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WORKOUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST 619 LTONIA Ky June 22 Todays training gal ¬ lops over the local course included the following Weather clear track slow ThreeEighths Mile Mile61CAccelerate 61CAccelerate 39 C13Leander 39 39614Banker 614Banker Brown 37 OilMartha Fallon 37 37610CIrcus 610CIrcus 36 613Recruit 39 39612Concentrate 612Concentrate 37 G04Tulsa 36 36GilHonor GilHonor Man 37 60SWm Oldt 37 37Kitty Kitty Maud 37 37Half Half Kile Kile015Alverida 015Alverida 49 017Loveliness 51 51013Aloft 013Aloft 50 617NapOO 49 49610Blowg 610Blowg Bubbles49 CISPresumption 55 615College Girl 50 614Rockministcr 55 55616Fallacy 616Fallacy 51 604Rising Rock 52 52G14J G14J C Stone 52 613Whispering 50 50613Jake 613Jake Fold 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Kile 617 Amaze 103 G14Granite Warel04 Warel04611Bengore 611Bengore 103 604Home Boundl07 Boundl07605Bred 605Bred at Homel05 613M Crestwoodl04 Crestwoodl04613Bright 613Bright Leaf 105 G13McAdoo 105 105612Estero 612Estero 107 614Sandy Mac lOGys lOGys591Fair 591Fair Phantoml06 Phantoml06Three Three Quarters Kile 612 Al Thomas 118 613Lady Madcapl19 599Broth Love 123 G15M5ss Patty 118 118I I 602Creation 120 601Nordeck 118 1 G03Fifi II 121 012Ring Rose 12 12618Gorhain 618Gorhain 120 618Rcfugee II11 599Kimpalong 120 012Rapid Stridel19 One Kile Kile612Bromo 612Bromo 143 018Tonett 145 145002Brunswick 002Brunswick 148 018Ray Atkin 152 152015Corson 015Corson 147 015Storm Pabyl50 Pabyl50015Dimples 015Dimples 143 018Servicn Flagl51 Flagl51614Frank 614Frank F 150 614The Wit 145 145618Uourmand 618Uourmand 150 GllWhirlg Dun 150 Kile and an Eighth Eighth613Candle 613Candle Light 202 GOORangoon 158 158Kile Kile and a Quarter 618Firebrand 211 211JAKAICA JAKAICA JAKAICANEW NEW YORK N Y June 22 Training opera ¬ tions over the Long Island tracks this morning included the following Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Kile Kile617Claquer 617Claquer 41 617Irish Brigadier35 Brigadier35Half Half Kile Kile617Carmencita 617Carmencita 49 CISMaize 5 5015Elias 015Elias 0 50 G17Pavia 5L 5L017Jesava 017Jesava 49 017P Qui Roule 52 52GilMaster GilMaster Jack 51 013Runnyol 50js 50jsFiveEighths FiveEighths Kile G15Santa Claus 105 105Three Three Quarters Kile G15Bright Lightsl21 017Dark Hill 126 126612Carline 612Carline S 115 013Nancy 119 119617Com 617Com Eishmnl15 610Prin Pandoral17 One Kile Kilej j 615Bantry 149 6t7Killala 140 140014Bennington 014Bennington 150 GIGLady Gtruclel44 Gtruclel44017Conine 017Conine I45y5 018Sea Sinner 140 140017Chat 017Chat Thierryl45 015St Isidore 150 150014Florsain 014Florsain 144 144Irish Irish Brigadier showed gobd speed Princess Pandora was under restraint Commissioner Eish maiin worked well Carline S was not extended Lady Gertrude had an easy mile Conine and Chateau Thierry went easily on even terms BELKONT PARK PARKThe The following are the workouts at the local track for Wednesday June 22 Weather clear track fast Three Eighths Kile Kile017Bllly 017Bllly McLghlin37 615May Blossom 38 014Irish Confetti 37 574Mnmbo Jumbo 38 014Green Fruit 30 613Rockport 017 Jocose 38 014TreveIyan 608KaiSang 30 613Toddle 614Lydia S 38 616Wrecker Half Kile 017 Box wood 51 612Light Rose 590Bud Fisher 54 586Misdeal 017Devastation 49 617Neddam 614Dan Boiling Boiling612Fancier 53 Philosopher 612Fancier 49 615Rose Brigade 617Halu 49 017 Roulette 017Little Chief 50 017The Almoner 49 49FiveEighths FiveEighths Kile Kile010Hobev 010Hobev Baker 104 017ToiI 101 101GlOOvertake GlOOvertake 109 OlSViolinist 101 101Three Three Quarters Kile Kile017Dunboyne 017Dunboyne 119 615Mavehona 119 119017Diomedes 017Diomedes 113 015Pahaska 115 115015Gnelph 015Gnelph 115 617St Patrick 124 124OlGIdle OlGIdle Dell 113 017Topaz 118 562 Jem 117 018Ticncey 118 118017Tules 017Tules Verne 115 617 William A 116 014Lufiillite 119 119One One Kile Kile017Due 017Due du Mornyl45 onPilgrim 143 143018Donnacqna 018Donnacqna 142 617Itegal Lodge 144 144617Krewer 617Krewer 143 017Rep 143 143017Mad 017Mad Hatter 140 017Sweepment 149 617 Paul Jones 141 017Tlumderclap 140 140Kile Kile and an Eighth Eighth617Audacious 617Audacious 157 017Jolm P Grierl5l 017David Haruml56 017Nancy Lee 150 150GlSFlambettc GlSFlambettc 150 017Sportiboy 150 150John John P Grier worked impressively Audacious went easily Paul Jones seems fresh and jrood AMolinist worked fast Toil went well all thu way Krewer was not extended Thunderclap and Mud Hatter worked well on even terms Idle Dell and Diomedes showed a fine work Pilgrim is Hearing good form Donnacona went well William A was under restraint Regal Lodge galloped an easy mile Nancy Lee and Flambette went easily on even terms