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LATONIA OPENS SATURDAY Weights Announced for Inaugural Handicap Chief Race of Splendid Racing Program COVIXGTOX Ky May 31 Preparations arc criii lctcI for the reception of horses from Clitireliill Downs where the spring meeting at that point ended yesterday The horse colony at Latonia 1ms been growing daily anil after the special trains reach Jiere from Louisville there will not be i vacant stall stallAmong Among the arrivals last week was the string of Mose Goldblatt including those he is training for 11 1 Whitney Goldblatt says that Tames Rowe plans to return lo Latonia with more of the Whit ¬ ney horses wiring to have nine stalls bedded down for him It is expected tl it Rroomspun will be sent here to run in the La to lia Derby DerbyAnother Another arrival last week as the stable of It J Waldcn of Maryland with s xtecn horses horsesEverything Everything is spick and s i for the coining meet ¬ ing which opens next Saturlay For the opening day the Inaugural Ilandic p and the Cfipsetta Stakes will lie the stellar racing attractions Weights for the first mentioned Jiave been an ¬ nounced and are as follows followsTrainer Trainer Wins Trainer TrainerSir Wins Sir Iarton 135 riuribus Hilly Kelly 130 FiUacy The 1orter 12 Sands of Pleasure PleasureJohn John P Grier 127 Itcliove Idle Hou HouEternal Eternal 2 IMS Hit of White Boniface 123 United Verde On Watch 125 Jorice Itlazes 121 Ararat Upset 11 Xnleika llusy Signal 120 Midway Dr Clark IIS Mayor House Best Pal US Hilly Barton The Wanderer 117 Herald Paul Jones 117 Belgian Queen Ginger 11G Bon Homine Lcocharcs 11 Cinderella High Cloud 115 The Leopard Sennings Park 111 Transient Cant Mac 111 Lord Wrack Woodtrap 114 Dancing Spray Brookiiolt 112 Gen J M Gomez GomezEthel Ethel Gray 112 Bettina Colonel Livingston 112 Kinburn General Haig Ill Longh Storm Piul Weidel Ill Kapid Traveler High Command 110 Despair Behave Yourself 110 MIIIMIOH Black Servant 110 Lady Madcap War Pennant 110 John S Reardon ReardonKing King Plaudit 110 Black Watch II IIJack Jack Hare Jr 109 Colonel Baker Broonispuu 109 Dresden Westwood 10 Sergeant York St Bernard 109 Gangway Rangoon 108 Baigneur Tryster 108 General Average AverageSway Sway 108 Firebrand Bullion 10S Lothair Miirjorie Ilynes IlynesDistinction 107 Longh Eagle Distinction 107 Trust Ollicial Mighty Man 100 Scottish Chief Sun Brae 105 Balance Wheel Sterling 10G Dark Ben Dartmoor 10i Bnnga Buck Prudery 10 Aiken Peace Pennant 100 Old Chap Bread Man 100 Govnor Minute Man 103 Castlereagh Castlereaghlori Lady Starlette lori Lough Swilly Exodus 103 Cotton Blossom Coyne 103 War Prize Rouleau 105 Vulcanite Pictor 104 Legal Make Up 104 Mile Dazie Ultmirtge 101 Alula Wyoming 101 Nurture Drastic 104 Niippo