Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1921-04-26


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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJTJANA Mexico Sunday April 24 1921 One hundred and sixteenth day Lower California Jockey Club Winter Meeting of 12S days Weather clear temperature 70 70Presiding Presiding Steward Francis Nelson Associate Stewards T W ColTroth and Leon Wing Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary Leon AVing AVingRacing Racing starts at 155 y in Chicago time 455 455i37Q7 i37Q7 First Race 1 11G Miles Juno 24 FWI I 1010 145 3 110 Purse 400 3 ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second C5 third 35 35Einiv Einiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53701 = Miss Sedalia 10S lh K Taylor 100100537J5Robcrt 100100 100100537JrRobcrt 537JrRobcrt Lee 112 2n D Powell 510100 537 5Zetetic 115 3 1 Majestic HSO100r HSO100 HSO100537fi3Patsy r 537fi3Patsy Mack 105 4 R Dority i21fiO100 53554 May worth 110 r h JJ Parko C30100 53705 Sam Hill 115 C T Mulcahy GOO100 575 Kons Buck 10D 7 II Rowo t53725Sauer t t53725Sauer 53725Sauer 112 S E Noble 12GO100 12GO100tMutuel tMutuel field 2 mutuels paid Miss Sedalia 580 straight 380 place 280 show Robert Lee 000 place 120 show Xetetic 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Miss Sedalia 190 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Robert Lee 230 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Xetetic 40 to 100 show showTime Time l494 Track fast fastWinner Winner A Lunds b in 9 by Rannookburn Sula by Ralgowan or Sain trained by T J Grant bred by Mr Barney Schrcihnr SchrcihnrWent Went to post at 155 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 53701 Colonel Matt 114 53089 Lady Josephine 112 53721 Von Lady 110 53721 Knight of Pythias 114 114Overweights Overweights Sam Hill 1 pound O O Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Juno 28 iu 1910 105 3 118 Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 05 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight r30 Kath RankinllO 1 U Carter 53090Geo James 302 23 J Majestic 55757 Divlancl 115 1J A Beisler 5377 II Angleton 115 4 E Taylor 53725 English Ladyll r J Murray 53721 Review 111 GJ 13 Fator t7IO100 53500 Maud M 113 7 F Cbiavelta 21SOino 53502 Tiev James 115 S3 II Jones 43SO100 43SO100537202riK 537202riK Smoke 107 9 D Powell S10100 53013 Pr Douglas 115 103 J Mulcahy t tB3fi B3fi 2WelRa 10S llli II Rowe t 53025 Crispie 1 K D Hum t 53742 Limerick 107 I2 E Noble t 53501 MKcry JrlOS 14 G Rcdfern f290100 f290100fMutucI fMutucI field 2 mutuels paid Katharine Rankin 2120 straight 9iO jilaco 500 show Georgo James 820 place 020 show Divland S500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Katherine Rankin 900 to 100 straight 3SO to 100 place ISO to 100 show George James 310 to 100 nlnce 210 to 100 show Divland 150 to 100 show showTime Time 108 Track fast fastWinner Winner G M Palmquists eh in 55 by Suffra ¬ gist Katherine Connor by Mirthful trained by G M Palmqiiist bred by Mr G F Sehreiner SehreinerWont Wont to post at 220 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 53013 Evalyn Harrigan 115 115Overweights Overweights Prince Douglas 3 pounds Mont ¬ gomery Jr 1 107 Purse 700 Heats Best two in three 3ycarohls and upward Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 FIRST HEAT HEATEquiv Equiv Odds 1 Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53707 Doc Corbett 112 1 E Taylor CO100 53742 = E1 Sabio 107 2i E Noblo CrO100 537 52B Squirrel 105 3n J Majestic 10100 53i0Our Leader 107 4 D ITurn HCO100 53725 Billy Joe 112 flit 13 Fator S101CO 53087 Irish Daisy 110 0 R Dority 2G3 100 53743 Mineral Jim 113 7 A Xeigler lOHI100 2 mutuels paid Doctor Corbott 320 straight 200 place 220 show El Sabio 300 place 200 show Bell Squirrel 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Doctor Corbett 00 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 10 to 100 show El Sabio 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Bell Squir ¬ rel 50 to 100 show showTime Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner R M Hollenbecks b h S by Rapid Water Bridge Light by Lamplighter trained by It M Hollenbeck bred by Mr T H Jones Went to post at 144 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 53792 Canvasback 112 112Overweights Overweights Mineral Jim 1 pound poundSECOND SECOND HEAT HEATEquiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53725 Billy Joe 112 E Fator 537J22El Sabio 107 E Noble 5309Our Leader 307 D Hum 53702 B Squirrel 105 43 J Majestic 1710100 53707 Doc Corbett 112 f 1 E Taylor S2100 S2100530K7 530K7 Irish Daisy 110 C 11 Dority 2SRO100 53742 Mineral Jim 113 7 A Zeigler 1S101CO 2 mutuels paid Billy Joe 1400 straight 720 place 080 show El Sabio 500 place 400 show Our Leader 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Billy Joe 030 to 100 straight 200 to KM place 210 to 100 show El Sabio ISO to 100 place 100 to 100 show Our Leader 120 to 100 show showTime Time 102 Track fast fastWinner Winner B II Schaefers cii g 9 by Russell Ethel T by Richmond trained by A Gibson bred by Mr Overtoil II Chenault ChenaultWent Went to post at 309 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv TIIIRD HEAT HEATEquiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53725 Billy Joe 112 lso E Fator 10100 53707 Doc Corbett 112 2 E Taylor 210100 2 mutuels paid Pily Joe 240 straight Equivalent booking odds Billy Joe 20 to 100 straight straightTime Time 109 Track fast fastWinner Winner B II Schaefers cli g 9 by Russell Ethel T by Richmond trained by A Gibson bred by Mr Overtoil II Cheiiault CheiiaultWent Went to post at 320 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won pulled up second driving 000 3 R fl uu n Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 1 1920 i43i5 6 122 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second 65 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 5372 1W MgomyllG 1 D Hurn 210100 53724 Trophy 113 22 D Powell 190100 190100530J4Piedra 530J4Piedra 111 SJ II Rowe 490100 53555 Peerless One 10S 4 E Fator 1120100 53 G14 Groat Hawk JOS 5 B Parko 1100100 53004 Kirkwool 91 G E Noble 720100 2 mutuels paid Woodie Montgomery 020 straight 200 place 240 show Trophy 200 place 240 show Piodra 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Woodie Montgomery 210 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Trophy 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Piedra 30 to 100 show showTime Time 145 Track fast fastWinner Winner C R Irwins eh g 8 by First Chip Duchess of Montbelio by Ranastar trained by C B Irwin trained by Mr S Waring WaringWent Went to post at 347 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third tin same sameOverweights Overweights Kirkwood 4 pounds uouuj Rfll rift Kacc 58 Mile May 20 1920 594107 Pursc 400 3ycar0iig 3ycar0iigand and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second G5 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 53009 C A Comym In H Jones 200100 20010053251Billy 53251Billy Lane 92 2 E Noble Noble9S SHOirX SHOirXr37403Cliarlestonian r37403Cliarlestonian 9S 3J 15 Parko 42CO1M 53051 Viva 100 4i D Powell Powell53iJtStanIey ftim100 53iJtStanIey II 101 5J D Hum Hum4H954 910100 4H954 C o the MnllO OS K Carter Carter53M32Tillotson 420100 53M32Tillotson 109 72 10 Taylor Taylor53iOJ IDOlUfl IDOlUfl53iOJ 53iOJ Little Jake 110 8 R Dority t ttMutuel tMutuel field 2 mutuels paid C A Comiskcy 000 straight 300 place 200 show Billy Lane 400 plaee 340 show Charlcstonian 1120 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds C A Comiskey 20 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Billy Lane 130 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Chnrlestonian 400 to 100 show showTime Time 101 Track fast fastWinner Winner E Getchells lilk g 0 by Dick Welle Sweet Nell by Ksher trained by E Getchell bred by Mr Thomas Piatt PiattWent Went to post at 413 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameScratched Scratched 530l2La Bete Noire 109 537073 Harrigans Heir 114 53707 Tempy Duncan 90 53744 Tom Oaio 101 53740 Killarncy Belle 100 100Overweights Overweights Viva 5 pounds Cock o the Main 2 Little Jake 4 809 Sixth Race 1 11C Miles June 24 JOOV 1916 145 3 110 Purse 700 3 ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 70Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straightfi3i5Ikn fi3i5Ikn Harvey 01 J Majestic 7W100 5357S2nifIo 10S 2 = 1 D Hum 5302 Louis 107 TJ D Powell 307 Ji E Burns I GGGKailor 111 fik E Taylor 00101 0010153745Bour 53745Bour OreenlOG fis E Fator SIO1W1 SIO1W153GI4rce 53GI4rce David 100 7 E Noblo 4iSO100 Coupled in betting as C R Irwin entry 2 mutuels paid Ike Harvey 1080 straight 480 place 200 show V P Irwiu entry 280 place 220 show Louis 200 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ike Harvey 740 to 100 straight 140 to 100 place 30 to 100 show C B Irwin entry 40 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Louis 30 to 100 show showTime Time 147 Track fast fastWinner Winner A Jones b c 3 by Ikki Helen Har ¬ vey by Star Ruby trained by A Jones bred by Mr A L Jones JonesWent Went to post at 438 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingOverweights Overweights Ike Harvey 1 pound uouun 5 8 0 Seventh Race 5 12 Furlongs Juno 281810 105 3 118 Purse 000 3ycarolds and upward Handicap Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 r rEquiv Equiv Odds Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight 530 7Calialan 105 I3 B Parke 53GG72 Judge Klwthl07 23 J Majestic 53723 War God 109 32 AV Mclntyre 2CO100 53007 Phrone AVardlOu 43 E Burns ti00100 ti00100E 5372 Sedgcgrass fit 52 E Noble 7r0iOO 7r0iOOA 53542 War Smoke HO T A Gautner Gautner50XMTen 7190100 719010050XMTen 7190100F 50XMTen Can 310 7 F Chiavctt 2210100 2210100537233Kedan 537233Kedan 95 Left at postD Hurn t fCnupIcd in betting as C 15 Irwin entry 2 muluels paid Cahalan 340 straight 240 place 240 show Judge Ellsworth 200 place 240 show War God 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent Imoking odds Cahalan 70 to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Judge Ellsworth 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show War Cod SO to 100 show showTime Time 105 Track fast fastWinner Winner Nevada Stock Farms 1 g 3 by Honey wood Alice Cary by Trnppenn trained by W S Heath bred by Nevada Stock Farm FarmWent Went topost at 503 At post 1 minute Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ingScratched Scratched 53007 Lady in Black 107 107Overweights Overweights War God 3 pounds Scdgegrass 1 Ten Can 1 ft 3 ft uw fl 4 Eighth Race S 12 Furlongs June 28 1910 105 3 118 Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 300 second G5 third 35 35Equiv Equiv Odds OddsInd Ind Horse Wt Fin Jockey Straight Straight530GlToomboIa 530GlToomboIa NT Ink B Parko 200100 53705 Mannchen 109 23 D Powell 110100 53705 Carrie Moorel02 3 E Noble tlO 11020100 11020100537GGsIke O100 O100537iislko 537iislko Mills 110 421 E Fator ISJIIMUO ISJIIMUO530X8 ISJIIMUO530X8 530X8 Ner 109 r1 II Itowe 1210iCO 53031 Orchid Kg 109 G E Burns 920100 53700 Perch 110 7 II Dority 27UO100 53383 B Blackwcll 115 S J Mulcahy t ttMutuel tMutuel field 2 mutuels paid Toombeola 720 straight 320 place 240 show Mannchen 280 place 200 show Carrie Moore field 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Toombeola 200 to 100 straight 00 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Mannchen 40 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Carrie Moore field SO to 100 show showTime Time 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner L II Tryons b g 5 by His Majesty Connemara by Stratford trained by L II Tryou bred by Mr Gifford A Cochran CochranWent Went to post at 529 At post 3 minutes Start straggling and slow Won driving second and third the Fame FameScratched Scratched 53795 Green Mint 111 53f01IIairy I 109 53SC3 Sedgeirrass 111 53100 War Winner 10S 10SOverweights Overweights Bill Blackwcll 1 pound

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921042601/drf1921042601_2_8
Local Identifier: drf1921042601_2_8
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800