersimmonTrainer WHITE b f 3 121 By Sunstar Dreamy II by Persimmon Trainer H J Thompson Owner E B Bradley 53783 Lcxton 34 l13slow 12 116 S 43 4l 4DJ Ii Lyke S GDrcams LMadcap AphieDcar 47131 Churchl 12 47fast 3310 119 2 1 1J li L Lyke C MMufuns MFontaine ApUear 47114 Churchl 12 49slow 1 112 6 1 la 1s L Lyke 12 Tawasentua Pekoe Loveliness LovelinessGOLDEi GOLDEi DREAMS ch f 3 121 By Dick Finnell Moonet by Donald A Trainer B J Brannon Owner B J Brannon Brannoni85 BofWhitc5137S i85 Lcxon 34 l13 slow SI 104 3 11 1i 1i L McDott 8 LMadcap ApliDcar BofWhitc 5137S Churchl 34 l145igood 8 IOC 3 1 1 25 25 F Smith Loveliness Cozctte Romance 41271 Sartoga GS 5Sfast 50 10T 9 43 S3 815 J II Burkcl5 Leonardo II llildur Wellflnder WellflnderBETTINA BETTINA CommandoTrainer b f 3 121 liy Ligut Brigade Ecatarina by Commando Trainer J C Milam Owner J N Oamden Oamden51H9G 51H9G Churchl 31 l13fast 10 111 10 S G oj Gsi F Wilson 10 Coyne RisRock UlowItiibblcs 51312 MissFtaineG107 Church 1 78 l25f aat 2910 115 153 1533 3 3 3i K Pool 0 BIdlcIIr LClmmp MissFtaine MlllersbgB1002 G107 Latonia 34 l12 fast 910 115 4 44 3J 2 E Pool 5 MissMuffins Pongee Mlllersbg B1002 Latonia 1 l3S fiHt 3310 119 S 7 G S 7J 71J A Collins 10 BYourself McGdwin BrotlierB 50912 SirLawnfalGOG12 Latonia 1 l41fist 1110 107 7 8 S S SGOG12 3l 1J A Collins 12 BBatch UalWliecl SirLawnfal LRoseG05CO GOG12 Latonia Gi f 107 fast 2110 112 4 44 2J 2k W Heinch 7 GossipAve Millcrsburg LRose G05CO Latonia Gi f t07fast 7 115 4 6 64 4 2l 1J W Hcinch 7 GossipAve ApliieDear Myltose MyltoseLADY LADY MADCAP br f 3 121 121Trainer By Dick Finnell Affable by Hastings Trainer S Chonault Owner D Brcckcnridgo f37S5 Lexton 34 l13alov 9 112 2 22 J 2 2l 2U J Howard 8 G Dreams AphDcar BofWIiitc 47X75 I itonia 4i f 53ftust 1310 113 3 3 23 It J Howard 7 GfissipAvADcarMaiuy oMine 47520 Churchl 4i f Glfast 2110 11G 1 1 1APHIE li 1 J Howard 12 Myltose MFtainc BlnclieMac APHIE DEAR ch f 3 121 121Triincr By Ivan the Terrible Armilda by Bryn Mawr Triincr A Baker Owner A Baker G37S3 Lexton 34 l13slow 11 112 4 34 4 3s 34J M Garner S GUreauis LMadcap BofWliite M S87 Latonia 34 l12fast 95 111 4 4 43 3 2i O Willis 15 GossipAve LKate MissMufns G07S9 Latonia 34 l12fast 9 IIS 11 13 13 12 1212 P Konudyl Rangn MuskallongCi McGdwin GOGO Latonia Gi f l07fast 31 11G 3 3 3 32 3J O Willis 7 Bettina GossipAvcnuc Myltose 50384 Lcxton Oi f l07fa t 2110 115 1 1 1 1s Il O Willis 7 Millorsrg LastUosc MJBaker 48371 Latonia 5i f 105 fast 35 116 2 2 24S244 2 1S I1 Connliy 7 MJBaker Pekoe MaryGaffney 4S244 Latonia 5i f l05good 32 110 2 4 4DAY 3 I1 1J H J Burke S MJBaker MoMine LastRose LastRoseBy DAY LILLY br f 3 121 121Trainer By Olambala Ora e Lilly by William the Third Trainer J Tiguo Owner F St John 53783 AphieDcarG2S15 Lex Lcxton ton S4 l13slow 8 112 7 7 7G2S15 755 5ln J Roberts 8 GDrcams LMadcap AphieDcar G2S15 FGnds 78 l2U fast 45 109 G 3 3 1 I1 1i J Roberts 0 Lucy Kate Doric Julia N t2 fil FGmlS 31 l13Vifast 3 103 G r G 4 1J T Roberta 0 Rolo Rancocas Julia N NG2539 G2539 FGnds 34113fast 12 99 7 Lost rider J McCoy 8 Un Verde BungaBiick Rancocas 52478 FGnds 34 l13fast 41 106 2 44 2t 1 F Wdstk 11 Raucocas Rolo Occau Swell SwellFRIVOL FRIVOL PlauditTrainer br f 3 121 By Trap Rock Little Sister by Plaudit Trainer H Neusteter Owner H Neustoter NeustoterG2815 G2815 FGnds 78 I2fifast 0 10S 4 1 1 2 9 9 II Lunsfd 0 Day Lilly Lucy Kate Doric 02745 FGnds 61 f l10hvy 15 10G 4 3 5 4 Gts A Collins 7 Dciric Wedgwood Julia N NE2I97 E2I97 FGnds 31 l13fast 20 103 4 888 8 8B B J Kyan S Twopair Joaauina Alcatraz AlcatrazD2116 D2116 FGnds 78 l20fast 50 103 2 1 8 8 8 8 5 J Ryan 8 B Check Botheration Loveliness 51378 Churchl 34 l14 good 6 113 5 4 5 6 6 L Lyke C Loveliness GoldDrcams Cozette CozetteLAST LAST ROSE ch f 3 121 By Handsel Janice by Midlothian Trainer B J Brannon Owner B J Brannnn G07S9 Latonia S4 l12fast 25 110 4 4 C CG06I2 71 7s 7sJ J M Garner 18 Rangn Muskallonge McGdwin G06I2 Latonia 51 f 107 fast IS 103 G 7 G GC03S1 4l 4i J II BurKo 7 GossipAve Bettina Millcrsburg C03S1 Lcxton 51 f l07tast 3710 112 3 2 22 22D0335 2 3 32 N Barrett 7 ApliieDear Millersg MI Baker D0335 Lexton 51 f l07fsist 910 110 4 3 33 3 Z 3 N Barrett 5 Millcrsburg1 AuntlcMay KFray 49418 Sartoga 35 113 fast 50 10S 7 6 65 5 6J 6 = 1 J H Burkoll S Screen GJMGomcz Kbbiu 424 Sartoira 5i f l07slop 40 Jn 7 54 54PONGEE 544 ° 3 J H Burke 8 Oriole Strictfield Uildur PONGEE br f 3 121 121Trainer By Rock View Centre Shot by Sain Trainer J C GalUther Owner Galloher Broa 537S5 Ixsxton 31 l13 alov 36 109 C G 66 66513S C fJ 71T L Allen S GDrcams LMadcap ApliielJear 513S Churchl 34 115 good2910 110 1 3 34 4 5X 4J C Bucl 7 WhiteStar Millcrsbg Mcrrimac 51236 Latonia 51 f l07siow S 309 533 333 3 A Collins 5 MissMitfns HDudley ATUcrt 51157 I Ittonia ttonia 51 f lOSmud 7 115 1 1 11 1 11 I1 A Collins 9 Julia N Dimples My Rose 61075 Latunia 34 l12ft t 12 103 2 2 22 2 2 S5 A Collins 5 MissMuffins Bettina Mlllersbg 60962 Latonia 34 l14fast 145 107 9 8 88 8 4J lb A Collins 12 Natural PepPolly Machiavelli

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Local Identifier: drf1921042601_5_2
Library of Congress Record: