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LATEST WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST 597 597NEW NEW YORK N Y May 31 Todays training gallops over the local courses included the follow ¬ ing ingJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile594Clarice 594Clarice 35 578Mavourneen 37 37594DrTSDabney 594DrTSDabney 30 594Romany 30 r 94Leghorn 35 35Half Half Mile 580Ararat 54 595Kate Brummel51 585Arrowhead 50 nonMoody 54 573Biixom 51 594Marjorie M 51 592Dr Clark 54 594Omer K 53 590Despair 54 594Pietrus 49 594Daydue 53 591Pastouroau 50 444Fluff 48 592Rustler 51 Grass Tree 51 578Sca Mimic 50 571June Grass 51 591Uranius 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Kile Kile594Tohn 594Tohn Dundeel02 595Parader 104 104594Killala 594Killala 110 594 Pa via 102 102595Long 595Long Grass l03Vs 593So It Goes 103 103r95Miles r95Miles S 104 594Sagacity 103 Mi Mi595Mnna 595Mnna Grass 103 597TingaLing 110 110ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile589Beckna 589Beckna 117 507Frogtown 118 118594Cliat 594Cliat Thierryl19 594Heatherton 118 118tonDorothys tonDorothys PetllC 59CStaunch 119 119SevenEighths SevenEighths Kile 592Regal Lodge 130 130One One Mile Mile595Biff 595Biff Bang 140 595Sunnyland 140 594Bennington 149 591St Isadore 149 593Leading Star 140 140Miles Miles S worked easily Johnny Dundee seems in good condition Beckua was under restraint Regal Ledge was under restraint Siiuiiylnnd and Leading Star went together easily Biff Bang had an easy workout St Isadore and Bennington galloped an easy mile on even terms termsBEZMONT BEZMONT PARK AVeather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile Mile589Evil 589Evil 35 595Prudish 30 30Confusion Confusion 38 594Ranikin 40 40595Faunus 595Faunus 37 594Rancocas 38 38590Fifty 590Fifty Fifty 38 580Tryster 43 43595Kingfl 595Kingfl Fancy 37 595Tidings 37 37592Lii 592Lii Rablee 41 589 Valor 38 38Half Half Mile Mile590Blue 590Blue Teal 49 595Mnlciber 48 48578Bayoniic 578Bayoniic 55 Nancy Shanks 50 50Chesterbrook Chesterbrook 52 593Thunderclap 48 Five Eighths Mile Mile595Arapahoe 595Arapahoe 107 585PHIory 102 102095Crociis 095Crociis 104 594P T Barnuml02 Barnuml02Crombey Crombey 110 594Royal Jester 102 595Dartmoor 105 Rose Hill 101 101593Finality 593Finality 105 594Smoke Screenl12 Screenl12591Kinnoul 591Kinnoul 102 AVhirligig 104 104ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile Mile594Chincotgne 594Chincotgne 117 594Perfection 110 110594Cirrus 594Cirrus 124 595Star Realm 110 110594Canbeen 594Canbeen 117 594Snare 115 115High High Speed 119 595St Patrick 119 593Lord Brightonl14 590Two Feathersl10 Feathersl10594Orcus 594Orcus 118 118SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile 595Sunnyland 131 131One One Mile 587Cum Sab 140 587TacU Stuart 147 147595David 595David Harum 142 581Pahaska 149 149nSlKliminator nSlKliminator 144 593AVapitl 144 144591Goaier 591Goaier 144 144Mile Mile and an Eighth 595Tohn P Grier203 Grier203Mile Mile and a Quarter Quarter590Tohn 590Tohn P Tones209 592The Trout 205 Evil showed improvement Muleiber went well and has his speed Thunderclap seems at his best Kinnoiil iid P T Itanium worked well together Rose Hill went fast Snare seems in good condition John P Grier galloped easily John Paul Jones is near good form