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SECOND RACE 58 Mile 2yearolda Maidens Colts and Geldiiifrs Special GeldiiifrsSpecial Weiftlits Jniie 22 IftlO 59 2 1OO 1OOJAMES JAMES B BROWN br c 2 M 116 By Master Robert Marbles by Lissak LissakTrainer Trainer R C Frakos Owner Kohn Theisen 55027 Latonia 58101 fast 39 115 3 1 2 2J 23 W Lilley 12 Bet Mosie Billy Star Tamper 54892 Latonia 58 l01fast 17 112 C 2 3 4J 43 W Lilley 12 Hutchison Lcharesll Vitamin 53821 Lexton 12 48 fast 55 112 7 7 6 711 A Allen 10 Rekab ComMcMeekin Topmt TopmtBILLY BILLY STAR br g 2 M 115 By Golden Maxim Nellie Welles by Dick Welles WellesTrainer Trainer J C Milam Owner Montfort Tones 55027 Latonia 58 101 fast 175 115 4 23 32 3 T Murray 12 BetMosie JasliBrowh Tamper 54710 Latonia 4 f 54fast 17 115 2 2 21 Ul H Lunsfdl2 Ruggles Salamnder RWgneld RWgneldTAMPER TAMPER ch c 3 M 116 By Broomstick Tamps by Rabelais RabelaisTrainer Trainer M Goldblatt Owner M Goldblatt 5027 Latonia 5S 101 fast 24 115 2 4 4 4 4 J Francis 12 BetMosie JBBrown BillyStar 54245 Churchl 12 46fast 7 110 2 4 4 411 J D Mney 4 Miss Joy Rekab Adventure 64119 Churchl 41 f 55mud 175 110 3 2 2 2 L Penman 5 Stamp Bully Buttons Colossua SALAMANDER ch c 2 M 115 By Tim Payne Saleska by Salvation SalvationTrainer Trainer J Lowe Owner E Cebriaa 55027 Latonia 58101 fast 12 115 8 76 61 6 1 N Barrett 12 Bet Mosie JBBrown BillyStar 54946 Latonia 58 l00fast 6 112 1 3 2 V 22 W Heinchl2 Article X Dad Herinoden 54810 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 22 115 7 6 6 1 5s W Heinch 12 Yoshlmi Leochares II Dad 54710 Latonia 41 f 54fast 225f 115 3 3 3 35J W Heinchl2 Ruggles Billy Star R Wingfleld 54655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 46 115 2 3 52 612 W HeinchlO Cold Boy Lcharesll DSinker SUAVE PRINCE ch c 2 M 115 115Trainer By Frizzle Grace Cole by Ornament Trainer L Paul Owner M Everton 55074 Latonia 58 101 fast 12 115 5 22 3l 3 F Paul 10 GteWare DeepSinker Marimba 54810 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 42 115 2 1 41 612 F Paul 12 Yoshiini Leochares II Dad DadBANKER BANKER BROWN br c 2 M 115 By Helmet Vaila by Fariman FarimanTrainer Trainer J H Thompson Owner E R Bradley 55074 Latonia 58 101 fast 145 115 9 99 9 9ls L Lyke 10 GteWare DpSinker SePrince 54837 Latonia 58105 hvy 14 112 2 22 3s 313 L Lyke 4 Miss Joy Casey Colored Boy 54655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 10 115 1 10 10 10 C ThopsnlO Cold Boy Lcharesll DSinker DSinkerDEEP DEEP WaterboyTrainer SINKER b g 2 M 115 By Beach Comber Water K by Waterboy Trainer G Land Owner F J Kelley 55074 Latonia 58 101 fast 9 115 7 73 21 2 G Fields 10 Granite Ware SPrice Marimba 54892 Latonia 58 l01fast 4 113 1 3 5 61 7 J W W Tloria Hutchison Lcharesll Vitamin 54760 Latonia 41 f 56mud 17 107 7 5 32 31 E Josiah 7 MCstwood Alverida ArtlcleX 54655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 84 115 7 5 41 3 E Graves 10 Cold Boy Lcharesll GJouett GJouettSADDLE SADDLE AND BOOTS ch c 2 M 116 By Boots and Saddle Flash of Lightning by Ben BenTrainer Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean Brush or Prince of Monaco 55074 Latonia 58 101 fast 31f 115 4 46 61 6 ° N Huff 10 GteWare DpSinker SePrince 54892 Latonia 58 l01fast 1710 112 10 99 91 910 N Huff 12 Hutchison Lcharesll Vitamin 54655 Latonia 41 f 54fast 1 115 4 8 71 7 N Huff 10 Cold Boy Lcharesll DSinker DSinkerZACK ZACK TERRELL br c 2 M 115 By Zeus Honotic by Heno HenoTrainer Trainer J R Alexander Owner J R Alexander 55114 Lutonia 58 l014fast 16f 115 8 69 II 11 O Willis 12 Stonewall TColsLady EVale 55027 Latonia 58101 fast 32f 115 1 55 51 5 O Willis 12 Bet Mosie JBBrowii BillyStar 54892 Latonia 5S l01fast 84f 112 8 10 11 11 11 O Willis 12 Hutchison LcliaresII Vitamin 54810 Latonia 41 f 58hvy 21f 115 10 12 12 12 W W T lor 12 Yoshimi Leochares II Dad 54514 Churchl 41 f 64fast 126 115 11 11 11 11 R McDott 11 John Finn Demos Montjoy 54305 Churchl 41 f 63fast 44 115 5 4 6 6 R McDott 8 Beuiceful Demos GmanJett GmanJettSANGRADO SANGRADO b c 2 M 115 By Sweep Annie Williams by Lazzarone LazzaroneTrainer Trainer J F Schorr Owner E B McLean 55074 Latonia 58 101 fast 21f 115 10 10 10 10 10 ° T Nolan 10 GteWare DpSinker SePrince SPODS b g 2 M 115 By Bulse Oasis by Commando CommandoTrainer Trainer W Buford Owner Hal Price Headley 54179 Churchl 12 50hvy 2910 113 3 34 413 M Garner 4 Dorius Herrnoden BullyButtons 53914 Lexton 41 f 56mud 14 115 5 4 a 5 H Lunsfd 7 AlauiGirl MCrestwd CBaker 53850 Lexton 12 48mud 5 109 2 4 4 4 N Barrett 5 Casey QceGarden FastTrial FastTrialBOJUL BOJUL AutolightTrainer b c 2 M 115 By Sidbow Julia H Faulkner by Autolight Trainer G P Mattingly Owner G P Mattingly H4446 Churchl 41 f 55mud 66 111 S 88 8 L Allen S Colossus Sun Time Hermoden HermodenFirst First start for the folio whig CIRCUS ch c 2 M 115 By Whisk Broom II Pageant by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer T P Hayes Owner H P Whitney DR PRALL ch c 2 M 115 By Frizzle Anna Caldwell by Astronomer AstronomerTrainer Trainer W F Poison Owner W F Poison SIR HUGH b c 2 M 115 By Light Brigade Enigma by Ben Brush BrushTrainer Trainer J C Milan Owner J N Camden CamdenBILLY BILLY BRUSH b c 2 M 115 By Ben Brush Sweetheart Sue by Peter Quince QuinceTrainer Trainer R L Hubble Owner R L Hubble SMILING LAD ch c 2 M 115 By Suffragist Smiling Maiden by Smile SmileTrainer Trainer R J Walden Owner Walden Morris