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TIJUANA ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track fast Kacing sturts at 155 p m Chicago time 455 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Appreniice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 1 18 Miles 3vcarolds and upward Claiming Track record March 27 1921 102 5 5Todays TodaysInd Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan 53828 = bClwttan Court M 5 113 725 725r394 r394 lCapt Evans M 4 101X720 101X720313S1 313S1 Zia 15100715 53305 bSky Pilot 109157 S 1160715 53931 Go On M 6 113 705 53794 Stanley S 100156 13113X700 13113X70053S2S 53S2S Iron Man M 13 113 700 53537 Fitzgerald 11113X700 11113X700Second Second Race 58 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 20 1920 59 1 107 53951 = Hugo K Asher 102 102 3 301 725 53789 = Molm Lake M 102 l06h 3 98 720 53927 = Valentine LadyM104 102 4 104X715 53080 Sir John Jr 107 103 3 103 715 53950 Mazic Barber 103102 0 0104X715 53909 Muriels Pet 109101 8 8109X715 8109X71553928s 109X715 53928s Opal Wall M 98103 5 109 715 D3951 Canvasback 110 102 4 105X710 53900 Smiling Anna 113 102 7 109X710 03950s Doctor Kendall 112 102 10 111X710 03361 Katherine Carey CareyM M 52920 Erna R M 114 101 11 I0r 700 53951 bCalifornia Jack 107 103 10 107X700 53511 Underbrush M 110 103 9 107 700 U998 Sis Mallory M105 105 103 S 109 700Third 700 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3ycarolds 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 28 1916 103 3 118 118J3957 J3957 bCharlestonian 115 l15h 10 1140721 03909 = bDnc de Guise 107 108 0 112 720 03789 Joe Underwood 107109 3 101 715 53949 Lady St Patrick 113 107 10703793s 9 105X710 03793s P Moody 90 90107 107 4 107 715 53929 = bDivland 115 107 0 117X710 53953 Little Pointer 100 108 3 101X710 03909 Tempy Duncan 108 108 10 105X710 53879 Indian Brigade 113 107 8 107X710 03879 Ethel 113 107 C 110X705 03881 Tambian 108 1 108 08 0 110 700 03641 5641 Bernice E 112 112109 109 6110X700 6110X700Fourth Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 28 1916 105 3 118 53905 bCAREEN 105 107 6 110 710 53725 bMerry Lass 103 107 6 110 715 53879 = Striker 109 106 11 112715 Walter Whitaker 112 1OS 53950 = bApple Jack 107107 7117X715 53908 Lady Harrigan 112108 4 112 710 71053S31 53S31 Delancey 104jl07 8 114X710 53880 bllumma 105 107 0 107X705 03957 bLast Chance 106107 8112X705 03013 Evalyii Harrigan 107 107 5 112 705 7055390S 5390S Hattie McCarty 103 107 5 105 700 53910 bTorn Caro Ill 108 S 112X700 53709 Mineral Jim 112107 10112X700 10112X700Fifth Fifth Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 24 1916 140 3 110 53907 bCzardom 115 149 5 107 725 53833 bXetetic 105148 9 108 720 5330 = Tokalon March 115147 7 107 715 53795 Gen Byng 111148 5114X715 53958 bSea Beach 107 148 8 114X715 53952 bLady Josephine 110150 5102X710 5102X71003S32 03S32 0uf Maid 112149 4108X710 53930 bllubbub 111145 81140710 53956 = bDeckhand 114 146 7 119705 53912 Marie Connell 109 148 5 107700 107700Sisth Sisth Race 58 Mile Mile3voarold 3voarold anil upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record May 20 1020 59 1 107 53132 bEl Mahdi 10 107 725 03960 Carrie Moore 100 100 0 107 720 72003954s 03954s Shifty 94100 3102X710 03939 Sedan 110100 7110715 53688 = Lonely 101 100 4 111X715 03933 bPcrch 112100 6109X710 03954 Claude Weaver 100101 8 112 710 71053P56 53P56 Kitty Cheathuni 106 100 7 100 705 03960 Camouflage II 107 100 4 110X705 03932 Miss April FoolM 3 89 700 70003S01 03S01 Cock o the Main 110 102 5 107X700 107X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 24 1910 145 3 110 53031 bCobrita 110 149 0 103X725 53129 Nashotah 109 148 4 108X720 50931 Lady Innocence 111148 10108X715 03930 Ostentatious 110 1497 12 10SX715 03962 bFrank Shannon 102 147 5 114X715 53930 bThos F McMahon110 14 5 102X710 53031 = bRobert Lee tfliaTlHOT 8 107X710 53791 bUuckhorn II 4 110X710 53743 Aiietta 5 97 700 70053p29 53p29 blriob Daisy 108 148 6 10Q70Q